You have to filter the SOL (selected object list) with condition picking. Imagine all the instances start out picked, and each condition eliminates instances from the sol which don't return true on the condition.
For setting pv's when spawning, it depends on what version of construct you're using. In all versions, you add a spawn object action, then a set variable (or any other action) right after it, and it will pick only the spawned instance. Be careful with multiple spawning of the same insance in a single event:
in 98.9
You cannot put multiple spawn+set events in a single event or subevent and expect it to correctly pick and set each object's pv. To have multiple spawns of the same instance with different pv settings each time, you must make subevents (with just an ALWAYS condition for instance) for each one.
in 99.42
you can have multiple spawn + set events in a single condition, and it will pick the last spawned sprite.