crowtongue's Forum Posts

  • DarkShroom: Yes that will only load one picture for each frame, also I'm using different tiledbackground objects.

    Jayjay: Your project is interesting for a lot of reasons, and I'm going to spend a lot of time pouring over it and learning from it.

    Unfortunately, since you know all of the files you are using you aren't changing textures in the way that I am. I am creating a bunch of objects based on how many files are in a folder that the user chooses, then each object is given the texture of each different file.

    Since I have stored the path in a global variable, and each filename in an array, and ive tested that both are storing them properly I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's too much for construct all at once? Maybe I'm unintentionally entered something improperly?

  • I want to create an object based on each file in a directory and change its image to that file. I'm using Texture Setter in a similar fashion to this example...

    My tiled background objects are called Texture. I am using a global variable called Folder to store which folder the user chooses.

    I am using an array called Tileset to store the name of each file in that directory.

    For Each Texture

    Texture: Load Texture From File global('Folder') & Tileset(loopindex)

    This crashes Construct immediately. I have tried some different variations of this with the same result. How would I properly do this?

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  • Would love to give this a try, but the link isn't working...

  • I would work on making the AI for the shooting enemies more threatening. Maybe give them a melee attack, and make it so they can tell if youre crouching and crouch and shoot too.

    Past that I think I would give the character some sort of interesting new ability.

  • By going into Python I think you might be over complicating it somehow. I'm not sure what to suggest because I don't have the most experience but I think it's harder to reference something by it's UID than just finding an altogether different workaround.

    Which brings me to a different point...

    I've now meshed one of the examples R0J0hound pointed me to with my project. It works great except for one thing... because I position everything based on the width of my text objects, there is a gap before it starts placing them. Previously I got around this by using a generic loop with global variables, and not incrementing it until the end of the event.

    The way I position all the text objects needs a "For Each Object" command though, if I try doing this same thing they flicker all over the place. Any ideas?

  • Just wanting to check that you know if you Advanced Search you can choose which subforum you want to search. I haven't found very many Construct 2 things while searching the "Help Using Construct Classic" subforum.

    Also you can seperately search through the old forum, which actually has a lot of useful and still relevant stuff:

    I'm sorry I probably won't be much help anyways, but I can't really wrap my head around what you're trying to do. You have 8 directions, so you have 8 different animations for those... Are you just trying to invert the controls in the second cap? Why are they different animations altogether?

  • I think it's fantastic! I love that the spiral fits into the name like that, and it's a great looking title screen.

    So how far along with the game are you?

  • is that in C2 now? looks nice

  • Well thanks for teaching me a new lesson... Searching doesn't search the old site. I'll have to keep that in mind.

  • R0J0hound showed me a trick to deleting tiles as your sprite wanders about. It used private variables instead of UID.

    See if this helps at all.

    I'm not a programmer so I'm not sure if it is actually as complicated, I don't find typing things out that complicated, I think construct can make that part easier through it's event editor, I just find the logic hard to wrap my head around. Probably just as hard as regular programming?

    Anyways, I guess I probably have to make a new thread, still haven't made progress on my scrollbar issue, and probably no one wants to read the whole thread.

  • I understand about weapons being hard to animate. Most fighting games have weapons or combos or special abilities I think having some way to add a difference to different characters would be nice, but not sure what to suggest.

    As for dodging, I didn't entirely have a system in mind, but here's a couple suggestions.

    • Make one button a "hold to dodge" button. Have some sort of meter that the more attacks are dodged the faster it empties, then it takes a while to recharge. Also maybe make flying kicks something you can't dodge.
    • I had a simple action game I made with 3 different sword attacks. Fast medium and slow. I made a part of the animation the character winding up for the attack so you could anticipate what they would do. If you held the block button and pressed up side or down it would block the appropriate attack. Slower and medium attacks were easier to block but drained your stamina. Fast attacks were hard to block but did much less damage.

    I don't play lots of fighting games so I'm not entirely sure what would be best for your game, I would probably go with something similar to my second suggestion. New characters would be great but I think I would work on making the mechanics a bit more complex first, then having some sort of stats or achievements, then I would work on adding new characters.

    Anyways! Hope to see a new version soon.

  • Looks like a great start. Was the first game my brother got for his SNES when we were kids, I have fond memories of this series.

    I would hope to see some new enemies and stages and bosses though... Have you considered posting in the Help Wanted section to find someone to help with making new sprites?

  • Gillis, that looks amazing! I'm not sure how I missed that. Will be tracking your progress.

  • Turns out the best way to do this was with a generic loop:

    or Each File in apppath & "/images/"       

    - Add 1 to var 'count'

    - Array: set index:global('count')to file.CurFile

    Is global('count') equal to             

    File.FileCount(apppath & "/images/"       

    - Start Loop "createtext" and run Array.SizeX times

    On loop "createtext"                    

    - Create Text                            

    - set text to Array(Loopindex)

    This created only the necessary objects. I left positioning the text to another probably unnecessarily long chain of events, but am happy to report that all the objects are created as planned. I can essentially just copy these for my tile objects when I get there.

    Now my new problem... Making the scrollbar control the position of the text.

    The first thing I've done is created a global variable that records the position of the scrollbar as a percentage of how far along it's track it is.

    Then I've created a global variable for how tall all of the text objects are. With simple math I find the beginning of all the text objects, and the end.

    Then on my scrollbar buttons I've created an event

    Mouse is over Downbutton              

    Left Mouse button is down            

    - Set Scrollbar.Y to Srollbar.Y + 1

    - Text: Set Text.Y to lerp(global('beginning'),global('end'),global('scrollposition')

    Since 'scrollposition' is a decimal should it not set Text.Y to the proportionate position? Instead it scrunches all the text objects together at the top of the screen. I can change it to:

    Text.Y + lerp(global('beginning'),global('end'),global('scrollposition')

    This stops it from scrunching all the objects up on top of eachother, but it scrolls through everything so fast there is still about 75% of the scrollbar left.

    Any ideas on how to do this?

  • So I played this one too. You managed to fix everything that I posted about last time which was great! I like the new controls screen and that you can pause the game now and exit properly.

    I'm glad to see you stuck with it. Hope to see another version of it. To help out and be constructive I have some other suggestions for you.

    • AI. Contrary to what I posted last time if you press any of the attack buttons fast enough you can just keep doing this and win the fight. Might be good to work out a way for the computer to work around this.
    • You are going to need more ways to keep the game interesting once you start adding new characters. My suggestions would be destructible background objects and/or things on the ground to use as weapons. This would be a good way to build on the theme of the game... It doesn't seem to be a backyard at all.
    • Track stats! You could make a screen for tracking things like wins/losses, preferred attack, punches landed/times punched. As you expand the game maybe add some achievements.
    • Add some sort of evasion tactic or add a way to block. I kind of prefer a way to time and dodge punches instead of just having a standard boring old block button, but this is one way to add a bit of depth to your game.

    Looking forward to the next release!