deadeye's Forum Posts

  • I'm not thread starter,

    Oh hehe, whoopsie

  • in a platformer Game Say when you hit Q selection to cycle through all enemies. so they become highlighted and act as spell targets. basically cycle "target lock" through enemies currently in view.

    if its possible what hints can you give as to what is best way to accomplish this?

    Here's a targeting system example: ... system.cap

    Move with arrows, hit Space to switch targets. The possible targets are recalculated each time you hit space, and the player cycles through to the next target number. If the current target number is higher than the current number of targets in view, then the target number is reset to 1.

    [quote:2qt3m96a]Second question is Can I make context sensitive Radial menu ? I mean when you click on something radial menu will appear, and its buttons will change depending on what you clicked.

    Yes. And you would do that pretty much how you said... make a gui sprite with some button sprites and hide them until you click on something. Have groups or sub-events that populate the correct buttons based on what kind of object you clicked. Just go ahead an give it a shot, and if you're having trouble with a specific part then go ahead and ask for help.

  • Well our character doesn't crouch, because he doesn't need to (and there really isn't any room to anyway). But yes, for the head and feet there would be one crouching animation. Just like there's one for running, and one for standing, jumping, falling, getting hurt, whatever. The torso sprite would just follow along. That way you can use the same shooting animations or whatever for crouching.

    I remember when I helped you with your animation your character didn't really change height that much when crouching anyway. Looking at the .cap again I see that standing height is 28px and crouching height is 25px. That's not a very significant change.Are you sure you even need crouching? Is your character really going to be able to duck bullets by only moving down 5px? Are there going to be obstacles that are only 5px lower than other obstacles? It seems to me that with that particular character design it's not really necessary or practical from a gameplay perspective to even have crouching. Just saying.

  • [quote:1g5fj5gl]Thankfully I had enough time to get the optional files and - ta dah! - it's working.

    Awesome, good to hear

  • Yep, Davio's right. Setting up your character in segments would be the easiest way of getting a full range of motions. Alspal and I are doing this in a little side project we're working on now:

    <img src="">

    Art by Alspal

    The legs and head are separate from the torso and arms. That way for the head/legs there only has to be one standing animation, one running animation, one jumping animation, etc. And for the torso/arms there only has to be one pistol shooting animation, one grenade animation, one rifle recoil animation, one weapon-switching animation, etc.

    That way you can mix and match the two parts into any action you want and you don't have to worry about making frames for every possible scenario. You can shoot or throw a grenade at any time while running or jumping, it doesn't matter... and it all matches pretty seamlessly. It might seem like more work to set up that way, but it's really not in the long run. It just takes a little planning, and it will save you a ton of sprites.

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  • Very gory... why do you need to cut to shreds what appear to be civilians standing around?

    It kind of looked to me like he was absorbing their blood. Which is kind of cool, in a really sick way.

  • [quote:1dolsrrp]

      Create the M&K object in your first layout.

      ...because if you don't then the object will not initialize when your game starts.

    • <img src=""> You're doing it wrong. <img src="">

      That MouseKeyboard object in the first layout is NOT the first mouse and keyboard object. It's a second, separate object. Notice that it's named "MouseKeyboard2"

      Secondly, it's not marked as Global. You need to check the "Global" checkbox in the MouseKeyboard object properties. Then you will be able to access the MouseKeyboard from any event sheet.


      • You only need one M&K object.
      • Create the M&K object in your first layout.
      • Check "Global" for the M&K object.
      • ????
      • Profit
    • The .cap has been removed, so I can't see what you're talking about. But... you shouldn't ever need to have two Keyboard & Mouse objects.

      One is all you need. Just put it in the first layout and mark it "Global."

      If there is some problem with doing that then could someone repost the .cap, and maybe recreate it in a bug report? I don't see anything wrong with that on my end, it's working just fine.

    • Your public library computers are riddled with malware? May I ask where you live?

    • Don't fall into the COOL! EASY PROGRAM! NAO I MAEK SUPER EPIC RPG! syndrome, because you will get discouraged quickly. My advice is to start with a small game and try to finish it, to test your eventing abilities.[/code:2k64mn5l]
      It's Muz.  From TDC.  He's made games and stuff before 
      Anyway, my general response is "Don't use the beta unless you're willing to beta test."  It's getting much more stable, yes, but you're still going to run into problems.  And the bigger the project, the more frequently you will have problems.
      But there's no reason not to test things out and plan your game while you wait for 1.0.
    • Not a bad game, overall. I think I'd like to see this concept developed further, it seems like it could be a pretty cool play mechanic with a lot of possibilities.

      The design on the characters/background were good too. Very pretty to look at. Not sure I see the "shocking" connection, though.

      One thing that bothered me was the game auto-exiting when I died. Whenever I play a new game the very first thing I do is kill myself to see what it's like, so I jumped in the very first pit... and then had to restart the game, and go through the whole unskippable intro all over again. Not cool!

      I also think the game overall was a bit too short. You barely get to the point where you're used to the game mechanics and then... it's over. And I think the ending would work a little better if there were more time to connect with the character, and some challenges that take more than a passing effort. Both of those things would give the end a little more impact, I think. Just my two cents, though

      Overall, good job, and good luck with the competition

    • No! I'm busy.

      Maybe later.

    • So take the "NOT X key is down" event out of #4

      Just keep in mind that some events can override other events, and be careful that you're not overriding things you don't want overridden.

    • Or slow your sprite down so it's only moving 1px per tick.

      Or make a loop that interpolates the old pos and the new pos and creates copies to fill in the gaps.