Everytime i write the aspect ratio 16:9 in the window size box, it changes to 16, 720
Any help?�
You're not supposed to put the aspect ratio in there, it's the window size in pixels, e.g. 800,600
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Ok thanks,
what would be the most common landscape dimension for an app game. But making it work on multiple screen sizes?
Supporting multiple screen sizes.
This bit of Wikipedia info will probably help explain things, too:
Just scroll down to the table titled Most Common Display Resolutions.
There is no single screen size that is widespread. There are so many different sizes that most systems are different. See Kyatric's link.
My game comes out too small on my phone when I test it through the exporter.
Looks like I am going back to square one.
Sorted it!! :)