Dave Hailwood's Forum Posts

  • Kyatric

    That's the hairiest damn princess I ever saw. I think if Luke Skywalker opened the cell door on the Death Star to find you waiting for him inside, his first words would have been: 'Princess! I'm here to shave you!'

    pixel perfick

    A very amusing illo. All it was lacking was a colander on its head.

  • cklester

    Aw, man! And 'Your Mom' was doing so well too! Unfortunately that's a persistent bug that I've tried to get rid of many times, but it still keeps coming back for seconds. If I can't locate the source of the problem I might try putting in a fall-back botch job solution (such as- if hero is in collision with enemy, and collision routine has ended, kill enemy). The other real game breaker that only seems to happen on Internet explorer is that sometimes the 'corner detection' array doesn't fire, and the heroes walk right off the board. Also it occasionally has troubles getting past the loading screen when played for the second time on Safari.

    Once I have sorted out the bugs and put in a scoreboard, I look forward to seeing Your Mom place highly. Thanks for taking the time to play the game and provide a screenshot of the bug at work.


    Just replayed Hexzul. Great tutorial, and I'm happy to announce that I actually scored some frikken points! For me, it was just like that bit in the Matrix when Keanu announces 'I know Kungfu!'. Oh yes, 80 entire points! Come get me, world! I'm bulletproof!!!

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  • Blacksmith

    Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad the a.i.s behaving in a bit more challenging fashion. Very well done with Hexzul, by the way. Even if I still haven't scored a single darned point I enjoyed playing it, and thought it a very nicely put together puzzler.


    Nice to hear the computer has been trying its best against you. Get some practice in, and once I have implemented scoreboards we'll be able to see who is the true master; man or machine!

  • TheDom

    A few quick bits of feedback for you.

    I tested the game on my ipad3 and it runs quite smoothly (it was the wrong aspect ratio and didn't resize properly, but that's probably due to you not having configured it specifically for larger iOS devices yet).

    The first thing I'd suggest is changing the title, on account of the Star Trek First Contact film, as it seems a bit similar. The text explanation at the start went a bit quickly, and I didn't get a chance to read it all before it vanished (I think there were a few spelling mistakes, so I'll check this again when I get the chance). The Star Wars game comparison holds up, as it did remind me a little of the classic 3d game from the 80s.

    I found the controls function quite smoothly, though I'd have preferred thumbstick style for greater manoeuvrability (a good example of thumbs tick controls that work well can be seen by searching the forum for Icarus Wave. I'd also suggest looking at Kronos by farflamex on Kongregate, as its full of ideas.

    I really liked the pulse effect on the spaceship lasers, and the ship design works well. What I would also like to see is 'breathers' between missions, where you return to base and hang out in the bar, checking out scores and having conversations with other Npcs (wing commander style) as without the occasional change of pace the game could get quite repetitive (its possible that you've already planned something like this). All in all, its a fun shooter which doesn't yet bring any new ideas to the genre, though I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to mix things up a little.

    Best of luck with it, and let me know if you need more feedback on revamped versions.

  • Quire

    Some nice artwork there.

    The rep system has changed a bit recently, but it used to be about 500 rep to post a link. You can get a lot of rep if you log in and go through every page of the manual. It's also worth clicking on badges and seeing how to earn them, as that's the best way to improve your rep (helping other folk on the forum can also increase it bit by bit)

  • Hi folk,

    I've just added the latest version of Board Horde to the front page. It still needs a lot of tidying up in places, but it should give you a rough idea of how its progressing. The a.i. works a lot better, though there's still a few tweaks I need to make to the routine (mostly to stop it thinking its going to tread on a trap, when it isn't). I also need to delete unused assets, shrink oversized assets, properly cue up some of the new Sfx, etc.

    Anyway, please let me know what you think so far, and whether you encounter any bugs or problems.

    Appreciated, as always.

  • foolmoron

    I really like the concept behind your game though I could never get the fault lines to trigger, so I didn't make it past level 2. For a while I assumed (as others might have) that it was a fault with the game itself, but then a friend had a play and managed to figure it out.


    I really enjoyed the Hitchhikers Guide references and styling of your game. A very original take on the Arkanoid Brick Busting genre.

    I think we all knew we were in trouble when he said he'd be testing on his iPhone (especially since my entry was designed with larger touchscreen devices in mind, as board games aren't really cut out for small screens). I was surprised to see how well some of the games ran on smaller devices, and it at least proves that the games can work well if you know what you're doing.


    Very profound, dear chap! If I had only read Life's Instructions I could've been an Admiral by now, instead of a Professional Eel Tickler (the hours are long, but the eels seem happy).

  • Some interesting results there. I agree with the top choices, though I would've liked to have seen Bunker control and Icarus Wave do better (personal preference, I guess).

    Even if you didn't contribute, I'd recommend checking out the link above as Tom gives a lot of good feedback on how the games performed on his iPhone. The main issue it seems to highlight is that probably more than half the entries had sound related issues.

    Anyway, one of the main things I learnt from the competition is that nobody ever reads the instructions (even if you have a big button marked 'instructions') so try to make games as easily accessible as possible (in game tutorials, and other helpers for example).

    Well done to those who won, and also well done to those who took part. I'm looking forward to seeing some of those games develop into something considerably more awesome.

  • OrangeFlash81

    Firstly, welcome to the forum!

    Construct2 can save both number variables and text strings (eg, names on a scoreboard) using a plugin called 'web storage'. You can find out more in this Manual entry here: https://www.scirra.com/manual/120/webstorage

    It's ridiculously easy to use (I've just started using it in my current project and was surprised to discover I only needed to add the object and click a few buttons) and saves data via cookies. scirra have recently added an even better saving feature which allows you to add a proper save game system to projects, though I've yet to experiment with it.

  • And some more recent news, which mentions the winners will be announced tomorrow:


    Good luck, chaps!

  • mineet harrio

    Thanks for the encouraging words.

    The menu and assets are coming together well. I'm currently trying to make the Retro Lettering used in the game into a webfont, as at the moment its all done with individual sprites which is a bit of a wasteful way to do things. Once I've sussed that out, I'm hoping to possibly squeeze in a scoreboard which will allow for a few new victory conditions (score based and kill based) and might give me a fair shot at adding in a few random Choose Your Own Adventure style events.

  • JEtherington

    Did you put the game into a zip file before uploading it? If not, there's some info at the following link that explains how to do so correctly: http://www.scirra.com/forum/newgroundscom-construct-2-gamejam_topic64963_page7.html. Just look for the post by Unclejunkie

    I'm guessing you've already asked Tom Fulp for permission to post Html5 games rather than flash? Other than that, I can't think of anything else that might cause the problem.


  • Here's a quick preview of the Menu screen redesign for the Board Horde game. I've used Kyatric's slot machine example to add a bit of fun to Hero selection (your team is now selected in a random Fruit Machine style) and added the ability to choose the board by using the nudge button.

    <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-i2t1tsbHtZg/UYdobEiviOI/AAAAAAAAAdE/1aFLIzCgvUQ/s640/blogger-image-1972005105.jpg" border="0" />

    The a.i. works a lot better now, and is far less suicidal. I've actually lost quite a few games whilst playing against it, and it seems to manage to get at least one hero to the exit each time I play (which is better than its previous average of 0 heroes).

    There's still a few persistent bugs which I've tried to destroy many times, but they keep on coming back to annoy me. On internet explorer Heroes have a tendancy to just wander off the board and do their own thing (If I can't find a solution, I think I'll probably just add a speech bubble to the heroes that states: 'sod this for a game of soldiers. I'm off for a pint!') and on rare occassions the collisions with monsters fail to trigger and the turn doesn't end.

    Anyway, the Newground competition results should be with us soon, and then after that I'll try and push the game to a few other sites and see how well it fares.

    Stay tuned for a new playable update at the end of the month.

    • Dave
  • This bit of Wikipedia info will probably help explain things, too:


    Just scroll down to the table titled Most Common Display Resolutions.

  • To be fair, they do have 95 games to get through, and might need to test them on various devices if they don't all work properly. Also I think Tom mentioned that he's planning on writing the results of how well thy tested on his iPhone, which might take some time to do.