...uhm, sorry if i read this wrong but youre basically suggesting to have a single server and a closed-source plugin? not let people setup their own servers? wouldent that be against construct principles?
> ski-rah is how i say it > > I also say it this way.
> ski-rah is how i say it
I also say it this way.
Me too.
Username: Dataflashsabot
(Who would have thought :p)
Edit: nvm, Rich did it in chat
hehe ive been wanting to do a helicopter for ages, good job
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Zomg!! I dont have a wiimote, sadly, but im glad this has been made. Sounds awesome. Wish i knew enuf c++ to make a plugin. edit: now you have experience with the sdk, do you plan to make a general joypad plugin?
zomg, awesome, thanks very much!!
I didn't mean that, I meant the actual windows icon for Construct's EXE. I've got ObjectDock, a clone of the Mac OSX dock for Windows, and the icon looks crappy when moused over. It's designed for larger icons.
39 views and 24 hours later, i guess not. ah well. ill see if i can make my own
is there a 128x128 or, better yet, 256x256 version of the construct cog icon?
is python not working at all? why is it still enabled then? it should be grayed out until its ready.
so, how long are you trialing this version for before you put it on the front page?
could anyone explain what jump sustain does?? (hope you dont mind me asking in your thread thomasmahler)
W00t!!!!1 edit: why do you always announce new builds in general rather than announcements??