DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • >

    > Scirra needs to create a subscription based model.

    > I'm not talking high, maybe $50 - $100 per annum above the personal/business purchase price, which includes multiplayer, exporters etc.


    If Scirra did this, I would stop using Construct 2 and I think probably many other people would as well. I'm not saying it isn't worth it - it probably is - but it would be the final push I needed to stop using game engines and learn to code properly dammit. Just my 2p.

    I do have a quick question, though. I only really want to make fairly large and complex games for desktop PCs - I'm not really interested in ads, mobiles or any other platform - and lot of this discussion is a bit over my head For users like me, are Construct's export options (which is Node-Webkit I guess) good for what I want to do?

    Apologies in advance if this is exactly what everyone's been talking about, and I'm being thick...

    Not talking about subscription model for the software, only a few additional plugins like multiplayer (which I believe is being hinted to be subscription based because of the time it takes to maintain and build additional functionality)

    Your quick question is the very reason I use construct 2. It is really good for desktop games and you don't need to be concerned with anything that is in this thread.

    They are discussing trying to squeeze a desktop game onto a mobile phone and make it run the same. Which you can understand is the cause to he frustration because currently nothing makes this process easy.

    Node-webkit is perfect. And html5 export is perfect (outperforms competitors in html5) which means it outperforms competitors in desktop too I would say because game is still run from a stripped down chrome.

    You are good to go. Some really big, games coming to desktop using construct2.

  • I am currently playing Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare and Titanfall... both on Xbox One...

    Jealous I pre-ordered titanfall, and they canceled my order. They decided not to release in south africa.

    So what game am I playing now... brought dayZ and enjoying it. Damn addictive, and buggy enough to make me want to cry (lost my fully kitted character a number of times due to coming back to game with nothing. Character lost)

    But good game. Would have prefered titanfall

  • [quote:nrkdgrq2]5000 paying subscription members paying $100 per year will see Construct 2 grow to become what we all need it to become.

    Nothing prevents you from donating $100 to Scirra with a check in the mail.

    Donations do jack to fund anything of value. This thread is about the realistic state of construct2. Without a revenue stream outside of 1 sale transactions, construct 2 state is going to be none existent.

    Donations are not a business model. Donations don't pay for employees. Donations don't fund new features. Features that have been raised in this thread which will require more manpower to implement and maintain.

    Features that are absolutely necessary to keep construct2 in the marketplace.

  • Exporters are essential. Being reliant on 3rd parties is ludicrous.

    Scirra needs to create a subscription based model.

    I'm not talking high, maybe $50 - $100 per annum above the personal/business purchase price, which includes multiplayer, exporters etc.

    Be Smart, Think about it guys

    Scirra needs this cash stream. For each 1000 paying $100 is $100,000 is hiring 1 more dev/programmer to the scirra team. Which will be an extra 1992 hours of dev on top of whatever ashley does per year.

    5000 paying subscription members paying $100 per year will see Construct 2 grow to become what we all need it to become.

    Business with subscription models have longivity. Business, that sell once and promise lifetime upgrades are great because we think we score, but truth is they usually close down eventually for lack of a number of things - money, motivation, etc. Things get harder as time goes on for single sale busines models.

    Its a great model, but needs to be subsidized by a small annual subscription model (Subscribers get the perks - multiplayer, exporters, support, whatever ).

  • I'm busy with this myself. I will charge for the game/app and buyer will be issued with a software license. Some will be valid for a month(trial) others a year etc etc.

    You can sell, or even offer free - the choice is yours.

    So far,

    Easiest way.

    Wordpress. [free]

    Easy digital downloads plugin. [free]

    Easy digital downloads extension (software licensing) [$82]

    This postto teach you how to interact with mysql database. (I know its multiplayer, but it teaches you how to connect to database, how to send and recieve data)

    You need to be able to send / recieve data using the Software Licensing Extension API.

    Sidenote: the extension is written more for wordpress theme/plugin developers, but can be used or anything that requires a licensing system with a little out the box thinking.

    I am actually stripping it down (writing my own so to speak) and adding in a few more features to make it work better with C2 (this is for my own needs, not for sale) besides it will take me some time as it is a side side project.

    Also, woocommerce (also a shopping cart system) has an extension for licensing (more expensive) I didn't go for woo for a number of reasons, but you might like that option too.

  • Now that looks great. Very nice.

    When viewing all menus "M" it looks great, but your health etc takes up too much of the small space. Is it absolutely necessary to have that during the menu view?

    But looks great.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
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  • Beaverlicious, Joskin, and others.

    Ok. Didn't know about previous version.

    Dayz is still in alpha, so it is still very new. Well the standalone one is. Couple bugs etc. But fun.

    It really depends on the server. Some is full of bandits. Others have no loot. And others like the one I was invited too is full of loot, and decent players.

    Oh, sorry about wrong topic spot. New board names confused me a bit.

    Edit: this is in no way made with C2. lol

  • Just a general topic on new game called Dayz.

    I'm not into games like this, but I must admit, blown away by it. It is in alpha stage, but very impressed so far. Anyone playing this?

    It has been hanging on my steam featured list for some time, and decided to give in and purchased a couple copies for myself and friends (no one like to play alone )

    Such a clever game. And addictive. I love the realism. And interaction. Who is friend? are they really a friend, or do they just want to steal my beans.

    Had a bunch of guys handcuff me, beat me, steal my beans and break my legs. It took me couple hours to die.

    I want revenge - lol.

    Good game.

  • This forum thread

    Click "Post New Topic"

    And it will open a topic window like this... fill in the relevant details.

    [quote:1d8d8tbb]Problem Description

    ____ A concise description of your problem here ____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

    But you did that already and deleted relavant details. So edit your post above with the details I added above and Ashley will see it. Also change your subject. it is like email: look above edit screen and see subject. CHange subject to reflect your issue.

    Are you sure its a bug? you just created an account. Maybe studying the manual, or going through examples, or tutorials will solve your issue.

  • open c2. click new and scroll down the HUGE list of templates/examples.

    Also check out the manual. read read read.

    And the tutorial section covers this and more.

  • >

    > Oh, yeah basic, that was hard. real hard. And sooooooooo, much time.


    Basic is quite easy.. Well, unless you want to do things like gfx or music in C64 (oh the glorious Poke)..

    It was quite a steep step to start making machine code routines. with pokes + sys command. In the end, I'm happy that is no longer necessary.

    It was when I was at school. Started making little games when I was 8, 9, 10 and it was long, hard, work with no instant gratification of a completed game. (I had no money to buy games, and games were scarce anyways, so decided to make my own)

    I used something else too, but for the life of me, can't remember what language it was.

    Fun days those.

  • > Hmmh.. These kids these days. I wonder how many of them would have guts to make a game with C64 or Sinclair spectrum?


    Or making games in basic whit one msx hitbit p20 hehe nice flashback lol

    Oh, yeah basic, that was hard. real hard. And sooooooooo, much time.

  • I know I enjoy making free games and am pretty young, but I saving up for a laptop and won't make enough money in one year and I don't wan't to wait that long. So, why should I have to pay to sell my games? I don't have enough to afford a better license. So why should I have to?

    Lol, a Construct 2 license is the cheapest part of selling your games. It costs peanuts in comparison to other expenses encured in the sale of games and generation of income.

    You are pretty young, stay a hobbyist and get your skill levels up. When you are making great little games that attract interest, then think about progressing.

    But a C2 license is last of your worries when trying to make an income

  • I would use choose(randoma,randomb,randomc,randomd,randome,etc)