danul777's Forum Posts

  • What is the difference between png-files created in "Graphicgale" (whatever that is) and png-files created in any other program?

    I dont know nothing about this so i ask to be sure its ok. i dont want to discover after 6 monthes of work that my game have bad performance just becouse i didnt use the right sofware.

  • hi everyone. if i make for my game sprites with "Graphicgale" and export the images as png format, will it harm the performance of the game ?

  • Running in debug mode comes with additional overhead, which can result in decreased performance. When you export your game, it won't be running in debug mode, so you'll be fine.

    thanks. happy to know that

  • hi everyone. i want to build pixel art game and publish it to steam.

    i made a test level and when i run the level with "run layout" its worked great ( just on full screen) but when i run the level with

    the "Debag layout" the game didnt run smoothly and the fps was 54-58

    if i"ll publish my game to steam it will work like it worked on the "run layout"?

  • Olso(from everything I've learned so far, correct me if I am wrong guys) the most important thing isn't how powerful your hardware is, but how you design your game.

    If you design your game poorly(too many effects, too big resolutions on your sprites, poor code/too many every tick events, etc.) then theoretically you can bring any pc to a crawl, no matter how powerful it is, even with a 2D engine...

    thanks .

    i just want to ask one question:

    1 - for good parformence whats better? create a few heavy layouts ( with more sprites , collitions , effects ...) or many not heavy layouts?

  • for a 2d engine that are plenty of resources to use... also it seems to be pretty strong, more than most casual players will have... keep that in mind

    thanks man

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  • hi everyone. my computer isn't strong and i start to build big indie game. will my computer be able to run it smoothly ?

    ( last year i builded game with gamesalad and after 6 monthes of work the game had gliches so i couldent finish it. i dont know if the problem was with my computer or with the sofware)

    my computer details:

    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440 CPU 3.10GHz

    Video Card 1 NVIDIA GeForce GT 630

    Video Card 2 Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

    Memory 8.1 GB

    Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

  • thanks for all the peapole who helped me. the problem sloved

  • Just use actions for movement. Do not use player.X+2 (for instance use "simulate platform right")

    Don't make player solid. It shouldn't be.

    For player add behaviour "platform".

    There is also an example included in C2. Press "New" and scroll down to platform example. It already has everything set up.

    thanks for the help . but i think i dident explain myself good. i want to make top down shooter (8 direction movement, gameplay like enter the gungeon ) but the movement in 8 direction behavior isnt good. there is a way to slove my problem without use platforum or 8 directicon behavours?

    this is how i did all the movement:

    condition: keyboard , key is down , D action: player , set x , player.X+2

    condition: keyboard , key is down , A action: player , set x , player.X-2

    condition: keyboard , key is down , S action: player , set x , player.Y+2

    condition: keyboard , key is down , W action: player , set x , player.Y-2

  • hi everyone. if i have 2 sprites: player and wall how to make that the player won't pass through the wall?

    i added to both of the sprites solid behevior.

    this is how i made the movement of the player: condition: keyboard , key is down , D

    action: player , set x , player.X+2

  • You don't need to add a event for that. Just add the solid behavior to both player and wall sprite and they won't move past each other.

    If you set both behaviors and it's still not working try cheking if the player is not moving too fast. Moving too many pixels per second may make the player pass through thin objects.

    But if you try all this and it's still not workig try to upload your .capx file so qe can take a better look on what you're doing

    thank you for the help. becouse the forum rules i cant send you the file. can i send it to you on your site? (ray-ki.deviantart.com)

  • Hey danul,

    You can make an event that compares the X of the touch/mouse postion. It looks like this:

    Condition: Hero X < Mouse.X

    Action: Hero set X to Hero.X+1

    Condition: Hero X > Mouse.X

    Action: Hero set X to Hero.X-1

    Once you have that working you can tweak it a little bit so its not so jerky. Maybe you would only make him move when the Hero.X is greater than the Mouse.X + 5.

    thank you so much its worked

  • hi everyone. i make top down shooter game. the hero in my game have a robot that can shoot.

    i want to make that when the mouse is on left side from the hero the robot will be on the left side from the hero

    and when the mouse is on right side from the hero the robot will be on the right side from the hero

  • Every object you create on the layout has a collision box, you can edit the size and shape of the collision box of the sprite objects.

    You use collisions to trigger events. Enemy on collision with player triggers damage.. or anything like that.

    Try reading the manual:

    i didnt succes to do it. if its not clear i just want the player object wont pass through the wall object. (in top down shooter game)

    for example if i have 2 sprites: player , wall

    i wrote in the event sheet: player- on collition with another object (i chose wall) - add collitions enbaled

    and it didnt work.

    so i wrote in the event sheet : when start of liyout set player solid behaviour enbaled

    and when start of layout set wall solid behaviour enbaled

    and it didnt work too.

  • hi everyone. i tried to find tutorials about how to make collision between 2 sprites. can someone tell me how to do that or give me a tutorial?