Davioware's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, there's only the wiki and tutorials atm.

    http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... =Main_Page

  • You must also do a for each loop with system compare if you have multiple instances or else it won't pick the right one, which tulamide didn't mention. Here's how i'd do it.


    anglediff(sprite.angle,0) Less or equal to 5

  • I noticed this yesterday also.

  • http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/construct/index.php?title=Conditions

    You have to filter the SOL (selected object list) with condition picking. Imagine all the instances start out picked, and each condition eliminates instances from the sol which don't return true on the condition.

    For setting pv's when spawning, it depends on what version of construct you're using. In all versions, you add a spawn object action, then a set variable (or any other action) right after it, and it will pick only the spawned instance. Be careful with multiple spawning of the same insance in a single event:

    in 98.9

    You cannot put multiple spawn+set events in a single event or subevent and expect it to correctly pick and set each object's pv. To have multiple spawns of the same instance with different pv settings each time, you must make subevents (with just an ALWAYS condition for instance) for each one.

    in 99.42

    you can have multiple spawn + set events in a single condition, and it will pick the last spawned sprite.

  • you could also try writing your own circular reflection bounce, I think lucid had an example or something around here. Custom movement should help with the stepping also. I'd say go physics or custom movement+custom bounce code, don't go with the built in bounce, it's not great for realistic circular reflections. Give it a try anyhow.

  • sadlkfdlakfjsdlakfsdlkvsdlkvnsdlkfapodpasodjaslkdfjlascnlaskcjsapodepfjeoaknfladkfnaldkfadlkfn

    'S' is the best thing since sliced bread. Read my excitement.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • so will that picking thing be any good for families with containers?

    It means you won't really need families or containers. You can pick however you want. It kinda makes the pairer plugin obsolete.

  • What a coincidence, I was thinking of the exact same thing yesterday!

  • i have experience in 3d programs but the thing i didn`t understand is how can i export a mesh from..just say 3d Studio Max

    You can only use meshes exported by construct's mesh editor. It's located in construct's install folder in the tools folder.

  • 1.Construct destroys it's competitors. It's the best free tool on the internet, and that's saying something.

    2.It always amazes me that the devs were able to make it work so damned well.

    3.It's almost unbelievable that such a tool exists. It lets you create any kind of digital interactive media in a relatively (very) short amount of time. Should have won the sourceforge contest by miles imo.

    4.I think way too many people underestimate it's power and pass it off as a cheap mmf/gamemaker clone.

  • When I erased a part of my drawing, I blowed at my screen. Not surprisingly, the eraser parts didn't move XD

    haha. We actually thought about making them fly away by blowing into the mic, but unfortunately no one has made a basic mic input plugin... yet.

  • Be sure to post what you learned today kids.

  • Demo V0.3 Released!

    -Everything you wanted, It's got it.

    -Difficulty settings (now you can hopefully complete level 1 )

    -Mouse Control and Joystick/Controller support with ALL controllers (latter via JoyToKey (included and built in))

    -Better Graphics!!!11

    -Donate button so you can support poor Davioware


  • Just so you guys know, that cube in middle isn't 3d box, It's custom textured polygons!

    edit: oh wait. he said that in the description.

  • Good news. After replaying my old demo of the game a few weeks ago, I realized that the controls were absolutely horrid. Everything has been changed and fixed, and the controls are nice and responsive now.

    On another note, Epicopter is going to be back with another demo in the near future... And I've turned it into a fully procedurally generated post/present apocalyptic strategy/rpg hybrid. As It stands right now, it's really fun to play, and i'm currently sorting out the details of the story. I've added tons of new content, and I have really high hopes for the future of this game... I'm even starting to consider selling it for 5$ or so...