DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • its not C2 its a new Trojan type of malware that lurks around internet, i got something similar also on my laptop(i wont say exactly what i did on it, but its not using C2) .. its called Windows 8 or 8.1 cant remember properly....

    just joking with the Trojan ... its a windows 8 and 8.1 problem.

    try disable ur auto update windows feature... u will see ur windows 8.1 its going to work fine for you.

    its one of windows 8.1 bug that made Microsoft skip windows 9 and went for 10 directly.

    Edited: if the windows auto update its off... then u might caught a real Trojan and now im not joking. C2 doesn't do that to ur computer lol.

  • looks great

  • Hi, Tom or Ashley not sure which should i call in on this, but i noticed, that scirra store doesn't have a capx download for the sellers own assets, for example, i want to download a game of my own so i can re-work it a bit, since i lost the original capx, but outside the generate code i cant download the versions of it.

    i dont know if this is a issue or that was mentioned before. but its a addition for store to be much faster? like adding a download button in the version area for each version, so we dont have to generate more codes for the files we need?

        capx2 ---Download

    if the request is in the wrong section im sorry, i dont know where to post it im confused since its not a real important issue or bug, but more of a feedback based request type of post, that in my opinion it wold make things much smooth and look/feel more normal.

  • Can confirm there is an issue when disabling the solid behavior while being on it (the issue being that you stay on it)!AjkoCSebIn9Ji1Aq6dwwy51jvSAG

    I have done a 1 event capx showing it if it can help focusing on the bug

    Step1: move with the arrow keys, you can jump if you want with the up arrow but stay between the walls

    Step2: stay on the ground, press space, all platform will turn transparent, and will lose their solid behavior, you can pass through the walls but you'll still be on the floor

    Step3: jump to see you are falling through

    C2 version 293, windows 10 x64, occurs on opera as well

    i know its not a normal fix and should not work like this, as i patched it, however its working on my side.

    patched bug the bug is due to the fact, and i might be mistaken, but C2 i think it checks for overlapping points at offset by 1 pixel, so u suddenly disabling it, it wont change the fact in C2 "eyes" u still on the platform since detection is still present. so in order to patch it, i pushed the player 1 pixel up, and gravity platform takes the obvious action.

  • Your example was very good but I Want to move 250px just by one tap and not by isTouching , how should I do It?

    that is easy also, however depends what you want to use it with or for, cause if u use some sort of physics, or collision feature behavior with it then u need to create a Boolean and basically change the "on keeping pressed" so it creates a loop, if you dont need physics, same applies, but instead of the 8 way behavior u use "move at angle - pixels "

    edited the capx i added a description for the instance variables also(you can see the meaning of instance variable when u click the Sprite "player" and in left side instance variables, then at bottom of settings u should see a text explaining it.) you can also modify the speed it travels at, however i suggest to do the increase in speed to be something like this (400,800,1000 or any par number increased by power of 2), that wold avoid the player going sometimes to far by 1-5 -10 pixels sometimes.

  • Yes, you are right. The browser object's platform expression returns the OS it's running on. My mistake.

    oh no, i was asking the OP not you dear friend, but i was thinking someone told him that, then read it again, and i see the confusion, however the question i did, sounded a bit high-demanding sorry for that. you where right also though.

  • oh i think i got confused with the touch input detection, i think touch should work for custom buttons(but im not entirely certain i remember that has a detect input at index 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 etc which detects the buttons on mouse or multi touch screen but again not sure if applies to mouse or only to touch), but yea, multiple mouse buttons should be supported, nice request +1.


    however i have a gaming mouse, but the extra side buttons, are by default for browser forward/backwards, unless i map them in the mouse settings in windows. so you see that games made in C2 if are not exported in NW.js or for desktop platforms, wold have a issue even if mouse multiple buttons are supported. since wold switch the browser... but i guess it could be made so it overrides the default functions if supported as C2 plugin. but im not sure how practical that wold be. im guessing the best approach wold be to create the mapping of the gaming mouse by Browser.object to cancel the gaming mouse default controls for the extra buttons, and assign them to something else in the game in a menu but that is an entire headache, by itself.

    Edit2: maybe this request should be in the Plugin request section? maybe some plugin guru will pick up the challenge?

  • first of all, let me say i like the idea its really coming together very well with the song and graphics

    second ... how old are you? its not relevant just curious.

    and last you want the truth or fake truth about it? (its good anyways )

  • what do you mean, support for gaming mouses? the mouse plugin already has a input detection for all mouses no matter if has the default 3 buttons or 10

  • 1 disabling ad-block when u are previewing if you have it installed might solve it. (adblock automatically blocks C2 games, causing them to Load with red bar and stop at 80-90%, and even if loads 100% there might be some items skipped.)

    2 trying mozzila/opera/IE and not chrome might solve it.

    3 if we dont know what else is in your guys event system that can interact with your sounds, we cant solve it.

    4 blackhornet is right.

    hope it helped you. there are various reasons why sound wouldn't play on ur project. but most likely as i can see its bad event system logic nothing seems wrong with audio plugin lately, and i wold'v notice them also, since i had some audio projects(massive numbers of sounds and music files) tested this week.

    Edited: might be that is because of some sort of browser cache error, try clearing ur Browser History Cache data(downloaded media and images only before or since the time you started previewing the project your working on.)

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  • Just an update.

    Two people from C2 Discord channel ( tested the capx as well.

    The first person with Win 10 could see the flickering, the second person with Win 8.1 could not see the flickering. So again it looks like Win 10 issue.

    you forgot to mention win8.1 also has no problem recording the screen gameplay. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    • Post link icon

    I know that plans change, but at the moment we don't even know (officially) if C3 will still be HTML5-only or not.

    yes we do lol, and we do know that from the fact that Ashley is a fully pledge html5 adopter and supporter. i dont think he will change his mind very soon. even if its an entire new product. why this topic still in debate?

  • if u woldv use bullet behavior u wold had the distance traveled.. however since your object is not a bullet and u dont want to mix the 2 of them cause of obvious glitches..

    create a instance variable on the player with the movement controls.

    when any key is pressed (left or right) that enables the movement, triger one time set the instance variable (lets say posx) to players.x then

    compare two variables : distance(player.x,0,player.posx,0) is less then 250 simulate left or right control. that way ur char will only move when the buttons are pressed if the distance is less then 250 pixels. then when u release and press again everything should restart itself.

    Distance limited movement

    if that is what ur not looking for, then what said for the "teleporting movement"setting the .x to + 250 or -250 wold do it.

  • i think the issue, is that your pinned action happens on a continuous loop, try calling the pinned behavior action, on a trigger once sub event see if that helps.

    if u dont have more then one animations for the shield ball effect, the animation should start playing by its own once its spawned, if the animation speed has a value higher then 0

    however we cant help u exactly without a snapshot of the actual event system u have or a simplified capx of the issue.

  • who told you [/code:xkav2m74] the expression is on browser object?
    (rephrased : what post told you that @KKdenis ?)
    the expression "Is on mobile device" or "is on platform " and u select the platform from the dropdown menu its found in the [url=]System expression list[/url].
    yes the "is on mobile" can be detected by using the browser object however its not required unless u need a specific mobile device to be detected, for example u want to lock ur game to be played only on ipad4 or samsung galaxy S what ever... but i doubt u want that.
    care to mention that the browser object has mobile expression such as detecting if the mobile button back or the arrow that is inscriptioned on the devices as an arrow ( < >), same applies to menu buttons and others that can be found on most smartphones(outside iPhone which has only 1 button i think.)
    i suggest either read the manual, or if that makes u confused, go trough the entire example files C2 comes with... you will learn faster that way the basics.