DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • you can do that in C2 by using physics instead of solids. however physics and platformer behavior /solids behavior if i remember correctly they don't work well together. so u have to dump one to use the other. but basically with physics u can disable collisions for specific objects.

  • I have a project of a game that I want to share with my friends, is there any way to put it in a link that only those who have can see the project?

    for Construct 2 google drive and share the link of the project, they would need to have C2 installed though to run the project. if you mean play the game, u can export a html5 version uploaded to some website and they access the website location and play the current uploaded version, if they are on wifi u might need to look at testing over wifi on C2 documentation, there was something about that years back. i can't see another way for it. for C3 you can copy that link directly from C3 menu.

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  • you can simply remove the duplicates by comparing the current animation/frame running with the newly selected one from the array and if they are the same you run the animation pick from the array once more.

    and only when they are different or not the same then u change the animation to the array newly picked one.

    hope it gives u an idea .... i know there was a "push" thing for arrays to get it out of the sequence but im rarely using arrays so not really sure how to do that.

    however for mobiles the first comparison/rerun array pick might be to heavy/cpu intensive. depending on how many objects you updating at once.

  • > You can modify the type of the "splash" (loading) screen in the project's properties if you own a proper plan for C3.


    > Moreover with C3 runtime you can have loading screens in between layouts of your game if you want.

    I do have a subscription and the choices for Loader style are: nothing, precentage text, progress bar only, progress bar & logo, Construct 3 splash.

    Is there any inofrmation/guide on how to have loadingscreens between layouts?

    As Kyatric said you can customize that splash by just selecting logo(in assets folder in right side of project just change the loading_logo to ur logo, icons are for mobiles and 16x16 and 32x32 are favicons for websites.) and loading bar progress and should be doing the same thing as C3 splash u can also change the bg color and put a logo of whatever size u want, it can even be as big as the layout of the game. with that in mind, its not entirelly recommended different devices act different on loading the logo splash screen. personally i never had issues with it on my android platforms or iphones, but some raised issues.

    However that won't solve the problem if u have assets loading from a server, u will need another 2nd layout(created by you as you would create a game layout) for those assets to be imported after the 1st loading screen.

    as for how to have loading screen between layouts, you just make a layout that has a loading bar on it and says something like helpful tips etc.

    and u load that everytime the player swaps screens from game to menu to shop to menu again and etc... so ur code of changing layouts should be something like bellow pseudo code, which also requires a global variable that you do not reset trough out the game (for example:if player dies, you cannot use reset globals to initial state, that will confuse the code thinking u are in menu when u are in the game actually) to keep track of where the player is coming from. for example if is in the menu we call the variable curent_screen: with value of 0. and if is in game change the value to 1 and so fort. preloading doesn't need a value, since there you will compare the values and know where ur players should be redirected.

    and you change that value for all ur levels and game layouts (outside preloading) ... basically... is tedious stuff and lots of events wasted, but does the trick.

    Edited: Edited a few times, had couple of typos, and missing info.

    For information on how to make a progress bar u might wanna check the tutorial section of Construct 2, they still apply to C3 since the coding is the same.

  • It suggests to create a custom splashscreen (like the Construct 3 splash) instead. How do I do that? Can I change the built in Construct 3 splash? I can't find it.

    That can be changed,however what that article says is that on mobiles all custom splash screens have a chances of going to be shown as black screen depending on device.

    So in order to avoid the black screen, u put progress bar and loading percentage or use logo and percentage which is a custom loading screen by itself... even though u can't modify that progress bar.

    However u can leave that loading then create a new layout and make a 2nd loading screen with ur own bg image and other stuff u might want in it.

    That 2nd layout that will load immediately after the logo screen, and before the game menu screen, would just be a theatrical layout, since every asset and all images/sounds are already preloaded/loaded.

    Unless your code needs that 2nd layout to fetch resources from a server which the logo screen doesn't do.

    Hope it helps you. In short the answer is not really. Since you will always have the C3 splash screen type of layout running every time even though faster than u can see it depending on ur game size,assets preloading etc.

    Also that C3 splashscreen type of loading screen, only shows 1 time, if your game isn't updating its version, and is running same old version, being cached it will just jump to the 2nd layout u created.

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  • I'm very busy at the moment, but i'm interested to update my facebook instant games plugin (with IAP). I hope i can do this soon..


    Is your plugin updated? would love to get a look at it if has the IAP features.

  • How can I disable the automatic screen lock when there is a long absence of activity in my application? Runtime C3.

    As far as i know, you can't .... that is a device setting not a software setting, you can force request that on android but for ios that will not probably work since Apple is more special when comes to apps taking over users devices. While from your apps perspective is good to have that on, for a user end might look over-reaching/invasive ... the only thing you can do is ask people to disable or increase the screen awake time from their device settings. Anything more than that option would be come suspicious and might get your app ratings high consumption on battery usage, which is never good.

    Instead of trying to keep the device screen on, try the alternative and make your app run in background if the user is away from the device and the screen locks or battery protection kicks in and shuts the screen off. Hope my input makes sense to you... Have fun.

  • , could you explain me how to do it in Construct 2? I'm very lost... :(

    il update my file on the post here give me a bit of time, just got home, was away for a few weeks.

  • miguelromm

    but the sprite wouldn't move at the same speed as the gesture of the finger, right?

    Ah no if you want the sprite to go downwards based on current touch position then my example is incomplete, cause the example i shared is based after the complete swipe gesture finishes, and then the gravity change happens. but if you want the animation to start during the swipe then that is just a tweak in the example for the animation trigger and movement of sprite ... while the majority of code would remain very similar.

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    towards the end of video, there is a cpu clutter caused by the objects count, as cpu spikes cause of to many objects (probably more then 1000 you had initially) and makes you lose fps ... you sure the items you are coded to get destroyed are actually getting destroyed? im thinking you are not destroying the items properly. or not all of them.

    Also when i said to many objects continously depending on position or calculations, that also apply to your zombies spawning outside screen trying to get to the car... those add up if you have to many... since they will always try calculate the path to the car... and imagine 100 of them doing that + 1000 objects in screen,... don't know why you have 1000 objects in screen when you could fake that gameplay and quality with 5-10 static objects.

    That gameplay done properly just what i seen in the video, should cost around 5% cpu or less on pc around 10% on mobile... optimization, look for stuff you missed out destroying, maybe the road itself? or zombies/bushes?

  • One reason it might cause your cpu to spike when you destroy items/objects, is cause the coding you have to calculate the position of the 1000 objects are taking in consideration the position of objects at all time... if you change that and only use the position of all objects as being important when they spawn and then never compare their position while the game runs, when gets destroyed they shouldn't use that cpu spike anymore.

    Also it might be based on how many items are you destroying in 1 tick... maybe limit them instead of each 5 seconds, more to when each individual object reaches outside of screen ? and apply the removal for each object and not all objects? just an idea.

    This might be a event coding issue more then cpu dump data speed.