dop2000's Forum Posts

  • You want to display these tables on the screen? This means that you need to read all files one by one, load them into JSON object, extract the values from them, and only then you will be able to build the table. If a folder contains many files, this can take a lot of time.

    You can put some of the information into the file name. Something like "Map_2000x1000_Forest_355objects.JSON"

    And when user clicks this file, you can read it and display additional information - sprites locations and so on.

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  • Ok, then remove event #6, and add an action "Add 1 to Horns" to event #1.

    This way every time the level is increased, Horns will also get increased by 1.

  • Local variables are just variables that are defined inside of events or event groups. They are visible/accessible only from inside these events, hence the name "local". If you set local variable as "Static", it will not be reset.

    Like I said, there are other ways to store values that you don't want to be reset, you can put them into a dictionary for example.

  • Yes, I do!

    Create a family CihlaFamily and change that condition to "Cihla not overlapping ChihlaFamily at offset"

  • Instead of the video you should post your capx file.

    You can add an instance variable TreeUID to the Person sprite. When you assign a tree to a person, set Person.TreeUID to Tree.UID

    This way you will always know which persons chops which tree, and will be able to pick the correct tree in events.

    When you want to stop chopping, set TreeUID to 0.

  • Fixed this a couple of other issues:

    Edit: I missed the "Have the cursor in the centre" part. You can simply add "Set Cursor position to Slider" in event 13. And you should move the Origin image point in Cursor sprite to its tip.

  • For the first task you need Drawing Canvas object - paste your image onto the canvas, save snapshot, and then you can read pixel R G B A values from the snapshot.

    As for converting numbers etc. - some things may be possible with Construct expressions, for others you can use Javascript code.

    Set myNumber to Browser.ExecJS("......")

  • I see you are using my template, but in a weird way.

    Try this modified version:

  • It's not possible to answer your question without seeing the project file. The NUmOfShip variable obviously gets reset somewhere. Most probably there is an event "Reset global variables" that does this.

    There are many ways to keep this value safe and intact. You can use a dictionary, or put it into an instance variable, or save to Local Storage etc.

  • You need to wait till the next tick after instances are created, to be able to destroy them. So add "Wait 0" before the destroy action.

    Or, better yet, instead of creating and immediately destroying, simply don't create them! If you need to create 8 and destroy 3 instances, you should create only 5 instead.

  • I wonder what did you try?

    Keyboard On Enter pressed -> System go to layout....


    You should probably start with tutorials:

  • Well, it's right there in event #6. This event is executed on every tick, so horns is constantly getting reset to (level-1)

    You should probably move this action to "On start of layout" event.

  • Changing the canvas image pixel by pixel will always be slow. Also, my C3 crashes all the time when I'm trying to preview your project :)

    Maybe you can work around this by using round sprites, with circular gradient colors. Change their opacity/size as the mouse moves, and paste them onto the canvas.

  • Here is my version of newt's party wall, with colorful sprites: