DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Curti

    hi i dont usually add people on my gmail... so i did a small capx with 4 examples using physics, static rotation and movement+rotation to left using counter-clockwise object.expression see capx events and see the comments inside. hope it helps u

    Download Capx example

  • rotate clockwise/counterclockwise add a speed + 5 or - 5 etc

  • you dont have to use right click u can also use the normal ctrl+c ctrl+v to copy and paste u just need to click to select the action you need and use the commands shortcuts like on any normal windows application... if u mean to paste between 2 actions a new action u cannot do that by using the above... but you can do it by doing the next thing that is also shown in the gif i posted... keeping ctrl down and drag the action you want to copy paste under or in the middle thats what im thinking you want....

    however i dont agree with having more then 7 actions per condition event.

  • Sorry


    lol dont mention it man, nothing to be sorry you actually helped a lot with that line of code is awesome... all he has to do is to detect which way the touch is dragged first time.. left right up or down... but for sure speedat(index) will solve it

    srry dont have time to assembley the entire capx for u, but hope this sections help you.

    i know there is a tutorial using that for swipe movement. 1 of them being this one and then there is this section dedicated to swipes and swipe movements with the entire variations of ways on how to make it happen.

    its just a matter of making the swipe happen in straight lines and not detect the between angles and ur done. ur 90% there. good luck.

  • you mean like this? Demo NinjaMiner

    you can do it by using the platformer behavior and when u press right change the gravity angle towards 0 when u press left change world gravity angle towards 180 270 up 90 down. make sure only the player has the platformer behavior and the walls to be solids (solid behavior)and thats it.

    now if you dont use controls and u use touch to determine the direction of which u swipe towards you can calculate the angle of the initial x y of the touch and the release ... as specified above.

    the speed you can increase it by setting the value of gravity pull or fall to a higher number test and retest till u get it as you want ... have fun.

    download TOTM example capx movement using platformer behavior. i used newt 's angle detection since the touch plugin has no .angle expression i created 2 variables that are saved on any touch start then on any touch end newt's code works good as long as you dont rush the movement... its inaccurate sometimes... but you can fix it... by adding a 4 way condition check for angles... when touch ends... check if its between angles etc...

  • - I remade your .capx here. I hope it helps. ... ile%2ccapx

    Thanks ,it does work now, however last time when i tried to do the same thing i did not used OriginalWindowHeight expression... did it got changed in the latest updates?

    i noticed also the rounding of the image-point but didn't thinked wold be a possible bug.

    however based on what you said ....

    I believe that is not a bug because the Window Width and Window Height is based on the browser's size or screen size(if fullscreen)

    my res by default is 1680x 1050 so now makes sense why it wold do that ... but it wasn't doing it on the low spec monitor i had before a 1280x1024 max res one.

    ... now i feel dummy ...

  • Problem Description

    i created a new empty template, changed the resolution for the layouts to 1920x1080 and the template screen till here all good, until i create a sprite and try to automatically place it on start in the center of the screen based on the window.height/2... window.width /2 ... as simple it sounds... there is a displacement... not sure if this is because of the browsers or not but problem persists on chrome, firefox, internet explorer and even NW.js

    the capx also includes 2 other sprites i used to determine the actual WindowHeight WindowWidth center...

    also another note : i tried another test placing the object to the center of the screen by first taking the ViewportRight("0") then subtracting WindowWidth/2 of the curent position.

    it seems instead of - the system does a +

    for that i have no capx .

    since the method is a bit unusual and i just need the WindowWight WindowHeight expression to work for my capx.

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    the capx is a new empty template, that has 2 lines of codes to automatically position a newly created sprite.object based on WindowHeight/2 WindowWidth/2 system expressions.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 create a new empty template
    • Step 2 set the resolution or screen size to template and layout to 1920 width 1080 height
    • Step 3 create a new sprite object
    • Step 4 set the position of the new created sprite object using the set_position expression to x:WindowWidth/2 y: WindowHeight/2

    Observed Result

    on my testing i added a text object to get the WindowWidth and WindowHeight and the valuesof WindowWidth and WindowHeight divided by 2.

    it seems the windowHeight is not 1920 x1080 but 1644 x 925 .

    Image reference

    Expected Result

    sprite to be positioned to the exact center of the screen that is initially set ie. 1920x1080

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)
    • NW.js: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win8.1 Enterprise N x64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ r227 stable 64-bit version ____

  • I think you can close this thread as Solved - I will post the download link for this plugin soon

    well seems is not solved

  • Try Construct 3

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  • > The newly created objects are not pickable outside of sub-events till the next toplevel event.

    > More info here:



    Ok thanks for the info, I think it is quite clear.

    in order for the var condition to be working on your sprite i suggest add it on the sprite as a instance variable instead of a global variable. the way you made the events... you created a sprite object and thats it.

    then added 2 conditions that triggers the actions for positioning the sprite that is referring to all the sprite objects existing on the map not to 1 or the new just created.

    you need to identify the sprite you just created in order to move that one only.

    for example i do a "type" instance variable usually then when a sprite is created i add the type number to the count of sprites existing that way i can say if C= sprite.type=5 set - A= sprite.setx to N

  • when u say many plays what number you talking about? if its under 20k its not worth it since you probably didn't made any marketing and you just got a 1 time wonder moment ... and if its a re-playable kind of game, then split that in 2 or 4 depending on how many times your game is played by 1 ip, then in order to predict your IOS store sales, calculate the 0.25-1% average paying customers from the remaining number you got of the first subdivision. the ~1% is usually the conversion of your views to paying customers in online businesses so if you got 1000 unique customers 1% of those wold probably buy your in game products. but buying a ios license is always good is 99 usd per year in 1 year you can publish non-stop, preferable paying games, ios market has a greater market for paying customers while android are for free users mostly advertising revenues.

    however itunes has a certain quality assurance(graphics,resolution must fit all their devices you target for, the app logo has to be in a specific shape and with no transparency, language prohibition, security etc), while android doesn't have those requirements atleast in beginning(later your account can be banned because of the low ratings your games get in ex: GooglePlayStore for having 5 or more games with ratings lower then 3 stars, if your thirdparty is outdated and gets a security check u forget to update cordova etc., and others you will find out on the way).

    this discussion should be posted in questions maybe? or how do i.

  • tried to test the arcade version got the bellow untrusted certification..

    print screen

  • ...

    To "Rig" which cards get spawned and therefore increase odds of winning:

    1. Create a local variable and generate a random number between 1 - 1000 and set it to the local variable, this should happen for every "card" that spawns.

    2. If the card is between 1 - 10, spawn card with frame 0, if it is between 11 - 100, spawn card with frame 1 etc. Sometimes if you preset and want a type of win, you can increase the range for the card for this spin.

    yea that is awesome tip, i was looking at it as maybe to normal approach i guess thanks il give it a try love your work man keep it up.

  • Release notes:

    [quote:26u5gkiy][Mar 12, 2016]

    Version 3

    - Bug fixes

    -- Fix line 8. It used line 3's co-ordinates which caused two lines to be shown and only one marked as a win

    -- Fix background tile 11, background was transparent for this tile instead of solid white

    did something got lowered on the spin? seems to work much better as last time... spinning and frames keep up now .. however ... did the winning table success got lowered? cause i get a low win 125/250/500 once in 10/15 spins...sometimes i empty all the 10,000 credits and still doesn't give a win... can this be done using a already winning table.... like in real slot machines and not just pure random?

    at the moment the spins happen then when they stop they check the winning table...


    the real slot machines... have multiple variations and each time you spin the variations refresh randomly keeping your jackpot success to 0.001% or what ever is set to.....then while the graphics are spinning ...1 variation winning or loosing one is picked... then graphics are stopping based on the picked variations ... if you manage to do got a real slot machine system... plus there should be a 2 items win for the first rows as the cherry "lowest special item" on most of slots... if you do this its gonna be the best game engine/ slot machine ever made... and u can actually increase your price on the engine.

    But the above are more complicated then it looks just by typing it, it wold be just awesome if you could just make a global variable to increase decrease the success % of the game for us who dont know ur XML format wold be great... just a few tips, i see could work on this product you made ... it has huge potential, just needs some small tweaks to become a Ruby.

    BTW guys if you looking for a good just to reskin slot machine system this is it.

  • if you still need it.... made a mix between the Q3D examples having the raycaster and the FPS controling code into 1 (requires tiam_mouse_lock Plugin you find it on the page 1 of this forum topic), the raycaster code is for movement... just keep mouse pressed to move the player ...the camera always sits on players position... and the mouselock plugin is for rotating it and keep the same position... can be done without it...but i dont have time for it now...

    its the same movement i used for my dusty fps engine ...


    Mouse_Lock Plugin has a error on line 360 after you first press it if you press ok its working perfectly just pops up a dialog there.. nothing strange.


  • I have products of 1$ only. Stripe suggest fee of ˜10%/transaction || PayPal suggest ˜(1,4%+0,25$)/transaction

    for micro transactions Paypal have updated their fees.. where they dont charge you anymore 1.4% and 0.25$, its lower now. just 0.11 cents per transaction no more % .

    paypal calculator fees

    press the advanced info... on micro-transactions its 0.11 now no more % of the total amount... however you have to contact paypal... and ask them how you can get eligible for the app or how to setup your app in order that the micro transactions that will come to be charged 0.11$ and not the 1.4%+the 0.25$ transaction fee.

    you might need to integrate your app with their micro transaction SDK... was looking at their stuff a long time ago...around 6 months ago... you need to contact them to be sure. its easy just open a ticket..they are pretty fast.

    so with Paypal.. if your price is 1 USD per product.. you will be charge 0.11$ as a merchant.. and you gain 0.89 cents. unless you charge 1.15 USD and then u get 1.04