DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • What would be nice is a secure variable to store sensitive info like password. SHrugs

  • The next build has an auto-join feature so you can arrange players in to separate rooms easily.

    Oh, that will be brilliant - thx ashley

  • 1. Quests (quest 4 glory, space quest, kings quest, etc)

    2. Wing comander series

    3. Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem etc

    4. Flashback and Blackthorne

    5. Warcraft (all) and Indiana Jones collection

    5. Vampires: Bloodlines etc (whitewolf publishers vampire games)

    6. Clive Barkers games (notably Undying) and Riddick.

    7. COD GAMES

    8. Farcry 1, 3 (didn't like 2)

    9. Bulletstorm

    10. Unreal Tournament.

    Could add a zillion more...

  • Brilliant. Solved it.

    How did I miss this.

    Now to create additional rooms if other room is full, or password protect rooms, this is very cool addition to C2.

  • Just started messing with the multiplayer plugin and was wondering if someone could help save me some time and frustration.

    Question: is there a way to restrict # of players to say 4 or a predetermined number, and force additional players into a new room / game.

  • double post - delete


    What Ashley meant by subscription. Was that use of the Signalling server would cost a subscription. C2 would still not cost a monthly fee. What the cost of the server subscription be. I don't know. However it's nice that Ashley will make a small free peer connection amount. This let's people to grow there community before requiring to pay

    Your term sounded like Ashley would be charging a monthly fee for C2, which is not the case. And I just want to make sure people knew that C2 will not have a monthly fee. Just he higher peer count for the server. Similar to how many MP servers/api's work not. X free, then cost.

    Disagree with you...

    A) Never said C2 would be included in subscription. That is a pay once, get liftetime updates

    b) According to the blog post, the multiplayer plugin will be an additional subscription fee.

    Call it a paid extension.

    c) It makes no mention of signalling server. It clearly states it will be for he plugin itself.

    [quote:am9afjcr]a low-cost subscription for the full version of the multiplayer feature upon its final release. This is planned to support extended features, including player logins and data storage (e.g. for players to accumulate inventory, achievements, ranks or experience points in a multiplayer game), leaderboards, location-based matchmaking, and possibly relay servers to help connect users who are behind extremely restrictive NAT and would otherwise be unable to connect

    The subscription for the multiplayer plugin will support developmental costs (past and future).

  • This sounds like not knowing enough about the software and limitations (shared by all engines).

    I myself called this a hobbyist tool for lack of knowledge.

    I have since changed my stance and am blown away at the the power of this software.

    What took me over 2000 events to do, I can now do in under a 600. This is called acquired knowledge.

    And what was 15 fps cruises at 60fps and no bottlenecks.

    Like anything in life, you just have to learn the tools. What they can/can't do and adjust accordingly.

    And trust me, I still don't know how to do 80% of the things I haven't even tried yet. Lots more learning as new games get developed.

  • Use spritefonts rather. Check tutorial section for usage of spritefonts. Far better and runs on all devices and looks same on all devices.

  • Update drivers. Unistall C2. Restart pc. Redownload. Re-install. Check drivers. Restart pc.

    The important part is redownload, and reinstall from new download and restart pc to flush out. If it worked 30 min before, then it isn't really drivers. But update them anyways.

    And this is in wrong section and double post.

  • Ashley's Blog Post

    It says they might realease a trial version at a later stage for free edition.

    But that would only be while it is in beta, and that is if they do it.

    But in all honesty, I doubt free version will ever get it, besides,

    According to the blog post once it is out of beta, the full version will probably be released via a subscription plan. So if you can't afford C2, i don't think the muliplayer plugin will be in your grasp either

  • +1 - will save so much time...

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  • Did you read?

    Answer is not currently in Beta, and scirra has a beast of a rig with a gigabit connection. (very hard to top, and very expensive to beat)

    But answer is NO YOU CAN'T in beta, and beta is going to be around for some time.

    And Directly answering your questions....

    Is there a way to host my own signalling server, like a local server, or a very own server?


    Is the multiplayer plugin will only be available though the official Scirra server?


    Once out of beta, there is a possibility.

  • Your Answer

  • It is buggy, very buggy... and left 4 dead was great, but this is way better.

    I think once it is out of alpha it will be an extremely engaging game. Already is is addictive. Too addictive actually...lol