You can add 10*60*1000 to the clock variable every 1 second - this will equal to 10 minutes in milliseconds.
Then convert that value to days/hours/minutes using Date expressions. For example Date.GetHours(clockVar) will return the number of hours.
See the official example for the Date plugin.
Use "AJAX Request URL" action. Also I really recommend studying the documentation and a few tutorials. Many of the questions you ask are pretty basic.
You can use raycasting, see this demo:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Can you post a screenshot? That wall of text is impossible to understand.
You probably need Date plugin:
Using "every X seconds" to track hours and even days is a very bad idea.
You can use FileChooser object.
+ FileChooser: On changed -> AJAX: Request FileChooser.FileURLAt(0) (tag "tag")
Press C to add another condition to the event. Press I to invert it (make it "NOT playing").
If you only want one random name, you don't need a dictionary.
I made a demo project, showing several possible options:
Give a tag to the sound. Add a condition to check that this audio tag is not already playing.
It works for me. Can you show your code?
So what's the issue? Simply append the text.
On Space pressed : TextInput append text ("Shot fired!" & newline)
Does it happen in the same spot every time? You can enable "Show collision polygons" checkbox in the layout editor and examine it.
This could also be a camera issue. Or a misplaced origin point in the character animation.
Event #6 on your screenshot changes the frame back to 0. Add another condition to it - "Animation frame<3"
Check out this post:
Try changing spritesheet size in project properties. If it doesn't help - add 1px border to all images. And follow other tips from Ashley's post.
Could be a bug. You might as well just restart the tween in "On timer" event.
I made an addon!
It also allows to disable console logging in the entire project.
Be aware that it will probably stop working when SDK1 is retired.