dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Add these counters/variables to a text variable. For example: Set saveString to a & "," & b & "," & c

    This will give you the result like "10,20,40"

    Then add Browser object and use "Browser - Request download of a string" action.

  • SaveStateJSON should be available in "On save completed" event. So you need to save the game, wait for "On save completed" event to trigger, and then send SaveStateJSON string to LMS.

    To load - request JSON string from LMS, put it into a variable. Then use "Load from JSON".

  • I speak Russian, but I've never used Russian translation in C3. After reading this post I thought "how bad can it be?" and switched to Russian. Turns out, really bad..

    Most descriptions of events/actions/plugins appear to be made with Google Translate and there are tons of mistakes in Russian text, to the point that it's often incomprehensible.

    However, for me the worst part is expressions. Lots of Russian translations of expressions are complete gibberish and make zero sense.. Also, the program doesn't allow you to type English expressions (so you have to type "определить" instead of "int", which is a totally wrong word). I have no idea how people can edit expressions in Russian, it must be a torturous experience. I would suggest leaving expressions as they are, in English form.

  • Most problems with Local Storage happen because people don't understand that this is an asynchronous operation. Writing/reading data in Local Storage takes some time, especially if the amount of data is big. If you write something, you need to wait for "On item set" event before trying to access this data. A quite common mistake is to save some variables to Local Storage on the end of level, then switch to another layout and try to read these values back from Local Storage without any delay.

    Also, to minimize the number of keys and events, you can put all your variables into a dictionary and save/load the dictionary. Here is how I usually do this:

  • It's probably not the most efficient, as it checks the same tiles multiple times. But it works fast enough, so maybe not worth optimizing it further.

  • You can add 4 more events to check tiles at (x-1, y-1), (x+1, y-1) etc.

  • Here is a much simpler and faster version:

  • Or use a variable instead of Timer:

    Variable lastKeyPress=0
    On key pressed: 
    ...If (time-lastKeyPress)<0.6 // double click
    .......Set lastKeyPress=0
    ...Else // single click 
    .......Set lastKeyPress=time
  • You didn't put "Player.8Direction.MovingAngle" in the global variable definition, did you?

    You should do this on every tick or when 8direction is moving. I recommend using system expression "Is within angle" or "Is between angles", they make life easier when dealing with angles. For example:

    Player.8Direction.MovingAngle is within 20 degrees of 0 : set animation "Left"
    Player.8Direction.MovingAngle is within 20 degrees of 45 : set animation "LeftDown"
  • Yeah, he explained in that post that his game has 5000+ events and using too many C2 addons. So moving it to C3 is not an option.

    I actually doubt that fixing this issue with inactive behavior will help to improve the performance in any measurable way.

    wertt22 Have you seen this addon?

  • Are you referring to that green square on the left? Are you sure you don't have any semi-transparent object there? (like camera sprite)

  • Wow, I'm speechless! Thank you!!!

    And what a great timing, my C3 license expires next week :)

    I didn't really expect to win, because there were lots of strong entries. I particularly enjoyed playing A Night's Slide, At The Same Time and Bullet Jump. They are addictive, clever and fun. It's great that these games are getting prizes too.

    Again, a big thank you for organizing this jam!

  • I'm not sure I follow. You need to change "Set angle" to "No" in 8Direction, and use Player.8direction.MovingAngle expression to determine which animation frame to select.

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  • So you need custom palette in the Sprite Editor? You can submit a feature request here:

    It's probably easier to use some other image editor that has this feature, and then import sprites to Construct.

    If you want to change colors in runtime, you have to do this with effects. For a single color you can use "Replace color" effect. For multiple colors you need a custom effect, like this one for C2, I don't know if any similar effects exist for C3.