FileChooser On Changed: Sprite Load image from FileChooser.FileURLAt(0)
Did you put the string "Testing" with quotation marks in the variable definition? Remove them.
Say, you want to spawn the tracks every 10px, then use this condition:
Every (10/Tank.speed) seconds
Here is the formula:
Set volume to log10(speed/maxSpeed)*20
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Answering your original question, here's how you can read text files with NWjs:
Set var to NWJS.ReadFile("path")
Another option that should work on any platform is with the FileChooser:
| Global string s = + FileChooser: On changed -> AJAX: Request FileChooser.FileURLAt(0) (tag "tag") -> System: Wait for previous actions to complete -> System: Set s to AJAX.LastData
Without the rest of your project it's impossible to help you.
Test with only 1 or 2 cards, run in debug mode, check all instances, variables and the contents of the dictionary. And you will probably figure it out.
I imagine if there were an issue with AJAX, it would've been reported a long time ago. Can you post a screenshot of your code?
You can't put that directly in the text box. Use an action:
TextBox Set text to "[outline=#ffffff]" & Dictionary.Get("key") & "[/outline]" & ...
Check InDeck variable of all cards in the debugger. Maybe it's 0 for some cards.
As I mentioned before, referencing cards by UID in the dictionary is a bad idea. Their UIDs may change if you switch to another layout, or restart the layout.
Set the Fullscreen mode to Scale Outer in project properties.
Set the scale of the background sprite to:
max(ViewportWidth(layer)/Sprite.Width, ViewportHeight(layer)/Sprite.Height)
You can use the ternary operator:
(BallNumberVar=1 ? Ball.AnimationName : Ball_2.AnimationName)=BallFamily.AnimationName
As I explained in another post, you need to pick that second card instance. If you want to do this in the same event, you have to use "Pick all" condition. Another option is to call a function.
Can you explain what are you trying to do? Do you want to save all cards in the dictionary? Then you need a For Each loop.
Pick all Cards For Each Cards : Dictionary add key....
Use Pathfinding behavior, there are plenty of examples.
Here is the easiest method:
Every 0.5 seconds Enemy Pathfinding is NOT moving System For Each Enemy ... Enemy find path to (random(layoutWidth), random(layoutHeight)) Enemy On Path found ... Enemy Move along path
is there literally any way to interact with other copies of the same object in a family? Like if I click on an object it'll change the variable of another of the same object?
Everything is possible. You just need to pick that other instance of the same object or family. You can use "System Pick All":
On Card clicked Card compare variable code="A" ... Pick all Card ... Card compare variable code="B" : Card set variable price to 100
or call a function:
On Card clicked Card compare variable code="A" : Call function UpdateAnotherCard(Code: "B") On Function UpdateAnotherCard .....