Danwood's Forum Posts

  • nice one, a lot of depth here, it has potential, but remember the market its full of survival games, so be sure to bring something new, or do it differently.

    Nice terrain and environment, good textures, lots of programming went into this judging by the features, hopefully you will be able to get better animal prerender models, and animations.

    Good job:)

    Thanks! Yeah, the market is definitely filled with survival games, i've tried to overcome this by making DinoSystem two games in one, with a "God mode" allowing you to manage the ecosystem. One thing i made differenlty from most survival games is the ecosystem itself, which is truly emergent. The problem here is that the player needs to actually put time and effort in understanding the game to see this, because the world changes over years in-game.

    One other strength point is the character progression, which is organic: character adapts to the way you make him survive in the world, getting fat or losing it, along with muscles and metabolism.

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    What is DinoSystem?

    DinoSystem is a 2D, top-down ecosystem and survival simulation that allows players to either manage the ecology of a randomly generated island (inhabited by dinosaurs), or survive in it as a human, dealing with realistic survival mechanics, and with a deep character progression system that tracks how your character's body adapts over time.

    Everything on the island is subject to biological and physical rules, and nothing comes from nothing: will you hunt the last dinosaur of a species for a steak, or will you protect it from extinction and make sure its eggs hatch? These are the dilemmas you'll face in the game, as long as YOU don't get extinct.

    Current Features

    This is the list of the features of the current Early Access version; to see all the features planned for the final game, and the ideas we are considering, please check this discussion, and feel free to join it and make suggestions!

    Game modes:

    ***God mode: Manage the island ecology, change the weather, trigger devastating events, and see how the ecosystem adapts to your godly acts. NOTE: God mode still lacks a proper GUI and tools to fully interact with the world; expect it to be expanded throughout the Early Access phase.

    ***Survival mode: Join the island as a stranded human survivor, and see how long you can survive as part of it, and how your body changes in the process; the game offers the option to play either with casual or hardcore difficulty. NOTE: there is no story yet as a background for the Survival mode, we're still working on it, and you can help us find a good one!

    World features:

    ***Ecology simulation: animals and plants don't "spawn", they are born, then grow, and reproduce.

    ***DinoSystem uses a complex seasonal model that calculates day/night length, relative position of the sun, and influences the weather. Seasons transition is gradual, no sudden change between two seasons.

    ***Realistic weather model that takes into account variables like time of day, humidity, temperature, and pressure; generating weather conditions like rain, snow, wind, sand/snowstorms, thunderstorm and fog.

    ***Thunders can trigger huge wildfires, burning down entire forests.

    ***Realistic water cycle: rain creates puddles that can either evaporate or grow into ponds and lakes. Evaporation takes into account air humidity, temperature and sun exposure.

    ***Terrain changes according to factors like presence of water, weather, vegetation, and location. Any area can become fertile or arid, new forest or grasslands may form or disappear over time.

    ***Fire (from torches to campfires and wildfires) consumes available fuel, releasing heat and light, and it's influenced by air humidity and wind; you body and all objects near a fire are heated up. Fire can spread to nearby vegetation and trigger a wildfire, if ambient conditions are favourable.

    ***Animals AI allows them to survive in their world and adapt; they'll reproduce, care for their youngs, look for protection or compete.

    ***Each new island is randomized at game start, based on parameters set by the player.

    ***Everything, from dead animals to branches, decomposes based on factors like temperature, humidity, and location. There isn't a timer after which an item or a carcass disappears.

    Survival features:

    ***Deep, complex and rewarding character progression system: metabolism, body muscles and fat change according to your lifestyle, and even your character's sprite changes its look accordingly. Get fat to survive winter, get slim to be lighter and swifter, or get muscular to be stronger in combat and more capable of hard work, but make sure to eat enough proteins...

    ***Needs like thirst and hunger are not just bars that drop at a constant rate: everything, from performing actions to metabolism and body weight, influence the rate at which you burn calories, consume water or get tired. For example, high temperature or intense activity make you sweat, requiring you to drink more water.

    ***Dozens of skills, both mental and physical, that raise as you perform a particular action, but can also decade if you don't use them for a long time (only in hardcore difficulty).

    ***Crafting system allowing you to create items and weapons, advancing in technology at each step. NOTE: few items are craftable in the current Early Access build; expect many more to be added throughout the Early Access phase!

    ***Foods with different nutrition values: meat is valuable because of proteins, but make sure you cook it...

    Much more features will be added throughout the development! Again, check this discussion for the development roadmap, and feel free to get involved and suggest new features.

    About Capribyte Studios

    We're two italian guys based in Capri, one of the most beautiful islands of the world. I, Daniele, am the lead developer and work on all aspects of the game, while Giulio helps me with various graphics-related stuff, along with creating the website, moderating the forum, and taking care of all burocratic affairs. Additionally, there are some external people contributing in different ways, see the credits in game for the full list.

  • Tetriser Yep, but the signature still has the old greenlight page, which has obsolete media and description,. I've updated it with the Steam store page.

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  • Hello, you could add our game to the list, it'll be out tomorrow on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/373750?beta=0

  • Ashley texts work fine with latest NW.js, btw i was being a little bit sarcastic (love how you respond when someone states a bug without a proper report )

    +1 to reasons for using latest NW.js, beetches!

  • Oh, nevermind then

    *shame shame shame*

  • https://tinypng.com/

    You'll thank me later.

  • Is there, for FSM's sake, a way to open the user default's browser when clicking on a link in my game? It opens a non-identified-browser window with the requested link, but i want it to open the default browser (in my case Chrome). Pl0z!

  • Actual texts, so i should just move to spritefonts? Omg that's a hell of a work! Ashley please fix the game texts!

  • TiAm, did you try the new NW 13 alpha?

  • 10.5 messes up my game text formatting >.<

    Also, with 10.5 there is a rare bug happening with render cells enabled.

  • According to Google the 64-bit build of Chromium is in some cases faster more stable. However it doesn't run on 32-bit OSs. So you should probably go with both.

    Thanks, this settles my doubts, i'll go for both then!

  • i got a fairly large project ready for Steam early access. Ram usage is limited (project shows 90mb, de-facto it can reach peaks of 800 mb more or less).

    My question is: are there advantages in exporting in 64 bit if the ram usage will never reach the 4gb cap of 32 bit?

  • Hello blurtsmum, it's so inspiring when someone in inspired by my work (sorry for the word trick!). If you even want to ask me something, I'll be happy to asnwer, this is my first and only project with C2 and i started nearly 2 years ago.

    The KS failed, but no problem at all, I'm going to release the game on Steam early access to fund the second stage of development, probably in few weeks, I'm in fact working on a new trailer/screenshots and presentation in this period.

  • Don't know about multiplayer, but "big" project are perfectly fine with C2. My current project is an ecosystem simulation with 7200 events, using largely functions & families, where the world evolves according to natural rules, seasons, animals reproduction, plants getting energy from the sun... thousands objects on a large map having their own life span. So yes, C2 allows you to do a lot of stuff if you know how to.