deadeye's Forum Posts

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  • I hope Mary Jane is OK with you posting a picture of her. Did you ask first?

    I don't think that matters. If Mary Jane wants her picture posted, she will post it herself. I removed the link in Yaraslau's post.

    And that pretty much goes for pictures of everyone. The only way we can be sure that someone has permission to post a picture is if they post their own.

    As for the reaction to the situation (omg a girl, post her picture everywhere and creepily tell her how cute she is), it's borderline harassment. I haven't been keeping up with this thread on a regular basis, because I assumed that this was one of the few threads on the forum that can take care of itself. Apparently I was wrong.

    It goes without saying that your fellow forum members should be treated with respect... but I suppose I have to say it now. And if I hear one word from anyone in the future about being harassed, I'll start handing out bannings. It's not cool.

  • As far as I know the hotspot for any physics object needs to be centered in order for the collision to work properly. If I remember correctly this has something to do with the way Box2D works.

    If you need the hotspot at the edge of the flipper for whatever reason then make your sprite like so:

    <img src="">

    Then when you draw your custom collision mask in the layout, just place your points around the colored area like normal.

    1 ) How do you increase the accuracy of the physics.

    It's hard to say without a .cap to look at to see what's wrong.

    2 ) Are there issues with physics objects and mouse control? Again, seems flakey for me when I use it

    Yes. If you manually move a physics object with the mouse or a behavior or by updating it's coordinates in any way except with physics itself, then you will get weird collisions. Also, when you manually move the flipper against the ball with the mouse, the flipper has no force, so it's not actually "hitting" the ball. You're just intersecting the flipper and the ball. The ball and the flipper are trying to push out of each other, but the mouse behavior is overriding it's position.

    Here's a method for moving physics object around with the mouse that may suit your needs:

    It's got a little bit of lag behind the mouse but it works pretty well.

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  • Well, good luck then . I guess I don't see what the problem is with the method I showed you. It does work after all, and it's not like it's a complicated fix. Just avoid the bug shown in Madster's example and you'll be fine.

    [quote:c1gvm2mc]However, you already have a specific instance of that object picked in the condition, so it appears the selected object list is getting confused as to which instance you mean to perform actions on.

    I would say that this is a bug, since in my opinion after spawning an object all actions in the same event should be performed on the new object afterwards.

    Maybe, maybe not. The only way to know for sure is to get one of the devs in here to clarify how it should work in that situation. It seems to me though that instances that are picked by condition get preference over newly spawned instances, and if you think about it it does make sense. Logically it could go either way, though.

  • That's crazy. Very impressive

  • However, the runtime does crash when spawning from a family.

    In my example above it doesn't.

    I looked at the .cap you posted to the tracker, and you have the Blue family spawning it's own member (the Blue family contains the "lol" sprite, and you're telling Blue to spawn "lol"). If you change it to Blue spawning the other "spawn" sprite it works just fine.

    It could be crashing just because you're spawning things at an exponential rate? I don't know for sure. But spawning from a family does appear to work as long as you're not spawning that same family.

    Still, a crash is a bug and all so yeah something is wrong there.

  • okay so that's funny. Sometimes spawns one, sometimes the other, sometimes both, sometimes THREE OF A KIND. I'd guess that's a bug

    Hmm, I was under the impression that it was supposed to just spawn one random instance of a member of that family, but since Daiz has only one member in the family then that shouldn't be a problem *(see below, it's not a problem).

    Spawning multiples is a bug though, yes.

    But if you spawn from a family, Construct crashes.

    I just assumed that should work, I didn't test it out. I don't see why it wouldn't work. (Unless of course it's a bug, which it sounds like it is )

    Fake edit:

    Before hitting submit on this post I decided to test this out on Daiz's example. The family spawning trick I described works just fine. I guess it's not a problem after all if there is just one object in the family:

  • Yeah, I was gonna say... what's the point of having the highest speeds available if your government is gonna censor all the good stuff anyway?

  • Okay,thanks alot!

    Im going to try that, tho after reading some, i dont think construct is the most indicated software to build this game since multiplayer would become difficult on the long run i.e. lan/online game. But still im going to see what i can do.

    Yeah, it would be kind of hard to make a networked game right now, seeing as how there is no network plugin. But just be patient... it will come eventually.

  • Platform jumping is floaty? Despite there being new properties for platform I added code to read it differently so old projects would still run the same...I guess that code didn't work

    Now that I think about it, it this might be due to a fix for the max fall speed setting a few builds back. Maybe 0.99.4 or .42? Could be, anyway.

    All I know is that I was making Vert in 0.98.9, and when I load it into the latest build the jumping and falling is different. Not a big deal, I just need to fiddle with the settings to get it back to normal.

    The fact that it runs more stably with no aggravating gravity/platform bugs, and now renders the rotated layers properly is WAY more important than the fact that the jump settings are off.

  • No, it's BrainBrother, sheesh get it straight

  • Normally when you spawn an object, that object is automatically "picked" so that any actions you perform on that object in the same event after spawning will apply to the new object.

    However, you already have a specific instance of that object picked in the condition, so it appears the selected object list is getting confused as to which instance you mean to perform actions on. What is happening is that the newly spawned bullet shoots off at 0 degrees and fades out quickly, while the original bullet turns 90 degrees, and because you set it's type to 2 it no longer spawns any more bullets when the timer clicks on.

    Try this:

    <img src="">

    By using the System object to create new instances at the bullet's location you're interrupting the normal picking. The original bullet continues to sail onward, and spawns four bullets before fading out. Is that the result you were going for?

    You may also want to check out a trick known as "Family picking." By assigning two families to the same object you have much greater control over picking and actions. If your bullet belongs both to the Red and Blue families, then you can pick by Red, and spawn Blue, and perform all of the actions you want on the newly spawned objects by using Blue in the actions. That might be just the exact thing you need for this situation. If you need any help with it, feel free to ask.

  • You can do this by setting the state of the game with a variable, whether it's global or private. Restrict the movements and actions based on what the variable says.

    + Global('currentPlayer') = 1
        -> Activate player one movements
    + Global('currentPlayer') = 2
        -> Activate player two movements
    At the end of a turn, you switch the global variable to the next player.
    If you're clever you can even control both sets of players with the same code, by marking the player pieces with variables as well.  That way if global('player') is currently set to 1, for example, then clicking on player two's pieces will do nothing.  And vice versa.  Or whatever.
    You would just need to have PV's for every player piece that can hold a 1 or 2 to distinguish which player it belongs to.  You can even use the same sprites!  Just have different animations in the sprite for player 1 and 2... say, one set of ships colored red in one animation, and another set of ships colored blue in another animation.  Set the animation to the proper color by checking what the player PV is.
    Go ahead and try it out, if you need help with it then post a .cap file showing what you've tried so far.
  • i want to achieve is moving the sprite in an arch while jumping, starting with the start of the jump til landing (while moving horizontally). It seems the platform behavior doesn't work like this but rather moves the sprite in a triangular shape (with a smooth top).

    You should be able to get a more rounded jump by fiddling with the settings.


    <img src="">

    You can see that the green box has a much more rounded jump than the red box even though they jump the same height and move at the same speed. And you don't really need to use Jump Sustain to do it, just change the gravity and jump strength settings to your liking.