I didn't try it out myself and didn't notice the main file in the repo is Typescript and that the type definitions are no where to be seen. You need those so TypeScript can work.
Anyway, it looks like you can't just copy and paste from the repo, because the code you end up using needs to be generated using a build script that is also in there.
Instead of doing that, you should download it from from NPM. That way you get the built library in both JavaScript and TypeScript. To get this working I think it's easier to just look for the Javascript file and import that in C3.
To load the library I did the following:
- Install NPM
- Create an empty folder somewhere, the desktop is an easy place.
- Open that folder
- Open a command line window in that folder (In Windows if you press SHIFT while right-clicking, you should see an "Open Powershell" option)
- In the command line type npm i -S simplex-noise
- That will create a node_modules folder with all the files you are looking for
- I took the .js file in ..\node_modules\simplex-noise\dist\esm
- Import that file into C3
After all of that, I imported in the main script with:
import { createNoise2D } from "./simplex-noise.js";
I don't know if the library will be useful to you, but you can load it like this and try it out.
I assumed you know about NPM and how to install it. If you need help with that let me know!