Cpryd001's Forum Posts

  • This is for the programmers out there.

    I'm trying to figure out how to write this loop.

    Psuedocode :

    If your Health is between 70% to 100%, you are strong.

    If your Health is between 40% to 69%, you are weak.

    If you Health is between 1% to 39%, you are dying.

    What's the best way to write this?

    More info : If say, your health's maximum value changes? Maybe at level 1, you have 100 health. But at level 2, you have 112 health. Right now I'm using hard numbers, but I'd prefer to be more like a programmer. :)

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    onzephyr does it here, in his game Drunken Wizard. I couldn't figure out HOW he did it. But it allowed him to make the level very Zelda 1-like, and then have the screen pan from one room to another.

    He was even super nice to have his .capx file there.

    Any ideas?

  • Sorry for the late updates - I always destress after teaching.

    I wrote a summary blog post about my class here. http://rockykev.com/2011vgames/

    I wanted to write about my experiences with Construct 2 in the classroom. I had a few issues with the computer lab - but that's not Scirra's fault. I want to thank them for their help in troubleshooting the issues. :) I will warn anybody who is attempting this in their classroom to make sure their techlab is up to spec. Because we could use Photoshop CS3 on our computers, I *assumed* Construct 2 would work right away. Never assume anything!

    Because I wanted the students to be working with photoshop templates (http://goo.gl/3emrn), I modified the Construct 2 Space Shooter game. (http://goo.gl/9xhz) Modifying the Space Shooter game taught me some bits of programming in Construct 2. I created a Mothership monster that appears near the end! :)

    The first week in Construct 2, I just let the students play the game. Telling a student to just play was a joy. I told them to think about what kind of genre they wanted to have. They should think about the enemies, the main character, and the background. And then they just went at it.

    The second week in Construct 2, a few students were already tinkering in the code. One student messed with the numbers to give himself unlimited health. Another student repositioned the enemies. Some students asked about animation. All of which was out of the scope of the class, so I didn't teach it to every student - just the ones who wanted to know.

    The final week of Construct 2, we had to rush to finalize everything. Students were still picky about their monsters. Some just wanted to continue playing and push back their work. I forced them to get a background in, and create a title screen.

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/gh96l.jpg" border="0">

    After every semester, we have a student showcase. It's where all the classes at Fleisher come together to showcase to their parents and their fellow students what they made. The previous day, I uploaded all of their games to dropbox, and had to have offline support for all of them onto my laptop. (since the space didn't have wifi) Everything went off with a hitch! Laptop to projector, a keyboard, and suddenly we had a gaming station! Students shared their experiences with the class, and we attracted a LOT of attention.

    A week ago, the Program Manager came up to me to propose a game design class. My original fear with the Winter 2011 class was that there wasn't enough ART. Since this is a ART-based non-profit, I was really afraid to teach any sort of game design. And now, she brings it right up! Unfortunately, my Spring 2012 class won't come to fruition because of low attendance. But she's already setting me up for a Summer course. I still want them to make that side-scrolling platform game. Because if the games they made using the Space Shooter as a template, I want to see what these kids would do with a platform game.

    I want to thank the whole community for providing me with ideas on how to approach it. And I really plan to master Construct 2 in the near future and make my own dreams come true.

  • When I read the error code, I figured it was a graphic card issue. I'm going to see if I can ninja into the lab and upgrade all the comps to SP3.

    On my **** Crysis-on-max-settings rig at home, the files don't seem to be an issue. So it has to be the lab's old computers.

    Thanks for the reply! It's slowly melting away my nervous breakdown. :)

    EDIT : Once I get that part working out, any suggestions on how to get the preview run working on limited user privilages? Firewalls? I wish I knew more about that side of technology.

  • Oh man. This is Day 1 of 3. I lost a day of teaching because Construct 2 had some issues with loading games. Something with the local server.

    The focus today was to change monsters around. I gave them a monster template, and they were to draw monsters inside the box and REPLACE the sprites in the construct 2 space game.

    Since the play button didn?t work, I found a work around. It worked like this.

    Export the file to the student?s personal dropbox public folder.

    Create a shortcut link to their game, and put it in the Shared Dropbox folder.

    So to test their game, they would export it first, and then play it off of dropbox hosting.

    Unfortunately, a bunch of bugs popped up. Every time I exit Construct 2, it crashed. Some of the in-game sprites weren?t showing. And if you replaced them, the program would crash. Dropbox didn?t seem to want to update the public files fast enough. Also, I had to manually help each student export their project to the public folder. (I thought the file would remember where I last exported it. Nope.)

    I was unable to get the students to see their own in-game artwork.

    Here is a link to the modified Space Blaster game.


    Here's some of the artwork they made.


    I?m going to find solutions to fixing this, and hope Day 2 works out way better.

  • Oh man. New error.

    Click on one of the enemy types on the left side. (I clicked on shield type). Double click on it to open up the image editor. Open a png file to replace the enemy type's image. Crashes.

    i.imgur.com/KQZKJ.jpg - the error

    db.tt/bJattDZM - the png file

    db.tt/gv9AIknu - the construct file

    Also, for some reason, Construct 2 isn't loading their image.

  • Also, another bug I found - very minor - involving the jquery-1.7.1.min.

    Of the 12 computers, 3 of them failed to export because jquery-1.7.1.min wasn't created properly. It hung at jquery-1.7.1.min.temp. I fixed it by copying that file over from other exported projects, and it worked fine.

  • The students computers are WinXP SP2.

    This is another error message that files off. "Error during export : Unable to start HTTP server on 'localhost' port 50000 (1114)

    I changed the Preview mode to 'File', and the game doesn't even load.

    I found a work around by exporting the project, and having them run it via dropbox. They would just have to export the project every time to run it. Luckily, they're not writing code - only switching artwork around.

  • So I managed to get the admin to turn off the firewalls for the student computers. That didn't work.

    The students are on a limited WinXP account.

    Although the play button doesn't work, I'm trying a work around where they just export it and run it from dropbox to test their game.

  • In the class I'm teaching, I tried to Run Layout, and it isn't letting me. There are 15 computers hooked up to the lab using WINXP.

    Students have a student account which doesn't let them have admin access, and instructors (me) have admin access. I can run the game fine on MY admin computer, but the students cannot on theirs.

    They get a 'Unable to starrt HTTP Server for Preview.' Then, I press the 'reconfigure', and it becomes a blank box with a error message.

    I tried to log into a student computer under the admin, but this message popped up.


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    After creating request queue, handle is NULL

    Condition: hRequestQueue != NULL

    File: HttpFileServer.cpp

    Line: 47

    Function: void __thiscall HttpFileServer::Start(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,int)

    Build: release 79.4 (32-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort   Retry   Ignore   


  • Ah! My eye keeps going to the one in the top-right corner, the one powered by google.

    Thanks! :)

  • Is there a way to separate the search function on the forums to posts in Construct 2 and posts in Construct Classic? A advance tab would be awesome. Or links that show which forum the post is located at. (If it's in Classic or in Construct 2)

  • A few months ago, I was asked to create a after-school program to teach Photoshop for 11 to 13 year olds once a week for 10 classes. (The wayback machine, here's the first post I made.) I decided to have the first 5 classes be about the basics of Photoshop, and the last 5 about making video game artwork for Construct 2.

    As I promised, I wanted to update the Construct community about what I'm doing. We are now on Week 5, the kids sorta understand Photoshop now, and without further adieu -

    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle"> <font size="5"> Starting Wednesday, Feb 15th, the students will be using Construct 2! </font><img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I'm NOT teaching how to be a game designer in Construct 2 (that's out of my proficiency), I'm teaching them how bring artwork made in photoshop into Construct 2. I play a lot of video games and used to dabble in flash animation - so video game stuff (like programming and logic and formulas and ) are way over my head.

    Week 5, they'll be looking at some basic Construct 2 elements. We'll be playing with my Pac-man game. (HTML version, capx file) What we will be doing is replacing the pacman with their own animation, replacing the ghosts, and creating a graphical overlay on top of the maze to make it look more interesting.

    (I'm still trying to figure out how to make ghosts work, and items, and powerups. I still have a week to figure it out. Any help would be useful! Pacman game post )

    Week 6 - 9, they'll dig a little deeper. They'll be playing with my platform game. OLD VERSION (This game is still a work in progress too. I plan to use the platform tutorials to make a better version, which I'll update) We'll be doing the same thing with the pacman game, but much more intense. They'll sit down and think about a theme before they start working. (Such as setting and plot) Then, we'll be working on the game. Things that we'll be doing :

         * Create a foreground, midground, background

         * A title screen

         * A game over Screen

         * A character

         * Some new monsters

         * Items and power ups to pick up

         * And they'll learn to make their own level.

    I'm excited to use Construct 2 in the classroom! And the kids are really excited to get into making video games!

  • Hmm. So based on that, I'm thinking of creating invisible nodes to decide which way to turn. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the ghosts move randomly. Thanks for the ideas!

  • Hm, pathfinding seems way more complicated than I expected. I'm looking for a more simple solution.

    I'm dumbing down my idea.

    So if a ghost hits a wall, it decides to turn either left, or right. In a sense, it moves kind of random.

    Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to make this work.


    Thanks in advance. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Edit : Hmm, there's a Simulate Controls. Forgot about checking the sticky 'How Do I' forum post.