DuckfaceNinja's Forum Posts

  • helena Did you mean something like this? [r155]


  • Wrangler

    That is epic sir.

    Imagine if he has scar and blood on his face --> BADASS

  • I have the same issue too when up to some point I need to copy the layer to most of my layouts but not all. Global HUD is different thing (I'm aware of this), my problem is when I get a layer setting/properties/effect right, I want to implement them to all levels and minor tweak (position, add sprites, etc) them individually. Seriously if there is a feature like it would cut a lot of production hours.

    I hope this thing is in the Ashley to-do list or will be in the list at least.

  • Hi Deivide,

    My answer probably won't be as helpful as I'm new to C2 as well but AFAIK if you use bullet behavior, there's a bounce option or probably better if you assign physic behavior to the player instead.

  • Hi PSI,

    I just happen to read some stuff about boids in the forum, maybe this is what you're looking for? Maybe rexrainbow's pushout plugin will work?

  • nickl That is because your 2nd event only checks collision with the red sprite exclusively. To solve this, use overlap at offset (x=1,y=1) instead of on collision, should do the trick.

  • 5Type thanks. Your screenshots are well designed too! I like the one with brownish greenish back ground. The noise effect look very well blended.

    Out of curiosity, how many layer are you using to get what you have now?

    RandomFellow thanks. I might get the background concept finish sometime today, currently trying to get all the background properly positioned and parallaxed.

    I was too fanatic at getting everything so light I ended up using too many small object to get it right, that's a big cost to mobile performance (SGS3:5-10fps). Believe it or not, everything you see in there are only 180kb worth of art compared my current better mobile performance (SGS3:30-35fps) that almost reach 800kb.

  • Hi, I'm quite new to game dev scene (almost 2 month), and this is my first time attempting it, as a hobby, hopefully with revenue lol...

    Well these are snapshots of my very first game dev project which I decided to abandon 5 days ago... due to frame rate issues... It is a shoot'em up platformer.

    Lessons learned the hard way : Keep everything simple. Not too big, not too small, not too many, be moderate.

    Currently working on the same project but totally revamped arts and sprites.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi,

    I've been around for almost 2 months now. Started looking at game development out of curiosity at first before it became my hobby.

    I enjoy sketching (art), playing music (audio) and coincidentally I'm an engineer (math&logic), if combined I got almost complete complimentary set of needed know-how to be solo-indie-game-developer.

    I look forward to enjoy a hobby with revenue <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks Scirra for this awesome tool. The only purchase I never remorse with!!!

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  • Francesco As a customer we are all humans, give them some working days to sort things out. I believe it's due to holiday season that they can't reply as light-speed as possible. Cheers.

  • Until when exactly the cash incentive will be given out? Will it cease after sometime?

  • In my case, the preview went out of places if chrome is zoomed in or out. The touch behavior also won't work.

    Previews are ok when the scale is at 100%

  • Same goes for me...<img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Win7 32bit.