dop2000's Forum Posts

  • I assume you are asking about a 2D array?

    Text set text to str(, yIndex))

    On Enter pressed: Array set value at XY (xIndex, yIndex) to (, yIndex)+1)

  • "Paste" is now an asynchronous action, so you can use "Wait for previous action to complete" instead of "Wait 0.1s" - it would be more reliable.

  • It doesn't make sense. Local Storage should work with all export options. Also, NWjs export is deprecated, it will be removed soon.

    I suggest you test the game on different hardware, especially on some old and slow laptop, to make sure that it still works.

  • It's not possible to help you when you are posting only small screenshots of the code. I need to see the entire picture. Can you share your project file? Or email it to me: doperst2006(at)

  • So sure it's that useful? Doesn't appear to be a substitute for the JSON plugin.

    It's not a substitute. This allows to store short JSONs directly in the code, without having to load them from files with AJAX. I'm using this trick all the time.

  • I don't know if this is what you needed, thanks for trying to help, in the game tests it worked perfectly, but after exporting it doesn't work

    This almost certainly means that you are not using Local Storage correctly. LocalStorage operations are asynchronous, so when you are testing locally on a fast PC they may work, but after exporting the delay is slightly longer and everything breaks.

    Please show the code where you load the data from local storage.

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  • Like I said, you can't just manually edit dictionary values. It's only done with the code. Right-click the dictionary in the list of objects and select "Find all references" to find all events where it can be populated.

    It's possible that the game loads the values from a file. Check the Files folder in the project.

    Is there a way that I can download the information in Debug mode?

    It's not possible. But you can add an event that exports the dictionary, for example:

    Keyboard On "D" key pressed : Dictionary Download
  • The dictionary is empty by default. If it contains any values, this means you have a code in the project that puts these values in it, or maybe loads them from a file.

    You can of course modify the values in the dictionary using actions Set Key or Add Key.

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  • You probably using it wrong. Please post a screenshot of your events.

    "In-memory only" option doesn't save your data when the game is closed!

  • Another option is to use Timer behavior on some other object (say, the table sprite). For example, you start tweens for ten different cards, with 0.2s intervals, and each tween takes 0.5s to finish. Start a timer for 0.6s with every tween. The timer will be restarted for every card until the last one. "On timer" event will be triggered once 0.1s after the last tween has finished.

  • "Mouse: Cursor is over object" event will pick the object instance. Make sure to configure the collision polygon correctly.

  • What is a "matriz"? Do you save to Local Storage? Please post a screenshot of the events where you save/load data.

  • You can't expect someone to create this mechanic for you. You need to explain what you have tried and what didn't work.

  • Haha, yeah, I still forget about this sometimes and instinctively wrap string variables in quotation marks. Sometimes I wish C3 was stricter about this, more like traditional programming languages.

    On the other hand, this lets you store entire JSON strings in variables without needing to escape every quotation mark.

    For example:

    Text variable myJSON = {"name":"John", "age":30, "car":0}

    Instead of:

    Text variable myJSON = "{"""name""":"""John", """age""":30, """car""":0}"