cybertron7's Forum Posts

  • Hello again,

    "Welcome ID: " & FacebookDesktop.UserIDStr

    This simply is returning some other value, which looks like a user ID but is incorrect. What's going on here? :)


    I published my app from developer mode, logged out, logged in -- **** it works.

    Edit: No longer sure my solution worked, but it's working now. Super weird.


  • Nevermind.

    C3 Facebook documentation clearly states:


    The current user's first name. This is only set after On name available triggers.

    So I added a trigger for this and guess what. It works....


    Hey all, as the title says, I'm trying to use the DESKTOP / WEB version of Facebook that ships with C3.

    It doesn't work. I want the first name, and the response from server in JSON is {"first_name":"Greg"}

    But the C3 library is Facebook.FirstName -- so the data is empty.

    Any idea on this? Should I put in a bug report, is this known about etc?

    Their API even says this:

    I'm sort of expecting a translation layer perhaps? first_name becomes FirstName in C3 -- but doesn't appear so.


  • How to use it's properties. When you load the CapX it does not perform like the demo does, I thought it was broken!

    It has [???] for property values.

    Also the type appears to be a string, so many validations fail unless I cast type int().

    However, I did get this working after a few hours and it's AMAZING. Many thanks to you for saving me hours and hours and hours and hours to create one of these fantastic joysticks.

    If you wanted to vastly improve this, you could do methods like (if SmartJoystick.GetJoystickDirection = "right") and so forth, or just update your Capx and maybe fix those [???]'s they are scary!

    If anyone wants to see this running check out

  • Heyyyy man this joystick plugin is awesome -- but I just wasted 30 minutes not understanding how to use it. You should update your Capx -- if you're making sales, obviously, if not... I'm good now. Just a bit frustrated yet relieved this is finally working.

    Edit 1:

    I get SmartJoystcik.[???] and can console.log the X value, but when I go to use it, it is NaN....

  • Ha, I had to google this "Construct 3 iap not working" and I was my own result. So it totally works on iOS and Android if you set it up correctly. I will leave this here from my work, in production app, so there can be no further doubt.

    Here's the correct registration for products and price data. (Note I am also saving this data for when the user comes back to the screen next time, as the 'registration' phase is complete. So save those values and shove them in. Somehwhat messy code but just look at the EVENT PROCESS, not the code and you'll be fine).

  • I really don't have more info than this, it's from customers.

    I did however try my Android gamepad by Ipega, and note that Gamepad input doesn't work on my iPhone.

    Am I missing a setting for gamepads?


  • Yeah twas only 28mb of Memory. I totally got it 100% working at one point! I made a few other changes and broke it again.

    Going to run some more tests, will get back to you. What ever is causing it is super weird.

  • So here's the thing about android and xcode exports -- you gota configure a bunch of stuff yourself.

    What I do on xcode is just replace the www folder which contains the actual Construct export.

    You'll need to manually create icons, permissions, all that jazz. So do that yourself, and on your next export, just replace the files that are... "outside" of android studio.

    Ya follow?

  • Reminder :: The "Red" Error "POST 400" Is a common playfab error that indicates the response is negative and is nothing to worry about.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • HEY! So I've been speaking with and I feel dumb for wasting their time. Again :)

    If you are using the PlayFab plugin they wrote, it is easy to diagnose the issue. In my case, I was simply using a username that was too long.

    Strangely the network tab was showing me the response code of 404 -- PAGE NOT FOUND. I stopped looking further down the line of code -- problem found right?

    Wrong. For some reason it 404's, but the reason comes back in the plugin: USER NAME MUST BE BETWEEN 3-20 CHARACTERS.

    So I shortened the username and it works.

    What system are you using to connect? If you are not using Chadorios' I HIGHLY recommend it.

  • I'm also investigating this at the moment. I think some endpoints on their API might have changed or something....


    Read this. I just went through days of hell. Read this SUPER carefully 5 times.

  • You could do it either way.

    Let's have a condition called "Mood".

    - If Mood = Sad

    -- Create particle effect "Tears"

    - If Mood = Sick

    -- Create particle effect "Boogers"

    You could also do it another way, with 2 buttons that indicate mood.

    - Click on "Sad Button"

    -- Create particle effect "Tears"

    See how that works?


    After reading this and how 'large images' may hurt performance, I thought... Hrmmmm. OK What is the most complex image I have? It was my star wallpaper. So I deleted it.

    What's weird is that it is in use on another layer. But I'm actually able to get into my game levels now.

    Veeeery strange, but picked up a lot of tips from the post above.