I just want to start by saying what a dream construct 2 is to use, since I am a digital artist I really couldn?t have asked for a better tool.
I don?t have a blog for this or any kind of website for this at the moment, so I was hoping I could just update my progress here. I also don?t want to make this first post very long I would rather show what I?m working on so I?ll try to keep it short and to the point.
I wanted to start a project which I would enjoy making, I wanted it to be colorful, fast paced, addictive, funny and I wanted it to make you stop and think and solve problems along the way. I wanted to make an action packed side scroller with adventure elements within.
So I want to eventually show the storyboards and maybe get some feedback on that, but I won?t post those for a while until I work it out some more. So for now I?m going to show off some shots of the game and some animations. I would like to put up a video sometime soon. But for now I need to rework some of the scripts.
Anyway after about a month of work more or less here is what I have for you.
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vu3nw8auy4Q/UWIfqLBZ_1I/AAAAAAAAAT4/P_xofVHO_Dc/s683/battlecry+2013-04-07+17-45-44-64.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-E2kgvJXr-xU/UWIfnzrWY9I/AAAAAAAAATo/de53dvsicXA/s683/battlecry+2013-04-07+17-45-36-55.jpg" border="0" />
So some of the core gameplay requires heavy use of your shield, you can stun enemies for a short period of time, block and even deflect projectiles if timed right.
<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-AUIQLaxruzk/UWIfo69LaQI/AAAAAAAAATw/s9J-UcKZ44Q/s683/battlecry+2013-04-07+17-45-38-16.jpg" border="0" />
Lots of blood! I have body parts with physics and some shoot a stream of blood.
<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-tQJLCGB8vC4/UWIfmOtDcOI/AAAAAAAAATg/jD6uOZJiOTc/s683/battlecry+2013-04-07+17-45-05-20.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-uPRvWHc7XoQ/UWIfrcVtPQI/AAAAAAAAAUA/vVqnXl-RKx8/s683/battlecry2.jpg" border="0" />
You also have a battle cry which powers up over time as you can see in this shot. There are currently two battle crys, a stationary shout that hits targets in front of you and behind you. The second shout makes you run at a high speed (basically warp a few feet) and kills everyone in a certain distance in front of you.
I couldn't resist here is a short video of the game in action. keep in mind its very very early in development, picking up items as you can notice is wonky,I will be cleaning it up later.