DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • I am working full time on threejs/C2 interaction now...

    any ETAS? and what wold that work wold include?

    im just curious cause i cannot wait to see what else could be implemented in C2 for 3d stuff

  • i was just thinking at this just today... and then u posted it... i think wold be awesome if there wold be a community plugin /capx example file type of store or place in the c3 program...similar to unity assets store that popup in the same unity engine thing and u can choose to download buy etc other plugins or scripts or even entire games.... that wold definitely be a ease for not having to go to website every-time and search for games while u are also trying to work on some project... cause once i put my c2 in minimize i lose interest and i get lost on internet browsing.... but you cannot have an auto-updater without internet its just impossible unless u guys want to make c2 occupying huge amounts of space later on... which is bad i like construct2 how its small, simple and fast c3 should be the same under 1gb its awesome like that.

  • QuaziGNRLnose hi sorry for re-posting this question but ... by any chance can you share a capx that shows how to generate a terrain map? similar to one of this examples?

    i tried creating a new plane and play with the settings but i have no idea what im doing ... a simple capx file wold help a lot ... that if its even possible...

    Edited: have played a bit more with some objects and manage to do this next test... i know my math is spaghetti meat balls... but for some reason i cant manage to make the block turn and look towards the right direction any math guru can help me?

    basically i want the blocks when they are created to face and rotate towards the next one in front of it (deeper Z or with a higher Z value) so the final look should be like a low poly road made out of boxes.... that binds into a hill climb left right cornering similar to R0J0hound outrun plugin... but not having the image point in the margin of a image its a bit difficult cause increasing the size of the road wold not morph properly...

  • i think this tutorial will help you export to .exe with nwjs

    there is also this post that asks the same thing you askedchange the nwjs icon

    but i think you can change the icons from the files folder inside the project in C2 you have 6 icons that by default uses C2 logo changing those will change ur apps icons and splash screen. im not however sure if those apply to nwjs... but ashley has a good response so i guess no way around it but to try those links above.

  • it works with that code only if you place the condition with an OR that means any sprite that has uid 0 or 1 will be picked and change direction on target hit... however not having the OR condition will pick only 1 sprite that has the uid equaling with 0 and 1 in same time... which in this case is impossible... since you dont have 2 uid values for one object.

    its like saying i have an apple and an orange... but i want to pick a orange that is also and apple so the system gets confused and the matrix breaks ..

    here is the capx

  • mostafanastary see if this is Capx example is more helpful i used the pick top instance however works only if the object u click is from the same family or is the same object.

  • qngnht well hoq industries is one of the companies that buys those type of analytics... all you need to do is to implement their api and your good to go

    i find this article very helpful

  • its not a new way... thats how most websites make their money... analytics basically its a type of information that tells you what your clients like, do and want... if you know those things... you can make money... its like a insight of the market... for example : thats why google is worth billions... we all use googles engine... google knows everything we do... not necessarily knowing our names.. but knows that some areas in some countries likes eating pudding... so they place ads of pudding in that IP address area... in other parts they like to eat beef jerky and they advertise it there... and so on and so forth ... they now sell ads spaces on their market etc... thats how internet worked from very beginning, its nothing new...

    if you ever asked yourself how some websites that dont have ads and dont sell their own products make money(like the websites where you sell your stuff... but they dont charge you anything?)(ie. olx[dot]ro)... then the answer is simple... they track what you buy and sell and what is it that you like hate etc... and sells that information to advertising companies... that builds and updates their market information... and then sell their ads to other businesses that wants to advertise their products or activity... now they are plenty of sides of analytics and the advertising business but this is what stays at the core of it... the most simple structure existing...

    we also use analytics in games... for example... on a app - you have users that like the gameplay but hate the blood and gore..on other app - they like that you have items on sale and that they are not expensive... now on your next app you know what to avoid and what to do so it gets a more balanced and fine tuned selling product.

    analytics is basically another way of forcing people to tell you what they a poll vote or a questionnaire but without an actual consent.(the consent comes from the terms of agreements when they choose to accept it using your app).

    there is plenty of information out on analytics and cookies and tracking scripts ... but thats another story

    now how you convert the info into cash... dont know... i have no clue where you can sell it... but im guessing the website you said its one of those buyers... which pays you not even close to the real price... but hey its an extra coin you can bring from your apps...

  • You might try this plugin, which only fire note events.

    ohhh *snap*... thats actually what i needed

    had been looking at it in C2 since i have ur full repository but didn't bothered to check it out more then seeing it

    rexrainbow as always your awesome

  • 1


    3 Player X < Skeleton.Y Skeleton Set animation to "Default" (play from beginning)

    Skeleton set animation to "UpwardWalk"(play from beginning)

    Skeleton Simulate 8Direction pressing Right

    Skeleton Set angle to 0 degrees


    on the 3rd one you have a mismatch ... u compare X coordonate with a Y maybe thats the mistake that trows all other animations of.

  • if your using platformer behavior... change also the {fall speed}. even if gravity is set to 1 will still fall

  • blackhornet i know this is an old plugin and its not developed further sorry for zombifying it... is it possible to get the midi file notes to be played ? and create sprites based on the midi file pattern?

    Edited: actually i think a pattern isn't really necessary... the plugin plays the notes or the song based on a BPM (lol said rpm haha) right? is it a way to detect the speed of which the player taps the tiles and convert the time between the taps to bpm and then play the song based on that? that wold be actually close enough to dont tap the tile... i want to use the midi plugin cause loads so fast dont mind the pattern sprite recognition anymore i think the bpm work around wold be the best approach to this.

    Edited2: nevermind solved it i wish though that pattern recognition of the notes to be possible... wold enable us to create so much cool stuff using the notes pre-loading ...generated maps etc...

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  • a big sprite with that particular custom image effect and fade it in and out when u get the power up...wold be the most simple way...

    here is example capx

  • you dont need to use random x to destroy an object if u have also the condition on clicked object... what happened was when u clicked a random X position was selected... from the width of the layout... and ur sprite was not on that X position... just use the mouse or the touch condition on object clicked or on object touched... then sprite.destroy... also you may want to next time to not post a new reply to your own post but edit the first one until u get a response. otherwise you will be flagged as spamming the board.

  • Curti

    your links dont work remove the https:// and the dots between the

    also you posted the problem in the wrong section... it should go in the how do i section... that way you wold get more responses then here. send to me via email at zgaagz[at]gmail[dot]com the capx u wanted to share and make sure is public view open.