deadeye's Forum Posts

  • You have to first shoot the switch, then push up when you're overlapping it to activate it.

    Honestly, it's kind of redundant, I think. It seems that either just shooting it or just turning it on would suffice in activating it. But that's got nothing to do with the bug, it's just my personal opinion on the gameplay

  • Post your .cap so someone can have a look.

  • 1. You only have the ability to edit your posts for a few minutes, so be careful what you post.

    2. I am not able to recreate your crash. I did exactly what you described... I created a sprite, gave it physics behavior, gave it a custom collision mask (a right triangle), and rotated the sprite beyond 45 degrees. It runs fine.

    This means there is something else wrong with your .cap. You should send your .cap to Ashley so he can have a look at it. Otherwise it won't get fixed.

  • No, a newton is a newton. I'm going to just wait until someone who knows what i'm talking about shows up and go from there... No it's not the metric system and no it's not square feet because I haven't made any measurements for them.

  • That's really strange

    I can't understand why it would do that. I even changed all the ID numbers to wacky stuff like 47 or 849 and that 3rd computer just won't work. The 5th one that I added doesn't work either, but the 4th one still does.

    Then I deleted the broken 3rd computer and made a new one, and it worked fine after that, but the 5th one still didn't.

    I have no idea what's going on. There's something glitchy at work here.

  • This looks awome, but one thing you might consider is to start with the coding earlier, since construct isn't really reliable yet, and you might have to change some plans or spend loads of time on ugly workarounds.

    Well, I did code the movement, animation, menu, dialogue, and transition stuff first. The combat should be pretty easy since it's just simple "on collision" stuff. And the enemy AI I've done before so I'll just be reusing that with a couple of tweaks.

    I know Construct's quirks pretty well by now, and I'm not doing anything I haven't done before. I've stuck with simple tried and tested methods so far so I'm not breaking any new ground. Except for the sound. I had no idea if I would be able to get the sound going properly. And I did run into some trouble there, but I was able to make a workaround for that relatively quickly.

  • Ah, I guess your right. I haven't really used RTS all that much.

  • I'd like to make games like Battle for Wesnoth -, or Advance Wars, which just doesnt seem possible with RTS pathfinding.

    Why not? Give your objects some variables to specify whether or not it's their turn, and only move those objects on their turn.

    As far as grid movement, just set all your waypoints and destinations to grid coordinates. If you need to get, say, a 32x32 grid coordinate for the mouse, you can do it with floor((mouseX / 32) * 32), floor((mouseY / 32) * 32).

  • Love the style reminds me of the pixel art golden days of LucasArts games like Loom and the original Curse of Monkey Island... with some high-colour-depth modernity thrown in.

    Yeah, I think I've sort of stumbled into a personal style here. When I started this project I planned on just making very simple pixel art in order to keep the graphics production flowing. But I couldn't really get the moody, shadowy look I wanted for the house interior at night so I started messing with higher-res shading and it seemed to work out okay. I'm pretty happy with the pilot house, it turned out kind of refined looking I think. I'm digging working with this mix of high and low res.

    As for posting something playable... well, the only thing playable so far is the level one demo I posted earlier. I don't actually have any level design or even any combat coded . I'm pretty confident though that once I get all the graphics assets finished I can build the main portion of the game in a couple of days, and spend a couple more doing up the rest of the cutscenes. Add another couple of days for sound, and one or two for testing and tweaking and I might even have time to spare before the end of the compo. I just need to bust out the rest of the graphics quick like a bunny.

    Also, like I posted in my compo thread on TIGS, I don't think I'll be posting any more screenshots or demos until the game is complete for fear of spoilers .

  • Ah, thanks guys

    Progress seems to be picking up the past couple of days. I've finished the boat, and the background for the pilot house:

    <img src="">

    There's only one major piece of set dressing left, the rest is just going to be level tiles. I also have to make up some enemy sprites. The end of making graphics assets is in sight...

  • A quarter of a second? Is your refresh rate set to 4Hz by any chance?

    No, but seriously there's something wrong there. That's not normal. What are you computer specs? What are you trying to make with Construct?

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  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Epic! Whoever it is it must be someone hanging around here a lot judging from what he said!

    Six posts down from the top...

    (it was Quazi)

  • Its not like he has a choice. Campaigns run that long here in America. That's just how it is. You can't blame the guy for running a long campaign. Yes, they could be much shorter, and yes, they should be, and hopefully some day they will be. But it's not Obama's fault they're not. And since he wanted to (and did) win, you can hardly blame the guy for spending so much money. And seeing as how he was given all that money in small amounts by people who expressly wanted him to use it to campaign with, well... that's exactly what he used it for.

    As for regulation on bank loans... A good 50% of Americans (I won't name names) don't think there should be such regulations because that's just government interference in the free market.

    Oddly enough, these are the same Americans who call Obama a socialist for wanting to reform taxes for the middle class because he's "spreading the wealth around," but see no problem whatsoever in using taxpayer money to perform a bailout on America's failing financial institutions. Ironic, or just plain hypocritical?

  • You really use the eraser? I just keep my fingers hovering over the E and B keys .

    I don't even really like the eraser, it just gets in the way. Sometimes I'll be photoshopping and my tablet stops working, and it takes me a minute to realize I'm holding the damn pen upside down . They should make a pen with a nib on either end for absent-minded people.

  • I'd just like to point out that that map is all over the place.

    That's why I emphasized the "on average" part.

    Look, I'm not saying that everyone in the south is an idiot. I'm just saying there are more idiots in the south. On average. I have no control over why that is the case, I'm simply stating a fact, and drawing a correlation. It's not like I pulled those numbers out of my **** that's the US Census Bureau's website.

    And yeah, you could say that people who think Obama is a terrorist are "extremist," but in my book they're "idiots" as well because they believe in something that is patently untrue.