How do I make a licesing system

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  • Good afternoon!

    I have an idea but do not know how to start developing it, so I would ask for help and advice here.

    I'm thinking of making a licensing system for my games, ie you can download the game and when you start to ask you to put a license, if you have it, allows you to have the whole game, but if you have not closed the application.

    This is an idea, the other would add a whole application purchase within the App, the problem is I've seen many hacks to pirate these services and I do not wish this will happen to my games, so I thought of a system keys.

    The breakdown would like to do once you entered the password, do not ask again unless you reinstall the application.

    Well that's the general idea, I wonder if someone could aid me with this idea.

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  • I'm busy with this myself. I will charge for the game/app and buyer will be issued with a software license. Some will be valid for a month(trial) others a year etc etc.

    You can sell, or even offer free - the choice is yours.

    So far,

    Easiest way.

    Wordpress. [free]

    Easy digital downloads plugin. [free]

    Easy digital downloads extension (software licensing) [$82]

    This postto teach you how to interact with mysql database. (I know its multiplayer, but it teaches you how to connect to database, how to send and recieve data)

    You need to be able to send / recieve data using the Software Licensing Extension API.

    Sidenote: the extension is written more for wordpress theme/plugin developers, but can be used or anything that requires a licensing system with a little out the box thinking.

    I am actually stripping it down (writing my own so to speak) and adding in a few more features to make it work better with C2 (this is for my own needs, not for sale) besides it will take me some time as it is a side side project.

    Also, woocommerce (also a shopping cart system) has an extension for licensing (more expensive) I didn't go for woo for a number of reasons, but you might like that option too.

  • Thanks a lot DUTOIT

    I'll check your post about the connection with MySQL.

    Probably I'll use the Wordpress system. Thanks again for the help

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