deadeye's Forum Posts

  • By the way, shouldn't New Zealand be under water by now? Google says it's almost 9pm there. The apocalypse was supposed to start around 6:30pm, at least according to the news last night.

  • Ok, yeah I guess some form of currency would be good. Although regular money would be just about useless, rare metals would still be valuable.

    I would say bottle caps (they worked for the Vault Dweller) but then I realized most bottle caps nowadays are plastic

    Also thank you so much for reminding me of this embarrassing trainwreck:

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  • > I just started using this this morning for my current project...



    What you're working on, if I may ask. Is it that cubic guy platformer? And do you both do coding? I'd like to start some project with a friend, but we'll probably both do coding and I still don't know how to merge our work, if one should do menus and stuff and the other main thing? What's your advice?

    sorry for little ot

    I don't want to derail the thread or anything, but it's a puzzle platformer for the iPhone. I have done a small amount of C# coding on the project (we're using Unity3D), but for the most part the coding is being done by one of the other guys. I just do the art. Well, and a lot of general design stuff on game mechanics and UI and whatnot. I even used Construct to prototype a few things in the game .

    Anyway, I don't really have much advice on how to get a team together... my friend (the coder guy) came to me and asked if I wanted to work for his new company (yeah, he started an actual company with a business license and everything, go figure). He has another friend who is putting up all the money to get us started, and who is basically the boss because of that. So, um... yeah, if you know someone who wants to start a game company and they have a generous friend who wants to invest in it then that would be a good place to start.

    Sorry, I know that's not too helpful

  • So I think is the best one I've found, its absolutely perfect for me, its already helping me so much. Has a fantastic UI, and all the features I need.

    Thank you for the link . I just started using this this morning for my current project, and got coder on it as well so we're sharing the same list. I've been feeling pretty bogged down lately because we're behind schedule and it just seemed like the workload was too much. Once I got everything I needed to do organized into an outline it really didn't seem all that bad, and I had my first stress-free production day in two weeks.

    Well, aside from arguing with my teammate about how the level progression should be handled, but that's not related to the workload .

  • I've tried to use the pick closest condition, but that didn't work. Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?

    Not sure why that wouldn't work for you. It works perfectly for me: ... losest.cap

    <img src="">

  • Blue Velvet

    Apocalypse Now

    Planet of the Apes (the original, not the terrible Tim Burton remake)

    The Big Lebowski


    They Live

    The Dark Crystal

    Dead Alive

    Little Shop of Horrors

    Many of these I've seen so many times I can quote all the lines from beginning to end while I'm watching them. And more often than not when I'm hungry, instead of saying "I'm hungry" I'll say "we go to pancakes house" in a thick Scandinavian accent (quoting Gaear Grimsrud in Fargo) which I'm sure is not the least bit annoying.

  • I don't really have a non-game related hobby at the moment. I'm either playing games or making games. I also follow a few different Let's Play's so sometimes I'm even watching other people play games .

    But I'd like to get into painting with acrylics when I can afford the materials.

    I'd also like to make puppets. Like cool muppet-style puppets. No, I'm not kidding, I think that would be fun as hell.

  • For example a 15x15 solid block placed at (50, 50) with a centred hotspot actually extends from (42.5, 42.5) to (57.5, 57.5). That's exactly what you asked for, it's just the math means its edges land midway between pixels.

    Ah, maybe that's why I never have that problem. I always use power of 2 sizes for my player and colliders, and I make sure they're always aligned on a power of 2 sized grid.

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  • I just tried in Classic, and its platform movement has the same bug. Nobody seemed to notice it there...! It's only ever a gap of less than a pixel.

    What? I don't see any gap in Classic

    That was a problem several builds ago, but Davo fixed it. Unless it's happening on some graphics cards and not others...

  • What do you use to get an authentic NES palette?

    It's no secret...

    Here's one with no jpeg artifacts:

    <img src="">

  • The only problem I had with it really was the high-pitched sound when collecting those orb thingies. Seemed a bit harsh to me. Other than that I have no complaints, it's friggin amazing

  • There is no Construct v1.0. It stopped at v0.99.something.

    And no Construct Classic shouldn't hurt anything. There were some additions made to the Platform behavior (and others, and some bugfixes) but nothing that should interfere with what you have so far. It was mainly just a name change to get away from v0.99.99999etc.

  • Ah, I see...

    Just about all of the problems you mentioned are due to the fact that your bunnies are checked Solid.

    Platform behavior will automatically move along with any object that it is standing on if that object has Solid or Platform attribute checked. This is so you can easily make moving platforms or elevators.

    My suggestion would be to uncheck Solid on your bunnies and create your own custom bounce events. It's pretty easy to make one bunny bounce off of the top of another with something like this:

    + On collision between BunnyA and BunnyB
    + BunnyA [Platform] is falling
    + BunnyA.Y is less than BunnyB.Y
      -> BunnyA [Platform]: Set jump strength to half
      -> BunnyA [Platform]: Jump
      -> BunnyA [Platform]: Set jump strength back to full
    Again, that's just a rough idea and you may have to tweak it to suit your needs.  By setting the jump strength to half (or whatever) you can make a small bounce off of the opponent instead of a full jump.
    As for bouncing off of each other horizontally, you could do much the same thing, depending on how you want them to bounce.
    For instance, it would be fairly easy to make them always bounce away from each other at a set speed by using the "Set X component of motion" action for Platform.  If you want to get more refined you could do some checks to see if both are currently moving, whether they're moving toward each other, and how fast, and adjust the bounce for each depending on that.  Just experiment with it and I'm sure you'll come up with something that works for you.
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  • Okay, apparently he's put them all back now. You will have to update your links, I guess.

    Anyway sorry for the confusion. If it's any consolation you can no longer delete posts that are more than half an hour old any more.