danialgoodwin's Forum Posts

  • vtrix, in the past twenty releases I've used, I don't think it was ever possible. Just, about 5-10 or so releases ago, a using a constant string variable didn't give an error until compile-time, as opposed to at the time you add it.

  • slanw, `lerp()` is a system expression that allows you to smoothly change from one value to another. If you read the definition for it, then at first it may sound a little complicated, but basically, it allows for exactly what you are looking for.

    From the Manual:

    "lerp(a, b, x) Linear interpolation of a to b by x. Calculates a + x * (b - a)."

  • Thanks guys!

  • Couldn't you just add them?

    Var1+Var2+Var3+Var4+Var5+Var6+Var7+Var8 is greater or equal to 3

    Very nice! That is probably the best solution.

    Heptagono, since you have booleans, you could either change them to numbers with 0 and 1, or you can use the ternary operator, `?`.

    Ex: (var1)1:0

    That says if var1 is true, return 1. And if var1 is false, then return 0.

  • (YAFBC = Yet Another Flappy Bird Clone)

    I really wasn't going to make a copy, but then I did.

    Available for:

  • Khaz, great rework!

  • nickkname, I guarantee that you will get more views/feedback if you provide a method for other users to actually see/play your game. As of now, I tried downloading the ZIP, but there is nothing for me to try out because it seems that the index.html won't play right locally.

    Maybe, you can try uploading the game to Dropbox or Google+?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • dualshock, in order to get the movements just right, you'll have to keep adjusting and fine-tuning the values of "jump" strength and gravity. And, there is a platform behavior variable where you can adjust max fall speed if needed.

  • massimo, I think you might have to create your own plugin and learn more on the Windows 8 side of things. Eventually, I would like to be able to do this too, but I haven't gotten that far yet.

  • If you see the animation sprite jumping all over the place, then it's likely because the main body in each of the frames aren't lined up.

  • Alienwrath, the quick answer is that you don't need to create an actual company or do any legal stuff just to make and publish games.

    What you are trying to do is just build a brand for the beginning stages of game development. You can pick just about any name you want, but if you plan on publishing in the US, then I suggest taking a look at TESS and choose a name that isn't already trademarked. (TESS = Trademark Electronic Search System)

    The only reason I had to create a company is because I was working with my school and a few other companies and they only wanted to give payments to a company and not an individual.

  • C-7, wow, that's definitely a great-looking game!

  • I wasn't going to make a Flappy Bird clone, but then I did... =/

    <img src="http://simplyadvanced.net/dev/construct2/examples/flappy-fishes-home.png" border="0" />

    And, here's sample gameplay:

    <img src="http://simplyadvanced.net/dev/construct2/examples/flappy-fishes-game.png" border="0" />

  • Yep, BluePhaze took exactly what I was going to say.

    Have you taken a look at one of the Ghostshooter tutorials that C2 offers in the start dialog? It shows a full example of what you somewhat described you are looking for.

  • It's time to memory matching to the next level:

    In roman numeral:

    <img src="http://wscont1.apps.microsoft.com/winstore/1x/750b6a76-88ad-4cdd-a1ed-1f3f7e113107/Screenshot.304122.1000000.jpg" border="0" />

    Now, with a bigger twist, Match 3!

    <img src="http://wscont1.apps.microsoft.com/winstore/1x/65ade381-f3fa-41ce-910b-a05f63670a8d/Screenshot.304206.1000000.jpg" border="0" />