deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Wow when did Help/Tech become 4chan?

  • Yes, as Doppel said you should set the sampling to point. That will take care of the blurriness.

    As for he rest, I've run into this exact problem with my game. I asked Ashley about the scrolling issue and he said that due to the way Construct scales things up it would be too hard to change, so he offered up a solution:

    Solution 1. You can check "Unbounded scrolling" in the layer properties.

    Problems with this solution:

    • This will make the outside of your level visible, so you have to fill it with graphics.
    • It also means that your player will be in the exact center of your screen at all times, even when at the edge of your level, because Construct is scrolling outside of your level.

    Solution 2: Make some extra space around the edge of your level to compensate for your zoomed screen size. Like this: Just make sure that Unbounded Scrolling is un-checked. This will make your screen scroll normally. If you want to see it in action, here's a demo of my game:

    Problems with this solution:

    • It makes your level bigger than it needs to be.
    • You will need to rearrange all your tiles.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • I've had a little bit of success making physics detectors with Create Hinge. For instance, if you have a solid physics circle that's 32px you can make a no-collision physics circle that's like 36 or 38px and attach it via a hinge with high stiffness. The hinge sticks better than setting the xy coordinates with an Always event because it happens during the physics behavior update rather than in your event sheet, and since it doesn't do physics collisions you can test for basic sprite overlapping. Also be sure to set your detector to like .01 mass so it doesn't cause drag on your object.

    Something to try anyway.

    And I'm afraid I can't check out your game at this moment because I'm posting from a different computer, but I'll be sure to take a look as soon as I get on my own.

  • But set force 0 don't stop the object from moving... Why?

    Now that you mention it, that is strange.

  • Who cares of the levels, that's just awesome! Will you ever release the cap for educational purposes? It will be useful to help people developing their games!

    Hey, thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

    About releasing the .cap though... like I said before, the .cap is reeeally messy. There's a lot of stuff in it that I know for a fact is inefficient, and often times just the wrong way to do things. The past few days have been a mad scramble to try to get things done in time, and I started to get to get very sloppy, just hacking things together as fast as I could to make it work.

    But I will make a thread about how I did the basics, and the important details. And I might eventually go back and clean up the event structure and then post the .cap. But for now I need to relax for a bit. I don't think I want to even look at the game today. I've been working on it every day for the past twenty days straight, and I need a break. Plus I need a bit of time to get over not completing the compo. I'm feeling rather disappointed right now.

  • Hey man, you provide some very basic friggin sketches, I'll make your about and end screen art, and whatever else you need. I'll uber-stylize them to make them out of place enough to fit in amongst the rest of your game's art style.

    Thank you, but they're already in place. No art, just text. Well, arty text. Well, crappy arty text.

    Okay... EVERYTHING is finished... except designing the levels. The blank levels are in place, ready to go. I just have to place tiles. That leaves, oh... say, forty minutes to design two levels, two and a half minutes to test them, and two and a half more minutes to build the final, zip it up, upload it, and post it to TIGSource.



    Ah, who am I kidding. I was close, but I didn't quite make it. I was going to stay up and finish it anyway, but I'm totally beat.

    Here's a final build of the test level:

    It's got music, spikes, level changing and death sequences, yadda yadda. It's basically feature complete, it just lacks real levels. If I had another hour or two I could have slapped some levels together. Maybe.

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  • Tiles, tiles, tiles. Cutting up all my tiles in photoshop and importing them to Construct took for FREAKING EVER.

    Linked for size:

    I also ran into a series of fatal crashes while importing all those tiles. About twelve crashes or so. It got to the point where I was saving after every two tiles just so I didn't have to keep importing the same ones over again.

    I don't know what the error was. I'll be sure to report it when all this is done.

    Okay, so... four hours until the deadline. All that's left is to make the About screen and the End screen, and whip up a couple levels. Piece of cake.

  • The new version is hot! I love the new platform movement.

    Now I have to rewrite my game though

    I'll be worth it. Your game was looking pretty kick-ass.

  • Whoa! For curiosity, are you using the physics or the platform movement?

    Platform. And all the code to overcome skating and pogo-sticking is still in there, even though Ashley's updated the movement to take it out. It's all tied into how the controls feed the animations, and taking out the obsolete code would take too long, so chalk another one up for messy coding.

  • I thought Star Fox Adventures was the best one

    I know... blasphemy. But it's true.

  • Thank you, Jeswen.

    Break time update:

    Completed in the last six hours:

    • Created victory song (ripped from Renegade for NES and edited)
    • Created victory routine, including animations, sfx, music, and next-level-changing sequence. The level ends when all the toys have been destroyed. Right now it just restarts the level.

    And I don't know if I'll be releasing the whole .cap as I mentioned before, because it's turned into one big, hacky mess. I have variables that are doing double-duty by performing tasks they weren't designed for, sound events plugged in willy-nilly instead of all nice and tidy in in the Sound sheet, quick hax to overcome not being able to use global variables, and all sorts of other nasty coding. If anyone were to look at it they probably wouldn't be able to follow it (I barely can, and I made it). And if they were able to follow it it would just teach them bad, bad habits. But I will still make a thread showing how I did some of the better tricks.

    Yet to be completed:

    • SPIKES!
    • About and End screens
    • Those pesky levels. Which means I have to import the rest of my tiles... about fifty or so.

    I've decided there's no way I'm drawing the About and End screens, so they'll be text only with that polka-dot background. Congratulation! A winner is you!

    Eight hours and forty minutes to go. I might just make it after all.

  • You gotta explain why I get all the evil bugs as cap nuke, cap destruction and cap loss while developing, while you get some stupid bugs

    Oh, I get the crashes and nukes too. I just keep a very close eye on the IDE and the second it starts to mess up, I save a copy and quit Construct.

    This also might have something to do with it:

    (the last eight were made just this morning)

    Basically I save a new copy:

    • Whenever Construct is acting funny
    • Whenever I've done a "fair amount" of work
    • Right before a test after a major change
    • Right before a test after a major addition
    • Before building any .exes
    • Whenever my dog walks by
    • When I'm wearing socks
    • When I'm not wearing socks
    • And every four seconds on top of that

    I also restart Construct regularly to keep it "fresh." I haven't been able to get a whole lot of beta testing done doing this, since I'm avoiding errors instead of seeking them out, but it has been a lot easier on the production front.

  • In the past ten hours I have completed the following:

    -Made death music from scratch, incorporated into the game

    • Eaten one bowl of Chef Boyardee raviolis (crap-a-licious)
    • Slept 5 hours
    • Had coffee and browsed internet for a hour or so

    -Made intro screen music, ripped from Joust for NES and rearranged in Fruity Loops using the NES VST plugins from Tweakbench, incorporated into game

    -Made first level music, ripped from Snake, Rattle, and Roll for NES and rearranged in Fruity Loops using the NES VST plugins from Tweakbench, incorporated into game

    Problems encountered:

    • Autoplay doesn't seem to work. Can't loop mp3 files automatically. Solution: Resorted to hax. "Every 57500 MS: Play file 'Music\level1.mp3'"
    • Every time the level music restarted I got a new instance of the AC3 filter property settings in my system tray. Solution: Disable AC3 Filter.
    • One major crash I think having to do with leaving event sheets minimized. When I restored one, the events weren't in it. Closed the event sheet window, upon reopening Construct crashed. Lost about an hour of work. Solution: kick self for not saving more often.
    • I think I'm losing my mind. I do not function well under pressure. Solution: Rock back and forth while hugging self/talk to voices in head.

    To do:

    • Tweak hammer collisions (relatively quick/easy)
    • Add Victory routine for winning level (somewhat time consuming\easy)
    • Add enemy count routine (easy peasy)
    • Add in SPIKES (quick\easy)
    • Create About screen and Ending screen (very time consuming)
    • Put together two full levels worth of gameplay (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA)
  • Graphics hardware: GeForce 4 MX 440

    Wow! That's my card I feel bad for your parents.

    Regardless, I don't get that error any more, and haven't since the late version 0.8Xs.

    Edit: My mistake, I haven't received that error from the image editor since v0.9.

  • Ah, good old R6025. Haven't seen him around in a while. We used to be well acquainted.

    I wonder how he's doing now?