deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Okay, I tried the new version and the door works. I noticed that the game is also a lot harder now than it was before...

    Anyway, a few new bugs to report:

    1. It seems that you can leave level 1 by exiting the same vent you came in as well as the one you have to cut open.

    2. Sometimes I get shot once even though I'm hidden, but every shot after that passes right by me.

    3. When I died on level 3 there were two text messages laid on top of each other telling me I could press R to restart. I died a second time, and then there were no text messages at all, just a blank black screen (but pressing R still worked).

    4. When I ran past the arrow to go to Basement 5 or whatever it's called, a radio cut-scene played, but it was the same "Frank, I'm in a computer room" cutscene as the first level. Also, I could still move the player during the cutscene (at least I think so... when I pressed Z I could still hear the sword swinging, and it didn't skip the cutscene).

  • It looks really nice, but the gameplay seems a little slow and easy.

    Also, I had a problem with level 2. I pick up the key card and go all the way back to the door... and when I touch the keypad the card disappears but the door doesn't open. It kind of glitches for a fraction of a second like it's going to, and then goes back to being closed again. I'm stuck and I can't get out of the level.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is really sweet. Good job

  • [quote:2f79rm3m]I've found a bug here though. apparently capturing the manual control somehow makes the "Click" control I set up not register when the user actually clicks the mouse himself so I had to make a separate event for that. Posting a bug report now...

    You need to click the dropdown and select "Left mouse click". No really, that fixed it. It seems that even though "Left mouse click" is shown as the default for a new custom control, it isn't actually selected by default.

    That's good to know, thanks

  • The StencylWorks page now says it's directly inspired by Scratch - is that an edit since you guys saw it? Still, I'm a bit disappointed since I always thought of Scratch as being an educational tool or toy (no disrespect meant to the Scratch folk though, looks like they're doing a good job).

    This thread was the first I've heard of it. And I don't think the Scratch folks would take that as disrespect, I'm pretty sure "educational tool and toy" is exactly what they're aiming for.

    Yep and Construct GUI look's similar to MMF, I felt it similar to MMF the first time I opened it and still think of it like MMF especially event editor GUI look's more or less to MMF


  • Not used the for each loop yet, so this question is just speculation ..

    If Sprite is Visible

    For Each Sprite - > Action

    Wouldn't this code see that a sprite is visible, then run the for each on all the sprites if atleast one was?

    No. It would run the loop only for the sprites that are visible.

  • <img src="">


    <img src="">


    Alrighty then, it seems I have found the answer to this little puzzle:

    The similarity is no coincidence, they modeled the interface directly off of Scratch, with full the permission of the creators of Scratch. They also have recruited Scratch users to be Stencyl beta-testers.

    Honestly, I think that sort of collaboration across projects is pretty damn cool. That still doesn't make the candy-colored programming interface any more attractive to me, though.

  • They have made some sort of cropped picture:

    <img src="">

    Oh wait, this looks a lot like Scratch

    Kind of reminds me of Alice as well.

    Out of the three games I'd say the Versus game was the best, but it still felt a little sluggish and the controls were WAY overcomplicated. You could create that control scheme with a lot fewer keys by adding some context-sensitive controls. It would probably work better with mouse aim too, especially since you could solve the "press X to turn your mech around" problem by just facing the mouse cursor. Still it seemed like the most polished game.

    Second favorite was the pumpkin game. The platforming was a lot better than the astronaut game, but they still sort of felt really similar to each other. Like they were made from the same template or something, and the creators didn't bother to change up the settings for the platforming all that much. I thought some of the enemies in the pumpkin game were coded decently too. It could use checkpoints or lives though, I kept dying on the falling-platforms-with-spikes-under-them bit on level 2. It seems they have a problem with the player staying rooted to falling platforms as well

    I really don't like that GUI. The pastel colors don't help anything either, I think. Makes it look like it's for Children.

    If that is indeed a shot of their GUI then yeah I'd have to agree with that one. But it looks so similar to Scratch that I can't help but wonder if it really is just a shot of Scratch. I can't imagine that they'd actually bite off of another game maker/programming thing so blatantly.

    Yeah cause construct would never look anything like another application out there, oh wait.

    Hey now what are you trying to say, LMK?

  • I'm going to jump in with a preemptive warning against Stencyl bashing. Not that I don't have faith that out members can handle themselves with a modicum of decorum, but just in case, you see

    UberLou has the right idea... honest crits of Stencyl and it's capabilities are fine, but let's not perpetuate any bad blood between Stencyl users and Construct. Healthy rivalry is well and good but let's keep it civil.

    And if your ire is truly bubbling over and you absolutely can't help but vent or poke fun then at least do it in chat

  • I updated the tutorial with a new set of graphics.

    Thank you

  • Hi

    I'm glad you are interested in making tutorials for Construct, and your tutorial is very well written. However, I would appreciate it if you did not use my graphics. People have asked in the past if they could use the Platform School sprites for their own projects, and the answer is always no. If you could remove this and re-release it with your own graphics, I would appreciate it greatly.

    Also, a few technical flaws I've noticed with your tutorial:

    1. You have no proper collision mask for the player sprite. This results in being able to hang off of the edge of a platform by pixels sticking out like so:

    <img src="">

    2. The Charlie and Doomba sprites are both set to Solid, which means they will not collide consistently. Collision happens when two sprites overlap, and under normal circumstances a Platform Behavior object will not overlap with a Solid.

    3. Your ladder climbing uses a set pixel amount per tick which is not framerate independent. You should use the Platform Behavior's "Set Y Component of Motion" action, or TimeDelta.

  • Just a heads up on eBay's policy on beta software:

    [quote:3813apsu]eBay's policy on beta software:

    Beta, test, or evaluation copies of software may not be listed on eBay.


    Listings offering beta, test or evaluation copies of software may be ended early by eBay. Multiple breaches of eBay's beta software policy could result in the suspension of your account.

    I would say that definitely violates eBay's policy.

    Also, in case cashgangnet is still monitoring this thread... no you do not have permission to distribute my game.

  • Huh... turns out I did have an ebay account. Weird. I don't remember ever signing up for one.

    Anyway, both of the remaining items have been reported.

  • They have a screenshot of my game This Cursed Rock on the "box."

    This is pretty ****** if you ask me. I tried reporting the item but I don't know if the report went through because I don't have an ebay account.

  • You need to open it with v0.99.84.