Davioware's Forum Posts

  • Can't you simply have one global mousekeyboard on the first layout?

    It's practically the same thing, I just prefer to copy paste it so it appears on all layout event sheets. Global just means it doesn't destroy when the layout changes, so copy pasting has the same advantage, only you can access the copies of it from anywhere where they exist. It doesn't really make a difference, I just like it more that way.

  • You should never spawn mouse and keyboard objects, ever. Just make one and copy paste it to all layouts.

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  • I think that means his pc can't run construct, or he didn't install the C++ runtime or DirectX.

  • Ever wanted to simply scale up the screen for your retro/low resolution game, without murdering your precious pixel art? Here's how.


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  • Epicopter footage.

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  • Honestly I have no idea why it's crashing. I was thinking it might be the line of sight behavior, but I removed it from 2 objects and it still crashed. Your coding is pretty sloppy however, and you did do a lot of things messily, such as making your bullets solid to recoil the character, and spawning a new enemy object just to change the animation when they die. I didn't go over your events one at a time and check everything, but I can't help but think that the crash is caused by some obscure little detail like I mentioned. Then again it might be the collision bug acting up since you used 99.42, but i'm fairly sure it's being caused by a bugged event.

  • like lucid said, use variants of scrollx and scrolly to restrain player positions. scrollxleft just returns scrollx-(0.5*displaywidth), which is the left edge of the window. scrollxright returns the right edge, scrollytop and scrollybottom return the top and bottom of the screen respectively.

  • Hoh! Very awesome, even though I still use 98.9. It will be useful in upcoming versions, glad someone fixed it.

  • oh wow, an app for once.

    Pretty useful! Would be cooler with graphics though, so I might just have a crack at modding it.

  • Oh, I get them so much I make sure to never have two per-pixel collide ever!

    Whoa, I geuss it's worse than I thought for some people. It should not be doing that, maybe it's a plugin that's causing that kind of behavior. Is it only in a specific large project, or does such crashing even happen in a fresh .cap?

    I assume this is like the topmost bug to fix for Scirra?

    I've tried to tell them that it is... but either they're very busy with other things, or my topics and bug reports about it keep getting ignored/not noticed.

  • Maybe it's not the spawning and in fact the per-pixel collision? Right now if two per-pixel collision objects collide I get all sorts of crashes.

    That doesn't happen with me konjak. What version are you using? I know there's a really bad collision bug in .99 + versions which makes per pixel unreliable on large objects and occasionally causes crashes. But, do you get crashes very often?

    And AJT, spawning objects should never crash the game... Care to post a cap?

  • Always>

    set mouse x to mousex+(get right thumbstick x)

    set mouse y to mousey+(get right thumbstick y)

  • This is one of the most annoying errors in construct. Don't worry about it as they've said, it's normal behavior. Every time I start my game in debug mode I get like 20 of them one after an other.

  • There's a difference between bloom and glow. Bloom takes the whiter/brighter parts of the image and blows them out with a bit of blurring and additive blending. A layer glow would just blur and glow everything, which isn't a real bloom.