Hey! I have a question. Is there any way I can compile .cap file into a c++ code? Waiting for answers.
What you need is Containers:
http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... Containers
If you still have any questions after reading through that, feel free to post them
Muurtegel, I've never experienced the problem that you're having so I'm not sure what's going on there. Are you using Platform Behavior or your own events?
When I make a sprite with Platform Behavior and jump into the ceiling, I don't fall straight down and I am still able to maneuver the sprite as it falls.
Or perhaps I'm not understanding the issue correctly. Could you post a .cap showing the problem that you're having?
Well, you can make games for Linux with it, so remember this next time a Linux person pops up here I guess.
Isn't the appblock error related to Data Execution Prevention settings?
http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/wind ... n-settings
Some of my older Construct games that weren't made on this computer didn't run until I turned off DEP for them.
Wow, that's really cool man
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Crap, I got beat to the punch
Okay then I guess I have to find that car now...
Edit: Found it, right by the fishermen
<img src="http://i52.tinypic.com/343lv2x.png">
Okay, NOW find that heart flag:
<img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/331ndk5.png">
and my oh my, what's going on there: <img src="http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/9999/unled2tm.jpg">
and my oh my, what's going on there:
<img src="http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/9999/unled2tm.jpg">
It's kind of easy when you pick one that has a link to it already
<img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/9u4u83.png">
Okay find this heart flag:
Oh! OH!!! There are a couple orange stickers all on their lonesome sitting on the boards there, heh . Make that 100% sure.
Well that's not as cool, but it still looks neat.
Easy way:
Put all plats in a family called platFamily
The do this:
+ Sprite overlaps plat -> platFamily: Set active to 0 -> plat: Set active to 1 [/code:139j5gvh] Since the condition only picks plat, and not platFamily, then ALL of platFamily will be set to 0. Then in the next action, the plat that was picked in the condition gets set to 1. This is a variation of the family trick that you may have seen mentioned before on the forums.
Let's have a scavenger hunt
<img src="http://i53.tinypic.com/wtiptj.jpg">
Hint: There are two of these pigs very close to each other on the same structure.
The person who finds it can name the next item to find
That Rubik's Cube art is cool as hell. And I bet even more of a pain in the *** to set up than solving all of those Rubik's Cubes. I mean, you have to turn them in just the right way to get the exact colored squares you need for that section... that's *********
Unless they're cheating by taking the stickers off
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There's really no need for the sarcasm. It's a valid concern.
Gravy on cheese? Well now I've seen everything.