Audio track in timelines

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  • I am making my first steps in the timeline animation and noticed that you can add an audio track into it. This is cool per se, but is it possible to not play the audio if the player chose to mute sounds?

    In my settings menu, I have options to mute music, voice and sound separately. Up until now I have written a function that I use to play audio clips, but only when audio is not muted. Obviously, that is not compatible with the timeline, since the timeline starts audio in its own way.

    Is there a way I can do that in the timeline as well?

  • Can you share your project? This sounds like an oversight of timelines, but I would like to check what is it you are trying to do to be sure.

  • On a timeline audio track you can define a tag and you should be able to then detect if audio is playing with that tag and mute it just like any audio.

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  • Thank you for your offer to check my project, DiegoM, but as this is contract work I do for someone else, I am afraid I can't share it. I managed to work without timeline audio for now, but will look into fedca 's recommendation for next time (thank you for that!)

    What I implemented is a function that checks if sounds should be muted before playing the sounds. So instead of sound being muted in my game, it is actually not even played (see screenshot). I thought that might me more watertight, but I guess working with the tags makes way more sense!

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