Not a bad game, overall. I think I'd like to see this concept developed further, it seems like it could be a pretty cool play mechanic with a lot of possibilities.
The design on the characters/background were good too. Very pretty to look at. Not sure I see the "shocking" connection, though.
One thing that bothered me was the game auto-exiting when I died. Whenever I play a new game the very first thing I do is kill myself to see what it's like, so I jumped in the very first pit... and then had to restart the game, and go through the whole unskippable intro all over again. Not cool!
I also think the game overall was a bit too short. You barely get to the point where you're used to the game mechanics and then... it's over. And I think the ending would work a little better if there were more time to connect with the character, and some challenges that take more than a passing effort. Both of those things would give the end a little more impact, I think. Just my two cents, though
Overall, good job, and good luck with the competition