DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • thanks for this awesome plugin Senpai here is something i did with it as an example i know is the same example u made public i just tweaked it a little so everybody see's what a great plugin this is.

    Awesome Tone.js plugin in action - don't mind the hilarious content shown inside.

    Outrageous its freaking reading audio data from video's :O


    now that i had fun with it....

    time to get my project started "Dance time, ap ap apa apple"..

  • nice patterns awesome effect master Gigatron

  • Your demo works just fine, what browser are you using ?


    well that kinda changes everything......... this is weird now. based on your reply, i played the game using Mozilla, the music doesn't stop anymore, and i loved Chrome so much ..... sry for calling all the people in topic just to realize is a Chrome "natural thing".

  • Hi, wanted to ask: i did a new visualization type of example in scirra arcade, its a bit intensive, however, around 30% in to the song playing, the music stops, any idea why?

    Is that the Arcade area has a limited cache for each template? or is it a connection/buffer issue?

    on localhost C2 preview song never glitches

    song is a .ogg format exported from audacity as Stereo 32000 Hz 32-bit float

    is it because i dont use the normal loading layout?

    or that i checked the Clear background to "NO"?

    Arcade examplealso found in signature that breaks.

    or could it be that is because of the audio plugin analyser effect that i added 3 times, with different FFT sizes? (3x analyser effect with FFT sizes from 2^12,2^11,2^10/smoothing 0.6-0.3-0.2) = needed more then 1 analyser effect to be applied, for the right rms configuration since its a stereo. atleast thats what i seen so far from my past tests, applying 1 analyser effect only gives u ability to customize one data, while having more is similar with doing dual band beat detection, which works fine on preview, but it seems it might be to expensive on online demo.

    Example uses the Q3D plugin, and some shader FX (requires automatically webgl), however its not that intensive as events, its a basic 10-15 event system that loops.

    (internet im playing from is a 1 Gb bandwidth connection, PC rig with enough resources - i dont drop under 60-59 fps and i dont go up from 0.05 CPU utilization)

    Edited: i uploaded the same (source link changed-to a more stable host)example on one of my websites that has free hosting(low resources) so far song did not break.

    Ashley or Tom can get some info on this? is it a arcade problem (or maybe arcade doesn't act properly since i use the 3d object as .js file and the custom Q3D plugin which i remember the arcade only allows some plugins and the default files, but then i was allowed to upload it anyway.)

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  • oh, that i missed out to read, i never checked the limitation if are raised above 100k, never needed it, that's a topic i missed to read, well then ( " hehehe-ops i fahted, a man faht") its even better i learned something new today, thanks man!

    Ashley thanks for confirming this! that i didn't knew. i bet there is more, that i missed, but always eager to learn! trown me a bait, i hate you >.> ..... hehehe...seriously now... how couldn't i get the reference of the movie "1mil dollars...hahaha "

  • > 100,000 pixels max

    > 2 pixels minimum


    Min: 2 px

    Max: 1,000,000 px

    Layout size limit.... I think you are talking about the usable (with accuracy) layout size.

    i'm sorry but i dont know what accuracy your talking about ..... i just know whenever layout settings are set manually (i guess this means usable with accuracy?)

    the min is automatically set to 2px if u try to do 1 or 0

    and maximum is automatically forced to 100,000 pixels if u try to type something more then 100,000 pixels (100k/ one hundred thousand)

    i know image is about project window size... same applies to layout sizes manually

    i have no idea what happens if u set it by events......

    hope no wild Lorax will appear.

    the margin (unusable size doesn't count)

  • try that, see if uploading a new one and assigning a new ad to the new thingy gets detected but as said, i do remember now, i had to wait around 24 hrs before i could get the link from the approved game in gplay. unless u already have the app approved and is visible, then i have no idea sorry.

  • if your object has physics, just create another image point to the top and apply impulse or force towards angle u want that is 0 right, at image point 1 lets say and should automatically rotate(if you have allow rotation on the object physics option)

  • 100,000 pixels max

    2 pixels minimum

  • is related with the thing if i remember right. but been a while since i uploaded a mobile game so i might be wrong.

  • When export its just black screen, when I preview I still get the error.

    yea, i get the same error now

    blackscreen q3d

    however i have one test from 1 week ago that works, need to see that one what i did in order for it to work

    working q3d

    the only difference is that, on the menu that works, the Q3DMaster has no UID number in the properties under name left side.

    while on the other one there is a UID assigned to it weird.

    well now works, but i used the 2nd capx and reedited it not sure why this happens now.

    however there is a difference in templates, the 1st one has no q3d preloading the 3d objects, while the second one has

    audioq3d - works on pc, but screen is not aligned in mobile. {ATTENTION - LOUD MUSIC}

    here is the capx template in case you need it

    Edited: so it turns out that is about the loading of the assets, - also, i renamed all the .obj files in lowerletters(myobjext.obj). see if changing the name of the objects u preload helps you, if not download the capx above and follow the preloading status.

    Edited 2:

    Polygallon and who might get scared by Quazi taking so long to release the 2.5 update.

    when the q3d plugin as i remember when was released, Quazi was still in Last Year Of University or 2nd year, the post is still in this topic somewhere on early posts.

    also he said, school will always come first, we all agreed on that and we will wait as long as it takes for the 2.5 update

    as for your refund question Polygallon ... no software company will refund you a software/digitial copy, unless they are sure you cant do nothing with it but to trash it to garbage, after you received you cash. refunds only apply to (ie. software's that only works on a registration license, that if you dont have it or is canceled, the software wont work) where q3d plugin doesn't fall in that category. Even as is v2.4 should enable you to create pretty much anything you want as 3D gaming in C2, so no reason for refund anyways (since its not a broken software, but unfinished as compared with the original Three.js library). Plus The Q3d Plugin was never promised in a sort of a final product or version (ie. buy now, and i update till version 100 or money back). the only thing that was promised(when was 1st released), was buy now and u get access to all updates in future, similar to what C2 offers. now on all future updates, might mean, till 2.5 since that is what was announced last time when Documentation was worked on. that doesn't mean after 2.5 new updates wont come, just they might not fall in the same offer, but in a new product price.

    anyway patience is needed in this type of problems, i know you are hyped, we all are. you dont need to worry atm for the future updates of Q3D. since u can make stable games with it.


    Some MJ - Q3D Visualisation

  • I use construct 2 to create my first Html5 game.And I have a request that random to load image.For example,I have 5 images in my image folder,but every time user enter the game ,it just need to load one.

    So I create a sprite object first and I want when the page loading the sprite can random to set a image by global variable.How can I do?Or any methods?Thank you.

    if you have the images inside a sprite, use the following

    on start of layout - sprite.setframe=round(random(self.animationframecount))

    see if that helps. keep in mind, using the animation frame count and a random of that total number, might be that some times, on start of layout you might get the same frame to show, since has no actual order.

  • why not just use a canvas shader? so we dont have to apply the fx from C2? having it inside directly.

    those extra characters look interesting the little heart, that type of extra stuff wold be actually awesome to have.

    image results of using Adjust HSL FX

  • Insanity's Blade ( ) has sold over 20,000 copies on Steam:

    at first i was incredible how he managed to do it... then 2 years old game sales... well... thats a bummer. no doubt an awesome game, love the soundtrack

  • you dont lose your game when u upload it... the profile on arcade is not yet setup.. but if you press upload game, youl find ur projects that u upload in left side of screen, you can also go to profile from there, and see all ur games and stuff, and bookmark that page ur at, so you dont have to always click the upload game button.

    its still in beta, cause scirra has not enough time for it i guess.

    but i bet the team will finish it soon, plus with the C3 development process, and the things their cooking the arcade section doesn't fall on the important thing list at the moment atleast. but that is just my opinion.