I'm working on a card game and the logic is getting messy. What is the best practice for tween sequencing?
1. I use tweens to deal cards, one at a time, to the tableau
2. When the tween is finished I enable a Group to do the next tween.
Unfortunately, the event in #2 fires as soon as the first tween finished. (The rest of the cards are still being dealt onto the screen.)
I tried to add a "Wait 2 seconds" to the start of the next group, but this messed up my instance picking. (It took FOREVER to figure *that* out.)
My other group is called "Draw Next Card" and I have to use a global variable called "UI_var". I set it to 1 and then, after the first set of tweens, I set it to 0. This way it doesn't call the tweens over and over again while waiting for one of them to finish.
It's working, but is there a better way to manage all of this?