Sprite rendering issue.

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Minimal Sprite Font with Stroke for Pixel Art games.
  • For some reason, I'm having these weird sprite rendering issues that randomly appear on certain sprites. I have no idea whats causing them.

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  • Are you referring to that green square on the left? Are you sure you don't have any semi-transparent object there? (like camera sprite)

  • For some reason, I'm having these weird sprite rendering issues that randomly appear on certain sprites. I have no idea whats causing them.

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    This happens with pixel art

    If you go to your project settings and set Sampling to "Point" rather than "Linear" and set scale to linear integer scale it should fix. Also check the "pixel rounding" box

  • Are you referring to that green square on the left? Are you sure you don't have any semi-transparent object there? (like camera sprite)

    No the wonky old man sprite. The green square was on purpose.

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  • > For some reason, I'm having these weird sprite rendering issues that randomly appear on certain sprites. I have no idea whats causing them.



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    This happens with pixel art

    If you go to your project settings and set Sampling to "Point" rather than "Linear" and set scale to linear integer scale it should fix. Also check the "pixel rounding" box

    I guess the display settings changed a bit in the newest update, but I think I figured it out. I had downscaling set to medium instead of low.

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