deadeye's Forum Posts

  • It's because you're setting the "Standing" animation in the event right above. Every tick, the condition happens:

    + NOT Is walking
    So the action triggers:
    + Soldier: Set animation to "Standing"
    Now, "Standing" has only one frame.  Frame numbers carry over from one animation to another.  So you set the Standing animation, and soldier goes to frame 1... then in the next event you set the Shooting animation, and it shows frame 1.  It does this every tick, so you will never see frame 2 of your Shooting animation.
    You need to add some conditions to your other events, like so:
    <img src="">
    This means that you will only set the Standing animation if the player is not shooting.  So you change from Standing to Shooting just once, and the animation can then play through all the way because you don't keep setting it back to frame 1 every tick.
    Hope that makes sense.
  • Nice game concept, and nice use of physics.

    It's kind of relaxing, in a way. I would like to see maybe a "bad ending" where the shuttle takes off and knocks you off of your cloud or something if you fail to destroy it . Not that destroying it is hard, I had to actually try in order to not destroy it...

    Anyway, great job! Congrats on your first game, and good luck with the compo

  • Did you create your events on separate events sheets? Did you include those event sheets in the new layout's event editor?

  • when I right click on object bar and click "Show Object Tree" the bar goes grey, It does not respond to RMB click and I basically can do nothing to change it back save for reloading cap.

    am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

    It's a bug, but it's also do to an unused/unfinished feature, so I wouldn't worry about it

  • by default, when you apply bullet behavior it moves object left to right -----> at the speed specified

    I want ability to start with bullet going right to left <------- or up and down.

    so that natural angle of sprite and default bullet direction match

    The "natural angle" is 0 degrees, so it's probably best to design all of your objects facing 0 degrees. (All of your objects that can turn around and move in different directions, that is.)

    If you want the object to face a different direction when the game starts running, use the "Set angle" action in a "Start of layout" event.

  • He doesn't really mean a minimap, he means a scaled-down navigation window. For the layout editor.

  • Sprite properties bar, at the very bottom


    Oops, looks like that's a v0.99.x option. If you're using v0.98.9 it's not there... sorry about that

    Anyway, even though v0.99.3 is marked "unstable" it's still pretty stable so you may as well give it a shot.

  • Okay then. How does this not help you?

    Yes, you can do that with events. There's a "Set animation angle" action and you can use whatever conditions you like to trigger it.

    You'll probably want to uncheck "Lock animation angles" in the sprite properties if you're going to do that, though.

    You make angle 0, you make angle 180. You uncheck "Lock animation angles" and manually set the animation angle when you need to. That way the animation won't change automatically from 0 to 180 when the sprite turns around... only when you tell it to. The leftward facing animation (180) will freely spin 360 degrees until you use an action to set the rightward facing animation (0), and vice-versa. And if that's not what you meant to do then yeah, I guess I'm not understanding.

  • Heh, it's lokijki. That's like asking water why it always has to be so wet.

  • Yes, you can do that with events. There's a "Set animation angle" action and you can use whatever conditions you like to trigger it.

    You'll probably want to uncheck "Lock animation angles" in the sprite properties if you're going to do that, though.

  • Yes, angles in Construct and directions in MMF are different.

    Here's the basic breakdown:

    If you make an animation angle for 180, then when your sprite is facing 180, it will use that animation angle instead of just turning the sprite. Construct chooses the animation angle closest to the actual angle of your sprite.

    If you only have Angle 0 drawn, then Construct will manually rotate your sprite around 360 degrees.

    If you have animations for 0, 90, 180, and 270 then Construct will pick the closest one and show that sprite, but it will manually turn it the rest of the way:

    If you set the sprite to "No rotation" in the properties, then it won't turn between angles, and the sprite will "snap" to whatever the closest angle is. Go ahead and try it out.

    There are more animation and angle options too, mess with them a while and see what you can come up with. Construct might look a little like MMF on the surface, but it does work differently, so you're going to have to unlearn some old MMF habits if you want to switch over.

    Anyway, you really should invest in a graphics card, it's pretty much necessary for making games with Construct. You're going to run out of onboard VRAM really quick, and the layout editor will crash on you, and you will have all sorts of problems. You won't be able to load and run other people's .caps and you'll be pretty much stuck for how much you can learn to do.

    Not to mention you'll be asking a lot of questions that are easily answered in the tutorials, and people will just keep telling you to go look at the tutorials.

    A cheap $40 graphics card from five years ago is enough to work on most stuff, and it's a good investment.

  • Looking very nice so far. It's always nice when new users show up with an surprise like this .

    The only issue that I have with the game is the legs, as FlamePower pointed out. Perhaps some "walking sideways" and "walking backwards" animations could be added to smooth things out a bit. Other than that, the look of the game is pretty slick. The lighting and music really lend a spooky atmosphere.

  • I played up until the tower. I think that's as much punishment as I can take for today.

    The usual lokijki review (copy and paste):

    Good control, interesting visuals even though the action is too small to see, too ******** for me, now I have carpal tunnel syndrome, but very nice nonetheless .

    Congrats on the GameJolt writeup

  • Check "No rotation" in the sprite properties and it won't flip upside down.

    Or check "Auto mirror" and it will make a 180 degree image automatically when the sprite is facing 180 degrees.

    As for the faster animation thing, previously I had added the "Set animation frame - Play animation" actions to all of the animation events and it was working fine for me. It appears there is some kind of bug... if you add those actions to the Stage5 group's animation event then it will work normally, for some reason. Even though those actions shouldn't be triggered, as far as I can tell... you don't have any active events telling the Stage5 group to activate. So as near as I can see there's a bug somewhere.

    Anyway, if you want it to work, add those actions to all of your animation events. And I guess I'll try to figure out what this bug is doing.

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  • Anyway it looks like a flying, frozen forest-whale to me. They can be very pesky.

    By the way, you're using up like 76MB of VRAM with your bigass sprite animations. And you don't really need all that layout space or collision stuff if all you're doing is scrolling a repeating background. You could do this whole thing in a layout the same size as the window, and just use timers, or the timeline object. The Tiled BG object can scroll itself (Set Image Offset action)