cs2curious's Forum Posts

  • im finding i like the heavier densities, it makes collisions more realistic.

    also im finding i changed the stepping rate, velocity/time, on the tires, and that made the car more stable when on the ground

  • ok thats a little better.

    it still seems a bit ''unstable'' however.

    what density do people usually make objects in physics games?

  • The thing on the back wheel is the ''shocks''


  • How do I make more stable physics?

    My vehicle is just kind of bouncing up and down like it has had too much coffee or something, I have tried changing the elasticity, gravity, densities etc.

    I want it to just be parked on the ground if it is not moving, not bouncing like a cartoon car.

    I can provide capx if needed, is there rule of thumb about this?

  • how do you have version 141?

    it doesnt work for me, the most recent one i can download is 139, WHERE do you get 141

    sheesh its like everything is a big secret in this ridiculous site.

    on the download link 139 is the latest version.

  • K here it is


    The shocks are flopping all over the place.

    If i create limited revolute joint, they dont act like shocks, they are not elastic, they are just solid.

    How do i make working shocks bouncy?

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  • remind me what the site is to post CAPX ?

  • Trying to make shocks for a car.

    I create distance joint from car to shocks, and than attack tire to bottom of shocks.

    The shocks spin all over the place, even if i create limited joint at two points.

  • Heres why it didnt work. But i am having a problem.

    The reason it didnt work is because im creating the revolute joint from the tire to the car, instead of vise versa.

    The problem im having now is, i want it to be at a certain point on the car, and be in the riht location.

    I say car: Create object: Tire: at image point # so it will be in the right place,

    but now the problem is the tire is not spinning on its center axis, it is just flopping all over the place, like a cartoon car that walks.

  • K so,

    I have two tires, i give them physics.

    i have a car.

    i add revolution joint from the tires to the car.

    on key is down d

    I apply torque, which i assume made the wheels spin, nothing really happens.

    If i say wheels rotate clockwise,they spin, but the car doesnt really move.

    I thought i understood torque, can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?

  • OK I GOT IT, thanks for nothing anyone who might have known the answer to this!

    thanks procrastinator for trying ^_^

    You have to set the collision disabled before you set the revolute joints for some weird reason =/ pretty dumb, but it worked.

  • Ok, it looks like the arms ( the biceps ) are now passing through, but the forarm is still hitting, either the torso, or the other arms, but there is a disable collisions for each case =/

    I cleaned it up a bit for you. still doesn't make sense why forarm is still hitting =/ I don't want my guy to touch himself XD


  • Thanks I'll have a look right now, I don't know why this thing cant just work properly XD

  • Ok it seems not that the objects are ''colliding'' but it seems like they are revolving on the same joint, I need them to revolve independently of each other. which is what I meant by the ''one bolt'' metaphor.

    has anyone made a successful 2 arm 2 leg ragdoll?

  • I'm no pro, but the only way I can think to do that is pin invisible graphics to your car, different numbers, when the car collides, check to see if any of the pieces collide with the object you hit, then spawn particles at the pinned objects location, for example 1 invisible object could be attached ( pinned) to the hood of the car, on collide check all pieces, if that piece is hitting too then particles will spawn at the invisible object on the hoods location making it look like sparks are comming off of the hood.