deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Here it is:

    Hey MikeWyatt, my name isn't Mike Wyatt, it makes it kind of hard for me to log into Mike Wyatt's blog at MikeWyattDotCom as Mike Wyatt.

    <img src="">

    You might want to sort out your hosting

  • Nice job Minor. I like the life indicator skull. The jumping seems a bit abrupt but I'm sure that when playing the full game I'd get used to it.

    One buggy thing I noticed is that a few times that I fell in the lava, a second player sprite appeared and would dissolve along with the first one. Weird. I couldn't get a lock on what was causing it, though.

  • What or Who is Lerp?

    It stands for "linear interpolation," and it's a very useful and powerful math function. I had no clue what the hell it was when I first started to use Construct, but once it was explained to me (see David's post above) it made complicated stuff a lot easier. I know you're adverse to the whole coding side of things, but lerp() is a really good one to know.

    In my opinion, everyone should make friends with lerp() and clamp(), which is also so useful it's sickening. There's a list of system math expressions here on the wiki: ... xpressions

    Lerp() and clamp() are under the math section.

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  • Best use of the All Your Base meme ever.

    We should make that game!

    Would make an interesting game story though, hehe.

    It is no story. It's TRUE.

  • No, leading the player with the mouse is not hard. You can do it in one event:

    Made in v0.99.62. Hold left mouse to move the circle.

    If you wanted something like acceleration and deceleration it would simply be a matter of adding another event or two.

    Also, this isn't the only way you could can do this. You could use a behavior like Bullet, 8Direction, Custom Movement, or even Physics, instead of coding your own. But it's such an easy movement to make I don't see why you'd need to.

    As for the different gravity directions... yeah, that would be harder to do for a beginner.

  • A lot of deadeye's platform tutorials should still be helpful to you, although I think it's time he updated them to work in the latest version of Construct .

    I don't wanna

    No, really... I've rewritten them all four times now. I don't want to keep doing that. I'll wait until v1.0.

    Just use v0.98.9 to take the tutorials for now. There is a link to it in the first post of the Platform School thread. You will learn enough from v0.98.9 to get the hang of Construct.

  • I am a newbie ...

    i dont know what to do.

    Do this: ... r_tutorial

    Then do this:

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Wow, this sounds really cool . You guys are doing an awesome job over there at GJ.

    So who developed the plugin?

  • In the year 20XX the great war started. The oppressive terrorist organization KILLK was poised to rule the world. A rogue splinter group under the command of General Ashes defied KILLK. They gathered together the remaining rebellion forces to fight back, to reconstruct civilization.

    Thus, the Reconstructors were formed.

    This small, battle-scarred group fought bravely against the might of KILLK. Even KILLK's elite front-line soldiers, the Daily Crew, could not suppress them. Time and again KILLK's massive army proved ineffective against the Reconstructor's superior technology. Until one day KILLK unleashed it's secret weapon... the cybernetic organism known as Liji.

    Liji's onslaught was merciless. It fought not only on the front lines with the Daily Crew forces, but in the cold, electronic landscape of cyberspace... hacking into Reconstructor data banks in an attempt to find a weakness and foil their plans. But Liji ultimately proved itself ineffective, and KILLK dismantled the cyborg.

    Now there is a general armistice between the two factions. KILLK understands that the rebels aren't going down quietly. It's all they can do to keep their forces in line while awaiting the inevitable day that the Reconstructors unleash their most powerful weapon...

    ... One Point O.

  • The Platform Behavior in Construct is light years ahead of the default platform movement in MMF2.

    It's even better than the Platform Movement Object plugin.

    Anyway, if you want to make a Mega Man type game, then there's really no reason why you shouldn't start with the Platform Behavior. It's pretty customizable with events.

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  • I have been searching around so much but i can't seem to find anything about it. I want to know how to make an enemy. When it sees the player it will chase him and if it dosent see the player it will walk around.


    You could set up "states" for your enemy. If the player is close, set the enemy state (a private variable) to "active." If the player is far away, set it to "passive."

    Then you can use those private variables to run blocks of code that will control your enemy. You just need to use that variable as a condition in your events.

    Other than that, what methods have you tried? It's easier to help someone fix something that's broken than just tell them how to make it.

    (By the way, I cover some simple enemy AI in my Platform School tutorials.)

  • I suck at level design . I place one tile at a time and then hit Preview to test each tile.

    Okay, so it's not that bad, but close. First I'll throw some tiles down at semi-random in a configuration that looks interesting, and then after testing it to see it plays like crap I start the tedious process of making small changes and testing each one. This is especially true of Vert, where you can't really understand the level until it's running because it turns every which way... perhaps I should design the levels on paper first .

    When I made This Cursed Rock I at least had a measuring-stick sprite in the layout that showed exactly how high and far the player could jump, it did make things a little easier and cut down a lot on testing time.

    I am in the middle of making a sort of puzzle game that involves a maze though, so I have to change my level design strategy or I will soon go insane. Planning the route ahead of time is pretty much going to be necessary.

  • Can't catch a break on this picking thing, huh?

    What's happening is that in the second wave you have not one but two objects that are spawning things, and you're not picking them by anything more than "timer > 500, type = 2." Since both objects meet the criteria for the condition Construct doesn't know which one you mean so it selects the first created instance, which is the one that was created first in wave 1. This is the one that spawned to the left (Angle+90).

    You need to tell Construct that you intend for every instance that meets the criteria to follow these instructions, so you need to add a For Each loop to wave 2.

    By the way, you should probably use absolute angles when spawning the second wave, because using relative angles makes each side shoot in different directions.

    Oh, and if you intend for there to ever be more than one first wave bullet on the screen you should probably add a For Each to that sequence as well.

    Also, I saved that in 0.99.62 so you might need to upgrade.