deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Wow, I haven't seen anything about this in ages. I thought it was vaporware for sure. Glad to see it's still in production after all .

    btw there's more on the main page

    That video has been around for years now. I'm pretty sure it was just a mockup of the concept and doesn't contain any actual gameplay. But the new video looks pretty ace

  • >


    > Hope that helps


    Yes. Thank you!

    One more question:

    If in case B, there are not two Sprite different, but two instances of same Sprite, how to flash ONLY the one at +100X form the other?

    <img src="">

    I cold think of a few ways, but here's one using the family picking trick:


    The green sprites are in the Green family, which is then used to distinguish between instances of the same object. Any questions feel free to ask.

  • There are no events in this project, is this intended? Anyway, it seems to run fine for me, it is just the four objects (sprite, platform hitbox, tiled background and camera). No crashes. I am using Construct 0.99.84

    Try copying the player sprite and then doing "Paste Clone." The Camera object will disappear. Trying to undo the paste will crash Construct. v0.99.84

    This .cap is probably small and simple enough to stick on the bug tracker, which is what you should do Drule. The mantra goes "all crashes are bugs" and whatnot. It might be a corrupt .cap, or there might be a problem with cloning. Not really sure either way.

    Anyway, Mr Wolf has a good question... were these copied from another .cap? And what version of Construct did you first create this .cap in?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Whoa, 30? That's not too good . I don't get less than 230.

    Try deleting the gradient object, it gives me another 100fps if I do that.

  • ... latter.cap


    Just posting my take on it. It's not perfectly how I envisioned it, but it's close. And yeah I could probably optimize it a lot but this was just a rough draft proof-of-concept type thing.

  • Sounds like it will become scripting obligatory

    Why would you say that?

    Anyway Ash has said that the event system will still be there, it's just that events will create an .xml file. Think Dreamweaver... you are using a GUI to make an .html file... which you could also code by hand if you wanted to. Same thing. It shouldn't be obligatory at all.

    If Construct is indeed moving towards XML, that's even better news, but I understand that's huge task which needs lot of time o accomplish.

    Just to clarify, this is something planned for Construct 2.

  • You should post a .cap.

  • Finally got around to trying this, and it's not going to work... The movements are instant and not actual movement, and not constrained by solid objects anymore.

    Just check for Solid with an Overlap at Offset before you issue the move action.

  • Well yeah, for one you could edit your game file with any text editor, which means that you make events by writing code if you wanted. Importing/exporting bits of your game would be easier too, meaning you could have a team work on a project much easier than you can now.

    Theoretically, that is.

  • One way to implement this is to make .cap files text-based etc.

    In C2 .cap files will be pure XML. Or so the story goes...

  • There should be a social networking site for people who hate social networking sites.

  • I would suggest going through the Ghost Shooter tutorial before starting on anything big. It covers a lot of basic stuff like PV's.

  • Apparently not

  • Looking good so far, man. Keep it up .

  • What are these "tracer" events you keep talking about? What's the source?

    Anyway, your speed is set to 0 when overlapping Solid at offset (3,0) or (-3,0), which includes your slope. You might want to give your vertical walls another custom attribute or a family and check for OaO with that instead.

    As for the bouncing against the wall thing, don't know what's causing that...