I'm glad you are interested in making tutorials for Construct, and your tutorial is very well written. However, I would appreciate it if you did not use my graphics. People have asked in the past if they could use the Platform School sprites for their own projects, and the answer is always no. If you could remove this and re-release it with your own graphics, I would appreciate it greatly.
Also, a few technical flaws I've noticed with your tutorial:
1. You have no proper collision mask for the player sprite. This results in being able to hang off of the edge of a platform by pixels sticking out like so:
<img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/aes3h4.png">
2. The Charlie and Doomba sprites are both set to Solid, which means they will not collide consistently. Collision happens when two sprites overlap, and under normal circumstances a Platform Behavior object will not overlap with a Solid.
3. Your ladder climbing uses a set pixel amount per tick which is not framerate independent. You should use the Platform Behavior's "Set Y Component of Motion" action, or TimeDelta.