DuckfaceNinja's Forum Posts

  • C2 image editor should be called as C2 image manager instead. The only thing that you should be doing in it is managing your collision polygons, your imagepoints, animation names, placeholders graphic, image imports. Beyond that, use other tools which are already establish for a long time.

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    Thanks for the link Too bad I don't have the necessary skill yet to be able to use them.

  • You can add parameter in the Call Function dialog. Double click the Call "EnableCrabby"(), click on the "add parameter", type Crabby.UID, you should see exactly what nimos100 typed above, then follow through his instruction.

  • Is there a chance that your miserable situation caused by the c2dataeditor? Probably tag the seller would be a good idea to ask his assistance. I haven't use browser.ExecJS before because I don't know how, so I can't tell whether those parameters are properly forwarded or not.

    It's rare to see advanced question like this though, hopefully better users can give some hint.

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  • skelooth I once used dictionary, honestly I don't really like it because of things that happen to you, once happened to me. I would like to suggest you to use array instead, no particular reasoning to this it just my preference. I rather use dictionary to store simple things only.

    Similar functionality you can exploit:

    Dictionary: haskey; Array: [condition:contain value]

    Dictionary: get; Array:,indexof("xxxx"),#)

  • I have a lot of players on big map. When player shoot other must hear if close to him. "Set listener" isnt helps correctly. Looks like listener always host screen. Any ideas?

    This is interesting to think...

    I never tried this but I think you can calculate this on peer side, because this is not an authoritative case. Let the host sync the coordinate of all peer to everybody, so in peer event, calculate the distance based on sync coordinates, adjust the volume based on the distance. This is if you want to adjust the sound relational to position. If else, what TheDom said is totally a good way to do it.

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  • I wouldn't expect the bandwidth use to be deterministic. Expect variations even for identical runs.

    he test is done with single device (laptop) with just different browser, I haven't done any test between 2 different network, which I plan to use my 3G dongle and home internet (HSBB fibre optic), I think the variation is very small because of the connection is from the same network that it took the LAN advantage. Should I be expecting bigger variation if I use different network? I'm thinking yes.

    Now I just need another PC to test 2 different network.

    it still will have counted the outbound bandwidth because it passed it to the OS network layer.

    hh that's explain the result fluctuation for outbound. Thanks for the info!

  • Problem Solved.

    It seems that time spent on game does affect the calculation, because of some deep-rooted peerlist checking event I did months ago that I forgot it exist, because it's not logged, silly me. Disabling that portion gave me quite consistent result especially for inbound (<1% margin). Outbound still fluctuate a bit but I guess that is due to some packet losses when tested on 3G connection, and the client retry to send the packet, which adds to the outbound total. So far results from steady home internet gives me the most reliable result, I can almost conclude that there are almost no packet losses on steady connection, this gives me confident to continue heavily on the project, MP plugin is great, kudos to Scirra!

  • If you browse the forum enough you will see that buying straight from this website is the better choice, even considering the 3rd party plugin factor.

  • lilvee1989 if you feel insecure, you can always put screenshot of your event or something. Vague question will always get vague response, however precise question will get either vague or precise answer, so go for the latter . The more specific you ask the better, that's why people will ask for capx, MINIMAL, not the full game.

    This works similarly like a bug report though, narrow down the events you have problem with and upload the capx. Btw, problems with minimal capx attached always get good attention from the community.

    On topic: probably like this? I'm just assuming what I think you wanted. You can use physic, but I think at your level, it is probably best to understand solid and bullet first. Deal with physic later when you have a good grasp of C2. Look around the behavior and instance variable I setup,try to make it elegant as your "homework".

    Note: what you wanted from 1st post is z-ordering.