davarrcal's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Consctruct was useful for me to, but my projects are migrated to GM (one) and GDevelop (the other). GDevelop is great!!! , more "hard" and a less friendly that construct, but, you can write events in C++, is portable (same of construct, you can open without "administrator access" in the computer, no instalation), you can export natively in windows//linux (no chomium) and still exports html5. The entire engine is open source (you can change it) and one of the best things is that your "assets" are compiled (I make some proofs... no "unzippable" archives, realy! in chromium all the assets are in one archive that you can open with 7zip) That´s only in windows, HTLM5 is still HTML5 (crosswalk to APK, and the problems with this, people know)

    Gdevelop will be a "first step" to UE4, C++ will be "inevitable" for me, so better start now with this!!!

    But still grateful with construct, i don´t regret buy my personal licence. Is great software and their "event" programing is a good start, very educational.

  • To many times are post in this formun the words "complain" and "wine" ... Don´t worry, this is my 8 post in this forum, I don´t like complain, don´t need people recomend me to buy new "Tab" or mobile to see well performed construct 2 games...This is not the problem, my new BQ Acuaris runs well crosswalk games... I repeat, this is not the problem... But don´t worry about that, In this moment I stop to "Complain" "Wine" etc...etc...etc...

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    > >

    > > I really think some people have the impression that if we write a native exporter, hardware specs will magically increase.

    > >

    > Ashley please just make one game with unity and then you see native performance is really different and so much better !


    This is just getting stupid...

    Does anyone have a solid example of Unity performance being better? I don't mean just listing complex or successful indie games (because, spoiler alert, complex games are made by talented developers - not tools!) - I mean a side by side, equal quality performance comparison.

    Same assets, same mechanics, right down to the only difference being the engine.

    Clones should be easy enough to compare - otherwise we're not arguing about performance, we're arguing about scalability, and scalability is a problem to which developer talent is just detrimental as the tool.

    You are right, this is just getting stupid and we never can compare native mobile//win//mac//ps3//ps4//etc... performance of Unity and Construct... We can compare native performance of chromium and unity or crosswalk and unity, or ludei and unity. And, sorry, i never see an "crosswalk" or "ludei" game runing well in my galaxy tab 3 (i try lots of the "completed creations forum")... unity games runs well... Maybe the good designers make games with unity (in 2d too) and the bad designers with construct and this is the problem... Do you think that?. And... If construct have "equal quality performance"... Why this masters of game design don´t let go unity (or GM or other software) and design the entire games with construct + NW or construct +Ludei... Maybe because with unity you can port to all platforms?... Maybe because with unity the bugs-performance don´t depends from others wrappers?. I don´t know, i´m a bad designer, i want to know...

    (Edit... write at the same time that "paradine"... questions duplicated, sorry)

  • I would give thanks to all the people that give advices about optimization and personal opinions about game design... but i think that this topic will be resolved easy with a clear answer to the question: Will have construct native exporters in the future?... A clear yes/not reply will be great and I will love very much with tons of my best wishes,hugs and kisses to the construct developer that answer that. (No matters the sense of the answer, really, only need to know clearly). Important to me, and I see that important to others. Please allow answer that.

    Thanks people, your software make me happy.

  • davarrcal: I don't mean to bash anyone's suggestions and I'm aware this is a topic for the next version. I just find it silly to ask for C3 to have the exact same features as the competition. Native exporters are definitely a good idea though. But if that makes the software much more expensive or with subscription fees I'd rather for it to be just an improved version of C2. I'll use Unreal Engine (which is free) if I want to make the next Mass Effect type game. Sorry if my comments sounded a little too harsh.

    I know unreal engine... and for me is not the solution (to me) to mobile games design. Like very much the "node-type-programing" of blueprints because remember my a "composition programs" like nuke or blender but try to compile a empty proyect to android and see the results: a "huge empty proyect",i don´t have the skills in c++ to "delete" the unnecesary things... if you open aleatory apk of google-play games to android with 7zip and see the content, the posibilities that the game was made with unity is the 50%....I don´t think that unity is the "best optimiced" platform. No. Is the "most" complet and portable platform. Games compiled in unity are "reasonable" huge, and important thing: they works well in most platforms. But still have 2 problems for me: C# and price. I can learn C# (I don´t want,i like design, no write code) but the price is too big, 300, 400, 500 will be ok, 1500+1500 is to much... I´m hobbist, probably like most Construct users. (edit: I have instaled free unity3d, i´m try learn, still difficult to me the "script" part, the editor is ok for me, the future talks )

    People in this forum don´t want make a Mass Effect,people want do 2d games (I think), and obviusly our "programing" skills are poor, we are in the scirra forums, no in the cocos2d forums...

    Construct 2 for me is important, because the editor of GM is terrible. I see the things runing in construct, and later i "punch" my brain to the GML (literaly punch). But I would like do all in construct, and export all platforms. That´s all. My only feature "need" to construct 3 is "native export" (yes yes, huge feature, but the only I need).

    And if i can "script" in imperative-basic like in amstrad cpc (the only languaje that i study to much ago)..... would be great

  • Some people just need to understand that that's what they're buying.

    Ok, it´s a post called CONSTRUCT 3 - MANY QUESTIONS in a forum of this program and people "ask" for features in construct 3, I´m very confused with this kind of opinion (not confused with construct 2 is), People can´t ask for features?...

    [quote=]Any complaints of Construct 2 not having exporters that other engines do come from unsuccessful people complaining that it's not easy enough. That alone makes the person not really on par for the task of game designing. I can't personally say that I wouldn't like other exporters for Construct 2-3

    This opinion is make me crazy... my english in very bad: It´s like a criticism to the people that ask for a native exporters in construct with a "native ask" inside?

    I don´t understand. Is not necesary to have a forum to a program, and webmaster can delete de mensages. If the webmaster let´s a post go, a post called "CONSTRUCT 3 - many questions", people can give an opinion/ask to construct3. I´m wrong?

  • On a final note, I don't understand the slight hostility from some people over this, C2 is what it is, if it's not right for your needs and the future of the software is not heading in the direction you desire then just move on to something else that works better for you personally. There's really no need for bad feelings or accusing C2 devs of "laziness" or other such silliness...

    I don´t see "hostility"... Maybe languaje problems? Many of us are not english speakers, is dificult speak/write in other languaje that your own.

    In the other things i´m agree with you. I´m Construct "paid" user, and Game Maker "paid" user, and many other app´s "paid" user. I would pay the same of you for an "full-native-export-version" of construct, because I think is the best editor. But In the "present", I only use that to prototipe (...the sprite works well!!!.. ok, put that in GM) , I´m sure that other people is in the same situation. Only wants a "robust" export option. If it don´t happen there is no problem, do the job in other platform and go ahead....

  • [quote:1i8icxfi]The same is happening for mobile.

    ... Maybe or maybe not. The future is ever changing like say Yoda... but... i can´t understand, if you and your company sell us a program, and we say that the program is very good and we like to have an android/ios exporter... What is the problem to sell us and exporter?... Is simple work/bussiness, nobody is talking about "free construct android/ios/consoles" exporter, people will pay much more for an android exporter in construct that an android exporter in "fusion", and I think you know that. You have the "product" sell before do it, is similar to a pre-made "crowfunding", You say in your forum that you are starting a proyect to do exporters for construct and need money, and me and other users put the money... And if in a future html5 is the best choice to mobile/consoles develop, nobody was hurt to have an exporter that is anymore useful...

    I hope this words don´t look at a criticism because they are not... is only one review of a user that like very much your app... Of course, is your app, and the future of your app is only in your hands. I hope that the future decisions will be so right like the past decisions....

  • No android/IOS exporter no competition with clickteam fusion // Yoyo Gamemaker in mobile games develop. That is the truth. Sadly for fusion//gm, scirra got the best software to "design" games without coding.But people need export native code, no wrappers, sorry but html5 is not the future in game develop. You have the choice in the next version of Construct to defeat forever Fusion/Gamemaker/Stencyl etc..etc..etc..., I know it will be hard to program the exporters, but i think this is the "only way" or we never see a succesfully mobile game developed with c2/c3.

    XDK,cordova,etc..... are no solutions, and never going to be.

    C3 must have native exporters. That is the "only" feature of most people need.

    We want see a game in PS4 made with Construct and we want see a succesfully game for ios/android, ...

  • 9 posts