Congrats2u's Forum Posts

  • Hello there!

    I got a question about a project i released months ago. I included video files (intro) which worked perfektly. But now our customer told us that on ios 11 the video plackback isnt working anymore. I tried it out and hes right. I can only hear the audio, but the video doesnt shows up. The app is exported with cordova and was "crossplatformed" with the intel XDK

    Is this a problem, i would have to fix? Or is it may a problem apple will fix with a newer update. Has someone an identical experience?

    Note: On the preview version (ios 10.xx.xx) everything iam not sure about how to handle this problem. I told, that its primary an ios problem. Basically there are no more techniques you can include a video file into the project. I didnt used some plugins or anything else, so it should be a common issue.

    Thanks in advance for a feedback!

  • Android.... same problem now.....

  • All

    I solved this issue - i did (of course a lot of research) and found a solution.

    At first add the ionic keyboard plugin into cordova. Then you have to prepare your index.html file too.



    into the deviceready function.

    in my case it looks like this:


    document.addEventListener("deviceready", function ()



    window["c2iscordova"] = true;

    // Create new runtime using the c2canvas


    document.addEventListener("pause", function() {


    }, false);

    document.addEventListener("resume", function() {


    }, false);

    }, false);


    In the intelxdk.confing.additions i added some preferences on top of the script. It looks like this:

    <!-- Change the debuggable preference to true to build a remote CDT debuggable app for -->

    <!-- Crosswalk apps on Android 4.0+ devices and Cordova apps on Android 4.4+ devices. -->

    <preference name="debuggable" value="false" />

    <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" />

    <preference name="KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction" value="false"/>

    Thats it. It works in my case.

    Have a nice day!

  • gumshoe2029

    I did it with WindowHeight/WindowWidth and it works perfectly!

  • I found a cordova solution (ionic keyboard plugin you can add in the xdk manager)

    but iam not sure where i would have to embed the code...


    Do you know how to handle this?

  • Hello there!

    I need help with another scrolling issue: If iam opening the webview window where i can insert some informations (writing an email or something) - the ios keyboard appears, and the whole application is scrolled up. The weird thing is: i get a black bar (from the bottom of the app to the virtual keyboard)

    iam using this line of code to avoid basically scrolling in the app (included into the intelxdk.additions file)

    <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" />

    Is there a solution to avoid the scrolling, if youre using a virtual keyboard?

    thank you very much!


  • matrixreal

    Can you help me with another scrolling issue? If iam opening the webview window where i can insert some informations (writing an email or something) - the ios keyboard appears, and the whole application is scrolled up. The weird thing is: i get a black bar (from the bottom of the app to the virtual keyboard)

    Is there a solution to avoid the scrolling, if youre using a virtual keyboard?

    thank you very much!


  • Hello!

    My question is: Is it possible to check, which device is used? I need to check if its ipad or iphone, because the ios api seems to be differend on both devices.

    (On the iPad embedded videos in construct2 can be triggered with my own sprite - thats pretty cool, but on iphone there is no chance to play it trough the "start" sprite, like on ipads...thats pretty bad - so i would need to check, if the user is playing the app with an iphone or ipad to change the code, depending on their device. On Iphone the videos have their own play button, so my sprites, would be ignored and above the video (because its for ipads too) - thats a weird paradox problem)

    If no one has a solution...i think i would try to check the screen height and the screen width and calculate the ratio (iphones often have a 16:9 format and ipads 4:3).... i hope this would work.

    But iam very happy about any information from you, probably there is a "more safe" solution, because iam not sure if the get windowHeight/windowWidth from construct2 will check the device wH/wW.

    Thank you very much.

  • Would be very great if someone could help me out because its important....

  • Hey there:

    i have an important question about my app. In the intro Scene, which is loaded first, i have a video wich will playback, after the user pressed the start button (a simple sprite)

    The video is placed with the video plugin on construct2. So on ipad it has a fix windows size and will be triggeret with my start sprite.

    but on iphones the video has an own play button....and each function (playing sound (i had to seperate the video and the video sound because it causes some weird quality - but thats another story) - or animate some sprites in the background will be ignored). Is there a solution to setup the iphone video playback the same as its on ipad devices, without its own play button?

    I hope you guys understand the problem

    short summary:

    on ipad: everything is fine, the video has no play button (so i can use my sprites)

    on iphone: the video has a playbutton and plays the video in fullscreen, my sprite triggers will be ignored...this has to be like on ipad.

    is there a solution for recognizing witch device is used? Ipad or iphones?

    Thank you very much!

  • Did someone had the same problem on IOS? And found a solution? Because i cant find one...

  • Hey there,

    it wount get better with this damn sound on ios...

    My sound files sounds good on pc. But on the ios devices it has a weird interference. Its kind of a rattle noise. The soundfiles should be fine...

    Thanks for every single hint.

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  • Hey there!

    Even when i build my application with the Intel XDK - i get a message, that the support will end of June 2017.

    What does this mean for construct2 and the whole app development?


  • matrixreal

    Thanks for your help! It works! Youre DAMN NICE!

  • matrixreal

    it is still scrolling outside the app screen. Do you know what could be wrong? It disables the scrolling on top of the app but on the bottom it is still scrolling out.

    I added this to the intel xdk.config.additions.xml file like described