deadeye's Forum Posts

  • I think making a collision mask's hotspot separate from the sprite would be useful, but for a different reason. Right now if you move the hotspot or crop the mask down smaller than the sprite you get strange collision results.

  • Is it possible to detect a collision of an image point of a sprite? If so wouldn't it be possible to place two image points on the left and right bottom of the sprite and then ... rotate ...?

    Yes it is possible, but the hotspots rotate with the sprite so it's not as easy as you might think . I tried this solution and didn't have much luck with it. While it is possible to get a smoothly rotating player, it goes from "simple" to "difficult" rather quickly, and since this is a beginner's tutorial it wouldn't really fit in there.

    Anyway, I'm afraid the slopes were left out of the lesson in question, and they won't be returning. Sorry, but that's just how it's going to be.

    Closing the thread because it's really not needed any more, but thanks to everyone who tried helping out

  • You're going about things kind of backwards here anyway. If you want solid collisions with your NPC's then check for overlap at offset with a solid in the next gridspace before moving them, rather than trying to stop their movement after it's already begun.

  • You have earned the title: "Mr. Poll"


  • [quote:1eigazkr]The problem I come to is that when '1' is pressed, it both activates and de-activates everything at once.

    Both of your "On key 1 pressed" triggers are triggering in the same tick.


    + On key X pressed
    + "Foo" is equal to 1 
        -> Set "Foo" to 2
    + On key X pressed
    + "Foo" is equal to 2
        -> Set "Foo" to 1
    You might think this would toggle the value back and forth between 1 and 2 with each keypress.  But no.  Practically speaking, Foo will never equal 2.  If you press X then both of the "X pressed" triggers will run.  In the first, you set Foo to 2.  Since it's 2 now, then when you reach the second trigger Construct says "Oh, the X key has been pressed... and Foo is equal to 2 so let's run the event.  And it sets it right back to 1.
    Looking at the post before that one it appears that you have just made a simple logic error and if you look at it again I'm sure you'll see it pretty easily
  • spacebattle.cap

    Is that my spacebattle.cap? The I guess I'd have to ask... what version of Construct did you install?

    I mean besides "did you install everything" that is

  • (The sky is blue, the grass is green)

    The sun's as warm as a baked potato.

  • I assume that the show reel will be one of those montage-set-to-music deals, so you probably won't need any audio at all. If that's the case then yeah, CamStudio should be fine. I tested it out recently and it captured video just fine, but when I tried capturing audio too it went bonkers on me.

    had nothing to do so i compiled a whole bunch of my stuff for this.

    You have some really cool looking stuff there Quazi, but none of it is really in any sort of finished state. It's all a bunch of tech demo stuff that is neat to play with, but I don't think it'd be that impressive as a five second clip. Out of all of that I would recommend that the evolution and the blobber demos go into the reel because they're the most polished and finished-looking. Perhaps Mr Winch, if you want to add some graphics to it (it looks like a lot of placeholders). Likewise with the IK Robot... the robot itself looks really nice but just having a robot walking on a plain black background won't look all that impressive on video.

    Just my two cents. I think the reel should showcase more finished-looking things, is all.

  • My favorite console is the NES.

    As for my favorite old computer, it's a toss-up between the TRS-80 Color Computer and the Macintosh SE. I learned how to program BASIC on the CoCo, and I spent countless hours using HyperCard to make crappy games on the SE.

  • Custom minimaps are pretty simple now when PixelRebirth showed to me how it's done

    You know you can't just leave your post hanging like that... now you have to show us how you do it.

  • So the sub event is only for visual clarity? I was thinking it to be more like If the Event was true then continue with the sub event.

    No, sub-events are not just for visual clarity. Yes, you can use them that way if you want to, but what you were thinking is correct... if the root event is true then the sub-event will run. If the root event is not true, then the sub-event will be skipped.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Looking good, man . I can't wait to see more of this.

  • It looks to me like what you need is a hash table. You should look into that instead of playing matchy-matchy with two separate lists of variables.

  • I don't!

    Nice edit.

    Your original post was funnier...

    ...though still pretty cold

  • seconded, this has pissed me off quite a few times when i wanted it but didn't have it, never got around to posting it as a "bug"

    It would be nice, but it's not really a bug (and yeah I got that you had it in quotes ). Jump sustain works directly from input, so when you press Jump control, it can calculate how long you're holding down the control. When you use Jump action, there is no control involved, and so there is no way for it to know how long you have the control held down, or if you even have it held down at all.

    Of course David might be able to work it into the behavior if you were to ask. As far as I know though he's still busy with school at the moment.