DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • I thought of some new suggestions. They involve the animation editor.

    I want the ability to import an animated gif and turn it into an animation.

    I also want the ability to copy and paste frames, including from one animation to another.

    MMF had these things.

    Since I have been exploring construct a little more, I have noticed quite a number of small things that are better in it than in MMF. for example, the "ping pong" thing in the animation editor. It's those little touches that make it better. However, there are also some little touches MMF has that construct doesn't.

    While I was typing this I thought of something else. The ability to do something to a frame such as rotate it, colorize it, scale it, etc, and have it automatically create the frames for it to animate such an effect using the number of frames you choose. Game Maker is VERY superior in this aspect. MMF has a little bit of it, but not as much as GM.

    Finally, I want to praise construct on the fact that you don't have to copy and paste every object into every frame. I had an MMF game with like 32 frames, each with the player object in them. After the fact I decided to give her more animations, and I had to paste them onto the player object on every frigging frame!

    I suggest you read the manual here, here.

    I suggest you familirize yourself with the software and plugins and tools as so far all your suggestions can already be done.

    Have a look here,

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    , here

    Remember: This is a game building engine, not a image editor/animation maker - for these you have external tools.

    Other softwares try to be everything to everyone, and they loose sight of there core functionality.

    Construct 2 is a game building engine, it has core updates almost weekly (unmatched by competitor products) because C2 understands that there are better external softwares for the job.

    Have a look at the links I gave. Spend time building the examples found within the software. Click new and browse down the list to all the examples etc.

    Learn your toolset, and build awesome games. The biggest issue that faces you is lack of knoweledge. Remember, in life, you have to be both the student, and the teacher - go teach yourself by using the awesome resources available. Oh, just found this.

    Stick to learning this amazing software - devote an hour a day for 90 days. Then come back here, and offer your suggestions based on your experience (because at the moment you don't have much).

    Also, when you get stuck, which you will - I garentee it, this community are very helpful as long as you show (you are willing to learn, you have tried and failed a few times, you can offer up proof of your attempts, are open to being pushed to grow your understanding a little, etc etc)

    I prefered GM in the beginning, but realized it was only because I was used to it. Now after spending a considerable amount of time on C2, I can say, I prefer how c2 handles things. Give it some time, takes a fair amount to get used to something. I have no doubt it will grow on you too

    [quote:3sqnngzd]It was so annoying! I really would however, like the ability to import an animated gif. I import pokemon graphics with hundreds of frames quite a lot.

    Photoshop unpacks the image perfectly and you can use a better software to get it game ready. Hundreds of frames is not recommended - try spriter or anime studio.

    Your game is going to use to many resources, run out of mem or cpu.

    And be carefull. Those graphics are copyrighted. Unless you have permission, you can't use it. Stay away from gifs, unless you have made them yourself.

    And you think that justifies bullying someone or blowing them off without giving them a chance?

    Reported! You trying to pick a fight. And I am not interested in getting into a fight

    Understand. We don't owe anybody anything. That includes the time it takes to help someone. The fact you get help is a gift.

    Treat it as such.


    > > why are people being bullies? maybe this community IS like clickteam after all. Either way, some of the replies here don't leave a good impression on me. >.<

    > >


    > This community is nothing like clickteam. The underlying issue with this thread and countless other threads like this one, is that uneducated, new users with big dreams try the software (maybe spending 30 hours) and fail to create the blockbuster game. They then come and attack the software.


    > This is a very helpful community, but don't come guns blazing as tho OP did. Because you will meet with resistance.

    > Trust me, the guys in this topic are very very helpful. They would have ensured that OP got his game running at 60fps, but he wasn't interested. Some folks even PM'd him trying to help. He just wasn't interested.


    > What is important to remember. We don't have to help anyone, and we also get tired of abusive people who demand help. We help because we strive to be a open, friendly community.

    > In this case, the OP wasn't willing to meet anybody halfway, he just wanted to flame.


    But does that really make it okay to flame him back? is that what so called "resistance" is?

    I am sorry if I didn't read the whole topic or know about the PMs. but the very first reply to him was "ugh. not another one of these". very unhelpful. If construct doesn't run well for him, and it does run okay for others, he therefore had a different experience, there is probably a reason why, such as what type of phone he has. SOME people talked about that but other people just blew him off right off the bat.

    I guess we can discuss this in greater depth once you've spent a couple months helping folks. Because no matter what I answer, we are looking at this from a different perspective.

  • DialgaBrite,

    I own all of them, from Unity 3d to GM and everything inbetween. The program is chosen based on what is right for the job.

    I can tell you also that the large majority of users (the real game makers here) also use various software and though some favor others (I prefer C2 for html5) that is allowed, it is my preference.

    The large majority of C2 users are also GM users, Unity3d Users, etc etc etc

    We are Game Makers, and we are found in many places

    And we all come with baggage, and preferences, etc. "Each to their own"

    But real game makers, know that no one software is the king - each has its reason to be used or not used based on project.

    why are people being bullies? maybe this community IS like clickteam after all. Either way, some of the replies here don't leave a good impression on me. >.<

    This community is nothing like clickteam. The underlying issue with this thread and countless other threads like this one, is that uneducated, new users with big dreams try the software (maybe spending 30 hours) and fail to create the blockbuster game. They then come and attack the software.

    This is a very helpful community, but don't come guns blazing as tho OP did. Because you will meet with resistance.

    Trust me, the guys in this topic are very very helpful. They would have ensured that OP got his game running at 60fps, but he wasn't interested. Some folks even PM'd him trying to help. He just wasn't interested.

    What is important to remember. We don't have to help anyone, and we also get tired of abusive people who demand help. We help because we strive to be a open, friendly community.

    In this case, the OP wasn't willing to meet anybody halfway, he just wanted to flame.

  • ramones,

    Bravo, good call.

  • Ashley

    woo... I can't configure the server's HTTP response, it's a third-party server....now, it's a serious problem.

    what else can I do?

    It is also illegal to load other websites images/media without consent, AND Hotlinking is a crime.

  • Not image 3, agree to oily.

    1 or 2 is fine. I would however build the game first and do artwork last.

    RPG is one of the hardest games to build, and you will find yourself changing lots and lots and lots of aspects of the game, thereby changing what assets are used, not used, style etc.

    Get the playability polished, then make it look pretty.

    Use free assets as place holders.

    The most simple example is Enemy Health Bars. Often its updated in size every tick in most CAPX I've seen, not necessary since in most games, attacks or opportunities for enemies to take damage occur much less frequently than every 16ms. Multiply this by heaps of enemies onscreen, its just extra CPU cycles being wasted.

    True, best place to update health bar is when something actually hits it. So when you write your attack events, just add a update health function at end.

    You fire laser - laser misses

    You fire laser - laser hits - "Update Health Status"

    You fire laser - laser misses

    you fire laser - laser misses.

    you pick you nose, take a sip of coffee

    you fire laser - laser misses

    you fire laser - laser hits - "Update Health Status"

    you fly through a add 5 health token - "Update Health Status"

    you hit a wall - "Update Health Status'

    Maybe first tip should be "do not start with making a mobile game, instead try different little desktop prototypes"?

    I like that, how about do not start on your game, start with tutorials and examples and make those first.

    I learnt SO MUCH from

    Template: Real Time Strategy (RTS)

    (An advanced template showing how to set up an RTS style game with user-commanded units which aim and fire at enemies)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • If HZGaming use letterbox scale, it will scale it down automatically.

    megatronx, Yes, I agree, but also no, it depends on his objects etc. It is project dependant, and I think the letterbox distorts some of his images. Or it poses issues for him.

    Just thinking he could use use scale - set layer 1 scale to 0.416 etc or at the right scale so that images don't distort.

    But like I said, someone made a script to do it. I think they were trying to make desktop game into mobile... going to have to search.

    I personally use letterbox in my project. But I also ensure that my game looks good no matter what size it scales to.

    I use 1920, 1080 which scales beautifully

  • megatronx I believe you misunderstood me. I want to change my layout size which is 1366, 768 to 683, 384 and I also want all the objects to scale as well with the same aspect ratio. I was just wondering if there was an easier way to do it than by manually scaling each image and re-positioning them.

    Unfortunately the only real way is to do it manually. But, someone wrote a small script to do this automatically. It is in the forums somewhere. You are going to have to search as I didn't bookmark it.

  • Not much video tutorials as video isn't very helpful. It is entertaining as videos are, but do little to actually get you to code anything.

    The only real way to learn is to actually do, to trail and error your way through issues.

    I can however recommend you search youtube, I have found a few good videos there.

    And this could be what you need to look at as it offers the basics in a visual way.

    If you could rephrase your question might help to, as I don't understand exactly what you mean.

    I can tell you that the manual is probably the best source of information.

    For example here is a list of expressions without the math. Just the forumala's if you will.


    itz been 8 month , m working in c2

    main problem with c2 is , you can not make it responsive ,itz difficult .

    plz dont tell me to set property of full scree in browser to letter box scale.

    it helps to fit your game to screen but doesnt make it responsive

    m agree with you generalhak

    You joined 36 days ago....

    So you and generalhak share something in common - whole month wasted... such a shame really

  • Since this is my first fourm, I was wondering how do I make this forum status "solved" ? Or is there no button for that. Thanks guys. Scirra is the best!

    Just edit your origanal post (first one) and put [SOLVED] in the title