crowtongue's Forum Posts

  • Tried again and still can't do it. I realized though that which version of Construct you have shouldn't matter because Silver's game was a .exe

    It's been a while since I had to install Construct from scratch... did it require you to install some sort of redistributable C++ thing?

  • See I tried this and never fell through. I also played Silver's game at least a few times and explored while I played it too and never encountered this.

    Just to make sure I made my own test with Platform behavior and also couldn't get this to happen.

    Are you using a different version of Construct? I have r2 installed.

  • I don't think you can unload textures with that plugin. It would probably be much more worth your time to state what you are trying to do with the Unique Sprite plugin, there might be another way to do it. Often there is, that's the beauty of Construct.

  • I love seeing threads like this pop up, it's always fun and inspirational to watch other people develop their games.

    I love your idea and you seem to be quite good at art. To be honest I wanted to say that I think your older design for your character that you posted seems to fit your story better.

    Making tests is the way to go. This forum is excellent for getting help and finding threads where people have gone through the same stuff, but often when I don't understand how something works in Construct I'll start a new project just to learn that one thing. It seems to help a lot.

    Welcome aboard, and look forward to seeing more of this!

  • It is crashing because your array is sized 8192 x 8192 which apparently takes up 1gb of memory.

    I changed it to 256 x 256 because that is the amount of tiles you want in your map. Also, 8192 x 8192 = 67,108,864 objects!

    After making the change your program starts again.

  • Works like a charm.

    I fixed my minimap issue more or less. I have one bug where it seems to be reacting weirdly but I'm sure I'll sor that out.

    I was treating "draw terrain ________" as if that were only an image I was picking to plot whatever the condition was for, instead of picking the actual object I wanted to plot.

    Now on to saving and loading! (and I can let this thread die finally)

  • This one is kind of a tricky subject, and tends to vary a bit depending on whether you need scrolling or non-scrolling layers.

    There used to be a good tutorial on this that I can't find at the moment, but take a look at Zotged's explanation and .cap in this thread:

    Does this help?

  • I haven't actually had to do this one myself, but I remembered reading about it on the Construct Wiki.

    Here's the page if you're interested:

    and the relevant excerpts:

    Setting a time scale

    Use the system action 'Set timescale'. A value of 1.0 corresponds to normal time. A value of 0.5 means time in the game passes at half the normal rate.


    Set the time scale to 0 and the game will come to a halt, since game-time is frozen. However, the framerate is not affected, and events continue to run. This can allow you to control a pause-menu or allow other commands to be carried out while the game is paused.

    Seems pretty easy! With your newfound menu skills you can probably come up with a decent pause-menu as well.

  • This plugin is for Construct Classic, so it won't work with Construct 2.

  • So it took me a couple of hours, but I've learned some cool things now, and I've implemented the relevant code into my project. It works beautifully! I was even able to create a 1000 x 1000 map. Even though it flickers when I teleport my sprite to a new location, at least I know it is working.

    Not that I want them to even be that big (what would I do with it?)

    Anyways, now I'm on to the task of fixing the damn minimap.

    I've tried a few things here, and since I can't even think of a way to test this, I'm not sure what else to try.

    I had my minimap set to put a different tile into it based on any value in the array that was a 2. It worked great. I've checked that the squares i'm changing are indeed changed to 2's in the array, so I'm not sure why it doesn't put anything on the minimap.

    I also tried changing the event to a "For Each Object" setting my sprite as the object, and setting another condition that the animation frame is 2.

    What gives?

  • I had thought of a suggestion for the waterfalls but not sure if it helps. Remember the section in the middle where you run through the water and it wobbles? I think I would use a bunch of different layers like that and have them just continuously wobbling downwards, and then at the base I would put some fog giving an effect like this:

    Of course this is always easier said than done, right?

  • So I just tried this out. Some good things to say and some things that could use improvement.

    First of all, I actually find the sprites kind of charming. They are well animated and fun to play with.

    I thought the AI was actually quite good. It will jump around, and it beats the true test of a fighting game, which is if I can beat the game by standing in one spot and continuously punching, I'm not interested. You'd be surprised to know that there was a certain guilty gear game and street fighter alpha 2 which I did this on (on hard setting as well!)

    I noticed that the "About" and "End" buttons don't work. While it's not too hard to close the program manually it's also pretty easy to add in a "close application" event. Also you should let people know what the controls are or they might not have patience to play your game.

    Arrow keys to move - ASD to attack, and shift to jump.

    There is no way to leave a fight once you've started. I would change that, and add a pause.

    The biggest thing to sort out at this point is that after a fight is finished, it cant be restarted. It starts the last fight again with a little bit of HP left. So you get about 2 punches in and it's done again.

    Also I noticed while jamming down the spacebar that it extended the other guys healthbar all the way across the screen.

    All in all I think this is a cool little project, and I hope you keep on with it I'd love to try the next version.

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  • Anyone played this at all?

    It's a pretty good concept... sort of like mixing Star Control 2 with a roguelike. It was also in the first groups of games to get funded through Kickstarter.

    There's some pretty unique gameplay in the sense that even when I get pretty far into it, I always feel like I'm just hanging on by a thread.

    Last time I played I was having the best luck, I had a ton of resources, and my ship was upgraded pretty well, but I was boarded and the boarding party damaged my oxygen room which killed them and all of my crew but one guy. He managed to repair the oxygen room and the engine room and fight off the enemy ship, running between each room and repairing rooms and putting out fires until I destroyed their weapons. That sort of thing is fairly common too!

  • Did you just effortly recreate a better version of my project that has taken me like 2 weeks in an hour or what? <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Anyways the different animation frames thing is pretty great, I would have never thought of that.

    It's going to take me awhile to wrap my head around this, even getting to where I've got has had me racking my brain and writing out text files trying to conceptualize each event.

    Thank you!

  • I am currently at a point where I've figured out how to delete objects that aren't visible on the screen. The plan is that when you move around with WASD the screen will be repopulated with tiles based on what is stored in the array.

    I have 2 tiles. A default one (represented by '1' in the array) and a PAth tile (represented by '2' in the array.) I have them both set to change the corresponding value in the array when you place them.

    I'm working on setting the W key to repopulate the screen (ASD don't do this yet) but for some reason the Path tiles just disappear when you move down and and only default tiles are filled in when you go back up.

    here is the link to my .cap file. It's cleaned up and commented as well as I can manage, and there is a Read Me group with more information inside.

    Can anyone take a look?