Dakiu's Forum Posts

  • Hello EncryptedCow,

    I tried with the global variable with different value in the layouts and doesn't work.


    On Start of layout set variable=1

    if (variable=1)   every X seconds


    On Start of layout   set variable=2

    if (variable=2) every x seconds

    I also tried comparing variable, values (layoutName), and other conditions such as layout end loading...

    But, nothing works, the "every x seconds" just ignore those ones.

    It seems that from the start of the game without matters what layout is, the "every X seconds" is always running.

    Any idea?

  • Hello Everyone,

    I need your help to resolve this problem.

    I have two layouts: Layout1 and Layout2 .

    In the Layout1 you can select missions, meanwhile in Layout2 you play.

    The problem I have is the following:

    In the Layout2 I have Every 5 seconds an enemy appears.

    But, if you stay in the Layout1 without select any mission and the 5 seconds already passed when you enter to layout2 the enemy is there...

    The 5 seconds pass meanwhile you are in the Layout1.

    How can I do that the "Every 5 seconds" only works when you are in the Layout2 ?

    Thanks in advance and best regards.

  • Hi, I speak spanish and I understand a little of portuguese this is the translation:

    Ol� gostaria de saber fazer uma sequencia de golpes no costruct 2 to criando um jogo e quero saber como fa�o para player atacar eu j� sei fazer a para de colocar a sequencia

    "Hello, I would like to know how can I do a combo sequence on Contruct2, in order to create a game I want to know what I have to do to put a sequence in the player"

    I think he's referring to the typical press the button 3 times for a combo sequence.

  • Hello Linkman2004,

    Thanks for this plugin it's very useful :D

    Just 2 things.

    1) Could you please post your last update on the page 1? (So, the users can know the new changes)

    2) How do you use the Zoom?

    I don't understand the "Zoom to contain" what's the meaning of Vertical/Horizontal margins?

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Hello, any comment or idea?


  • Hello Everyone,

    I want to try to make a car race game like poke position:


    But I can't figure how can I do the effect of the car running toward the screen, how the car is running across the road.

    How can I do that "3D" effect?

    The car running in an Z-Axis.

    Any idea?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the information podpathos.

    I'll see it.

    Many thanks!

  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm trying to figure how can I do the following:

    • I have a numeric sequence on the screen let's say 12345 (this is generated randomlly).
    • So I want to compare if the user pressed the same sequence: 1-2-3-4-5

    But, It seems that C2 cannot capture the key pressed.

    Wish I'd like to do is something like:

    • Capture the pressed key
    • If this key = [first number on the sequence]


    With the current actions I think I have to do

    if keypressed=1

        compare if [first number on the sequence =1]


    if keypressed=2


    if keypressed=3


    Too much work.

    Am I correct? Am I wrong?

    Could you please let me know your opinion?


  • Hello GenkiGenga,

    I forgot to mention that I'm using Rex's function plugin.

    Right now, I have the positions with coordinates, but your solution to use sprite and check the overlaping looks good.

    I'll try to use it.

    About the second option, is not useful because I want to have like 3 or 5 enemies at the same time :( and when one dies, instantly appears other

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  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm making a shooting 2D game like Wild Guns (SNES)

    If you don't know the game:


    I have a character, and I have defined 6 possible positions where the enemies can appear.

    So, when the player touch an enemy, this is destroyed, and I create a new object of the type enemy.

    The problem I'm facing is that the enemies can appear in the same position (overlaping).

    What I want to do (and I can't figure) is how can I detect if a position is used, and if it is then spawn in other position to avoid the overlaping.

    Sorry if you don't understand me, sounds a little complicate.

    Here is my capx if you want to see by yourself the issue:


    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello,

    The idea from vandinz make sense, is a little complicated, but definitely looks what I am searching.

    keepee, for the colors your idea also looks good, but not all the browser support webgl



  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm wandering of can a personalize a character?

    I mean for example, when you create your character you can choose different color of hair, or different clothes.

    You create the style of your character for the rest of the game.

    This is very common in many games, but I can't think how to do it here on C2, any idea?


  • I re-tweeted :)

  • Hola,

    Aqu? otro m?s de Chile.

    Los foros tienen restricci?n de hablar en ingl?s solamente, no estoy seguro si se aplica al Open Topic.



    I'm from Chile.

    The forums have restriction to speak only in English, I'm not sure if Open Topic is restricted too (If someone knows, please respond).

  • hi,

    thanks for the answers.

    I know php & mysql, I'm new in C2, so I don't know how to send the information.

    Is there a tutorial or something?
