Doodlebabe's Forum Posts

  • > I have been working on this for several months on and off. I finally got the time to work on it everyday.


    > It's a platformer/adventure game with quests and everything. I'm eventually going to pop it on steam.




    Looks really good, you must be a natural professional artist.

    Hey thank you very much, actually to tell the truth I have previously worked at a couple of studios. I left to do my own thing, So I guess technically this is a professional project. I'm going to be registering a company in the coming weeks.

  • I have been working on this for several months on and off. I finally got the time to work on it everyday.

    It's a platformer/adventure game with quests and everything. I'm eventually going to pop it on steam.

  • Yeah haha, It's actually going to be quite bloody with plenty of gibs.

  • So a quick update,

    I recently just made a indieDB page for the game, I'm finally going to be working almost full time on this project.

    here is a look at the new animations done with sprite, sorry for the somewhat choppy video.

  • My game on android, It was more of a test for my first android game.

  • It's been awhile since I last updated, A lot has changed.

    I started using spriter for my animations so a lot of work had to be redone, and I am very pleased with my new animations, things work much more smoothly.

    All I have to show is this rough piece of concept art for now, I want to make a video of the new animations in action but I haven't had the time.

    Also I'm not exactly sure about keeping updates on this forum any more.. I feel the need for something more organized but I'm just not sure where to go.

  • I just spent a couple of weeks on this. I consider it more of a test while I work on larger projects. ... ocketsheep

  • Well actually it has grown, I plan on adding coop and getting voice actors for small in game cut scenes. I'm hoping to put it on Kickstarter/Indiegogo and steam green light in the future. My original idea was to create a game almost like Rayman origins/legends but it has evolved over the months into something much different and move story oriented.

    Oh and I would absolutely love help on this project haha I just don't know when I should start asking people. I would rather take people on board when I can give them something in return for their contribution.

  • Something new, a work in progress of the main menu. I have a cool animation in mind for this and hopefully will get the chance to show it off in the next few weeks.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • So I have been playing around with this vertical shooter idea for awhile and I thought I would let everyone check it out. It's currently just looping the level over and over. and it's far from finished. I was considering putting it on android when or if I finish it.

    It's more of a side project considering my main focus is my side scroller.

    Oh since it was designed with touch in mind you need to keep your mouse button down in order to move around.

  • So It's been a looooonnng time since I last updated this, life getting in the way (personal and financial stuff).

    Anyway here Is one of the possible characters you will get to play during co-op.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm hoping to have more time so that I can pump out a playable demo in the next month and then get some feedback from everyone.

  • After a lot of thought I have decided to make a major change in the core game play. The game may not end up being a traditional platformer, there is now depth to the levels I have put up an example below.

    Level Depth

    I didn't think I would end up having physics after making this major change to the game, but as you can see in the video I managed to pull off a trick to get it working with 8 directional movement.

    I think its going to be for the better, the depth allows for better combat giving you more room to fight and during co-op play.

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  • mineet

    Yes the bone system is in the program, it's definitely in the latest version of flash not so sure about older ones.

    "would you say flash is the best to use for animations?"

    I think it depends on what you are aiming for, I'm not doing full blown hand drawn frame by frame animations so something like adobe flash helps make things easier. I have tried only a few pieces of software for animation I think I only stuck to flash because I know it so well and it can do aloooot more then people think.

    I learned a lot of animation tricks from co-workers at a studio I used to work at. Its definitely practice and something you need to build upon slowly. software alone won't do all the work.

  • retrodude

    Funny thing about the sprites was when i first started, he was originally done completely in vectors in Flash.

    This is what he originally looked like.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I eventually thought it was too simple looking and took each piece and painted them in Photoshop, I think painting the pieces didn't take very long actually, I think around a day.

    I just learned my skills on my own, I didn't get any special training/ schooling. I just practiced a lot during high school and my short time in college, I Did some co-op at a game publishing company and I learned a few tricks from an Illustrator over there. LoL I don't think there is a name for the art style this is just what comes out of my hand naturally.

    I haven't heard of spriter until a few days ago, I haven't ever used it before. It seems neat I may tinker with it to see if I can pull off anything interesting.

  • The animations are done with adobe flash, the concept behind it is very easy. every character is cut up into pieces and then rigged to a bone system, the hard part is making it Not look like card board cut outs. so I make subtle movements and make some custom frames when needed, like when the shield is facing the camera or on his side.

    I'm linking a video which shows an example of the bone system at work.

    Hero Animation Test