Dakiu's Forum Posts

  • wow finally a fix!!

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  • Hello All,

    Just to let you know my game: Mara Terminal Velocity is now available on Kongregate.

    You can play it here:

    http://www.kongregate.com/games/Dakiu/m ... l-velocity

    Is also available on Google Play (same name).


  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm having a problem with Pathfinding (enemy) and 8Direction(Player) behavior.

    When the enemy found a pathfinding to the player, sometimes it hangs moving around in circle...

    I have been researching in the forum and noted that someone already reported this issue:

    However, it looks as is has not been fixed.

  • Nice work!


    I would appreciate if you can rate it on google play, if you can't it's ok

  • Hello Everyone,

    I want to present my second Game on Google Play: Last Shot.


    Is a 2D-Shooter, like Kabal (Arcade) or Wild Guns (SNES).

    I hope you can give it a try and let me know your comments.


  • Did you fix your problem Dakiu? I'm looking for the same thing! ^_^


    It seems there is no way to select what walls are affected.

    At the end I use a workaround and just forget to use the ByWall.

  • Hi,

    I'm not sure if this is a bug, or just me so I'm posting this issue.

    I'm using C2 184, the last version of Intel XDK.

    I export to android, then in the intelxdk I use the Crosswalk build.

    I have performed the same steps in the past but only now is not working.

    After I received the build (the x86 and arm from intel), when I try to install the game it says that cannot be installed.

    I have tried on another galaxy and same issue.

    Has anyone else seen this same issue?

  • I also tried with r184, but no luck.

    The banner ad never appears in my game.

    MAybe I should try a intertitial....

  • Ok, I updated the intelxdk and now is showing the cordova section.


  • Dakiu

    If confused, see this tutorial: http://shatter-box.com/documentation/co ... r-android/


    Thanks for the answer.

    But I don't have the Cordova options, in my intelxdk only appears the project setup, not the cordova.

    Perhaps I need to update my intelxdk?

  • Hi All,

    I'm trying to use the new plugin that was added in .181 .182.

    I'm following the instructions from:

    https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/ ... onstruct-2

    I'm in the final step, where you need to add the plugin information, specifically this:

    Name: AdMob Plugin

    Plugin ID: com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob

    [x] Plugin is located in the Apache Cordova Plugins Registry

    However, I don't know what is referring wth "plugin is located in the apache cordova plugins registry", where is this?

    The IntelXdk is only offering a browse button, I don't know what should I browse...

    Any help?


  • Hello All,

    I starting to use AJAX, and I created a password validation (I'm working with C2-AJAX and PHP).

    C2 retrieve the value in AJAX.LastData, and here is stored only 1 value.

    My question is how I can receive more than one value from php?

    I'm guessing that I should use array...

    Does anybody has an example?

    Thanks in advance

  • You can use the "sprite: overlapping at offset" condition to check if the player is next to a certain type of wall.

    I didn't understand completely how to use the Overlapping at offset, I made some tests, but is not working how I want.

    Thanks anyway for the idea.

    I know the "Jump Thru" does not activate the "isByWall" but this does not apply to my game.

    (Basically because the jump thru always maintain the same Angle)


  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm working on a runner game, so I'm using the condition "is by Wall", wherever the character collides with a "wall" the player loose, this works perfect.

    But the problem is that I have some walls that I do not want to be affected by this condition (the player shouldn't die).

    I'm trying something like

    [X] Platform has wall to right

    [X] collides with C (INVERT)

    Then do not die.

    But it's not working.

    Any idea?

    I would like to continue using the "is by Wall" but to choose which are the walls that can kill the player. Not all of them.


  • Dakiu

    Did you find a solution for this? I'm having the same problem understanding the menchanism.

    Yes, as far as I remember, I just updated the animations only in the host I mean the Start Animation.

    This worked for the client.